TSR Am I The Only One Buying Up the DMs Guild Reprints?

Darrin Drader

About five years ago about 90% my classic D&D collection was completely ruined in a basement flood. Needless to say, I was pretty devastated at the time. Fortunately I had the 1E and 2E core books and some select modules on my bookshelf in my main room. Now that the reprints are available from DMs Guild, I've been spending obscene amounts of money on them. The list ot titles I've picked up are below. Am I missing anything really good? I do have Temple of Elemental Evil, Keep on the Borderlands already.

Spelljammer: Adventures in Space
Spelljammer: War Captain's Companion
Darksun Campaign Setting
B4 - The Lost City
B5 - Horror on the Hill
Spelljammer - Under the Dark Fist
Ravenloft 1 & 2
U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
Return to White Plume Mountain
Return to The Keep on the Borderlands
Dungeons of Dread

The following should be delivered tomorrow:
B1 In Search of the Unknown
SJS1 Goblin's Return
U2 Danger at Dunwater
B6 The Veiled Society
SJA2 Skull & Crossbows
B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond
B8 Journey to the Rock
B10 Night's Dark Terror
B7 Rahasia
The Art of the Dragonlance Saga
FOR1 Draconomicon (2e)
Cult of the Dragon
B11 King's Festival
B12 Queen's Harvest
N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God
S4: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
L1 The Secret of Bone Hill
X12 Skarda's Mirror
X13 Crown of Ancient Glory
X10 Red Arrow, Black Shield
X2 Castle Amber
X11 Saga of the Shadow Lord
X7 The War Rafts of Kron
X5 Temple of Death
X6 Quagmire! (Basic)

The following are in the "To Buy Soon" category:
CM2 Death's Ride
The Rod of Seven Parts
The Astromundi Cluster
Dragonlance Adventures (1e)
Ravenloft: Realm of Terror
The City of Greyhawk (2e)

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The EN World kitten
Well, it doesn't get more classic than the original Chainmail rules, though I'm also a fan of SJA4 Under the Dark Fist (assassinate the emperor of a space empire before he invades Toril, Krynn, and Oerth!) and The Shattered Circle (remember Frostrazor, the new sword from Return to White Plume Mountain? Here's where you meet its little brother, Icerazor!).

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Musing Mage

Pondering D&D stuff
I too have been buying a bunch of PoD reprints from Drive Thru RPG... but nothing at the scale you're demonstrating...

impressive darth vader GIF


It's a pretty fantastic way to affordably fill out the gaps in your collection. I definitely enjoy them and I MAY have bought a few more than I should have. I can neither confirm nor deny this.

Darrin Drader

I too have been buying a bunch of PoD reprints from Drive Thru RPG... but nothing at the scale you're demonstrating...

impressive darth vader GIF
I'm running out of titles that they currently have available. I am impressed with the speed that they're increasing the selection though. Hopefully they'll get Isle of Dread up there soon in print.


Game Designer
I've started slowly buying some of the books from editions I've never played! Last year I bought the Campaign Guide to Planescape and the books of Planes of Chaos, Planes of Law and Planes of Conflict. I'm not sure what I'll buy this year, there's so much stuff! I don't think it's for play and more for curiosity.

Darrin Drader

I've started slowly buying some of the books from editions I've never played! Last year I bought the Campaign Guide to Planescape and the books of Planes of Chaos, Planes of Law and Planes of Conflict. I'm not sure what I'll buy this year, there's so much stuff! I don't think it's for play and more for curiosity.
I was never a big fan of Planescape. The art didn't grab me. Neither did the Blood War, the City of Sigil, the basic conflicts, and so on. I know a lot of people loved it, but it was a miss for me. I do like the planes in general, but I'm good to go with the Manual of the Planes.


Game Designer
I was never a big fan of Planescape. The art didn't grab me. Neither did the Blood War, the City of Sigil, the basic conflicts, and so on. I know a lot of people loved it, but it was a miss for me. I do like the planes in general, but I'm good to go with the Manual of the Planes.
What would be your top recommendations then for someone that started playing when 3E came out?

Voidrunner's Codex

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