I actually didn't notice the original thread until it was already over, but I think there's still some issues that could use discussion. I am not sure what the procedure is, so I started a new thread. (In particular, I wondered if it was worth discussing that the more active PCs a person has, the more games get into trouble when that person - for lack of a better term - flakes. More PCs per player goes further down this route. Also, and this is a bit nebulous, but simply having more characters grants players a slightly greater influence over the boards as a whole, whether intentional or not. Not sure if that really is a problem, but it's something to think about.)With 3 yes votes and 0 no votes the proposal passes per the Charter rules at 11:21 am EST. That document will need to be updated with this new rule. I'll see if I can get to it later today.
Specifically, however, I would worry that there is a greater potential that someone who is just starting out could be crowded out of playing. As more long-time players create more low-level characters, they would take up more low-level adventure "slots." For this however, I have a suggestion:
I propose as a caveat that the current number of characters in an adventure one player already has be a qualifying factor for joining a new adventure. Specifically, whoever has fewer active characters get preference, and whoever has fewer characters overall get preference if this doesn't decide.
In other words: someone with no currently active characters would be taken in an adventure over someone with 1 character already in an adventure, and the 1 character person is given preference over someone with 2 characters already in an adventure, and so on. This way, someone with 3 characters would only have 3 active characters if no other players were still waiting. Additionally, if two people have the same number of active characters, preference goes to the person with fewer total approved characters. That way, someone with 3 PCs who is waiting around still doesn't get preference over someone just starting out.
This proposal is predicated on the idea that encouraging new blood trumps keeping existing players' addictions fueled; on the other hand, it could be completely misguided as the number of low-level adventures may always exceed the number of low-level PCs. Suggestions?