TSR Am I The Only One Buying Up the DMs Guild Reprints?

Darrin Drader

I guess it depends on what you like. First edition and Basic were all about the adventures while 2nd edition was really focused on providing a variety of settings that run deep and span numerous books. Third edition was "Back to the Dungeon," though there were a ton of splat books and setting books.

If you like settings, my top recommendations are Spelljammer and Forgotten Realms. If you like adventures, I'd check out the list of the top 30 adventures made by TSR. Most of the ones on the list really deserve to be there.

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Rules Cyclopedia if you don't already have it.

Also, Dragonlance Classics Vol. 1, 2, and 3.

Slavers reprint (A series)

If you don't have it already, the Fiend Folio

Things not so big and maybe not to anyone's taste buy my own.

And one that isn't all that essential or loved, but I liked it enough to order it...Sages and Specialists for 2e. NPC classes.

I also got Scarlet Brotherhood for 2e (Though technically, it is easier just to use 1e) purely for the Monk and Assassin class.


Elder Thing
I picked up a reprint of the D&D Rules Cyclopedia, because I've been kicking myself for selling my original copy for 29 years. That's been it for me, really, though if they offer a hardcover Champions of Mystara I'll grab that one too.

I still have my old Spelljammer and Al-Qadim box sets and accessories, thankfully.


Coincidentally I just got the email notification that my copy of Night Below was shipped. Somewhere along the line I lost one of the books, and I plan on running this in a few months, so I needed an updated copy.


I haven't bought any of the PoD titles, and am not likely to do so - these days I'm much more likely to buy products in PDF, even without the increased prices that PoD represents.

I have bought a number of PDFs to fill out gaps in my collection, particularly where settings are concerned. I haven't yet bought PDFs of anything I have in physical form, but even that is probably only a matter of time.


I'm mostly picking up things that I don't own physical copies of and can't find for a reasonable price as a physical copy.

I also picked up the two Star Frontiers hardcovers because I've always wanted a Star Frontiers hardcover. :)

Musing Mage

Pondering D&D stuff
Coincidentally I just got the email notification that my copy of Night Below was shipped. Somewhere along the line I lost one of the books, and I plan on running this in a few months, so I needed an updated copy.

I grabbed a hardcover pod of Night Below earlier this year… it’s a beast!

Musing Mage

Pondering D&D stuff
I'm running out of titles that they currently have available. I am impressed with the speed that they're increasing the selection though. Hopefully they'll get Isle of Dread up there soon in print.
Huh! I would have thought Isle of Dread would already be available. 🤔. I never looked into it as I have the original one. I filled out my b-series modules with pod copies. Now to run groups through them!

Voidrunner's Codex

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