David Jose
I'm huge on props and production value. Especially for handout maps, physical puzzles, and game pieces. I also tend to do a lot of character props for Christmas and birthday gifts for friends and family.
Some useful links!
Propping up the Mythos - http://www.reocities.com/Athens/9133/cthulhu.htm - The current incarnation of an old geocities site from the late 90s.
Propnomicon - http://propnomicon.blogspot.com/ - PUtM's modern day sibling in blog format.
http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Paper-Look-Old - A handful of simple paper aging techniques.
Campaign Coins - http://campaigncoins.com/ - They're too pricey to use as game pieces, but I like to throw one or two in to prop packs that I make for gifts
I really lucked out on teeny skulls, I once found a shop that had either mispriced, didn't know what to charge, or was just trying to get rid of these: http://www.scareflair.com/alchemy-g...jAoqdJmjUBn1XwZxIZgHq6M4JYn2Ba2w1oaAkH78P8HAQ and I bought like 40 of them for 25 cents each.
[EDIT!!!] OMG How did I forget Paranoia?! http://www.crd-sector.com/uv/download/index.htm
Some useful links!
Propping up the Mythos - http://www.reocities.com/Athens/9133/cthulhu.htm - The current incarnation of an old geocities site from the late 90s.
Propnomicon - http://propnomicon.blogspot.com/ - PUtM's modern day sibling in blog format.
http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Paper-Look-Old - A handful of simple paper aging techniques.
Campaign Coins - http://campaigncoins.com/ - They're too pricey to use as game pieces, but I like to throw one or two in to prop packs that I make for gifts
I really lucked out on teeny skulls, I once found a shop that had either mispriced, didn't know what to charge, or was just trying to get rid of these: http://www.scareflair.com/alchemy-g...jAoqdJmjUBn1XwZxIZgHq6M4JYn2Ba2w1oaAkH78P8HAQ and I bought like 40 of them for 25 cents each.
[EDIT!!!] OMG How did I forget Paranoia?! http://www.crd-sector.com/uv/download/index.htm