ZEITGEIST Alternative countries flags

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  • Risur: I've wanted to have something druidic / celtic to represent their traditions and relations with the Fey, possibly also some stars for their Skyseers. Thought about Gondor's flag, but found this one instead on reddit's r/vexilollogy.
  • Danor: something french with a representation of tieflings - so something with horns. Chose Odin's horns symbol, which in Zeitgeist world will be know as "trihorn", an emblem of House Jierre / Pragati philosophy. Chose flag of Plantagenet England with trihorn in place of their lions, lilies stayed to give those french vibes.
  • Ber: something representing their beastial nature / semi-tribal society / racial divergence. Historical flag of Moldova works quite well - a bull (a minotaur?), several smaller symbols (main tribes?) and an overall rustic feel.
  • Elfaivar: something oriental and floral. Historical flag of Japan's shogunate works well, changed color to violet to give a more esoteric feel.
  • Drakr: something ominous and esoteric to represent their necromantic traditions (black and white colors), runes to show their dwarfiness (Valknut with futhark letters) and scandinavian cross because of their north european fluff.
  • Crissylyir: flag of the Teutonic Order with a Triegenes' hook instead of an imperial eagle. Fanatics on their crusade, plain and simple.

So this is a very old bit of thread necromancy, but I recalled these old designs and I was curious how your game has been going. Also, well, I am wondering whether for our upcoming setting book you might grant us permission to use some of these. I don't want to retcon the existing flags, but there's a 20-year time-skip in the book, and the Danoran, Drakran, and Crisillyiri flags you designed would work great for splinter factions that have emerged.

Just curious. I hope you're doing well.


I've just started DMing Zeitgeist and found its countries' flags a little unsatisfying. So I assembled alternative ones, you can see them here.

Still not quite satisfied with Risur & Danor. :/
hey I just posted a new thread I made maps for Ber and Risur that you can use

Zeitgeist seems like an interesting game.
I think we did a good job creating a setting that can serve well for groups who want more complex conflicts. The Gears of Revolution adventure path is certainly weighty, and I don't think I'll ever do something of the same scale again, but I'm working on more stand-alone adventures. I wish Death of the Author had gotten a bit more enthusiastic of a response. Maybe the one I'm currently editing will land better.


I think we did a good job creating a setting that can serve well for groups who want more complex conflicts. The Gears of Revolution adventure path is certainly weighty, and I don't think I'll ever do something of the same scale again, but I'm working on more stand-alone adventures. I wish Death of the Author had gotten a bit more enthusiastic of a response. Maybe the one I'm currently editing will land better.
Huh, that's quite surprising to hear. I thought that Death of the Author was quite well-written. Perhaps it will receive more sales long-term as more groups finish their zeitgeist adventure paths?

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