ZEITGEIST An NPC ability and Saving Throws (5e)


Are the saves associated with "Xambria's consciousness" in Adventure 3 meant to be 8 + character's level?

Is that based on Xambria or on their "friend"? That seems high, and scaling in a way meant for 4e, not 5e.

Should it be closer to how saves are normally calculated in 5e, or is it meant to be increasingly difficult as the campaign moves along?

Sorry for the cryptic way I asked that.

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No, I am fairly certain it should be as they are calculated in 5e: 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Ability Modifier. She gives the ability to do something, but the Saving Throw DC is based on the PC.
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No, I am fairly certain it should be as they are calculated in 5e: 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Ability Modifier. She gives the ability to do something, but the Saving Throw DC is based on the PC.
the attempts to take over the PC's body (if their relationship is poor) is what's 8+character level. the DC for the abilities she gives is already listed as 8 + prof + highest ability modifier.

as for the OP's question, i'd probably change the DC to resist xambria taking over the PC's body to 8 + the PC's proficiency bonus (since it could be argued that if xambria is in the PC's body, she'd gain competence alongside them) + xambria's charisma (so +3 to start).

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