Announcing The 2013 Gen Con EN World RPG Awards (ENnies) Nominations

Congratulations to the 2013 ENnie Awards nominees! Feel free to get to know the products below by clicking links. Voting begins on Monday, July 22 and runs to Wednesday, July 31. The ceremony itself will be on Friday, August 16, in the Union Station Grand Hall at 8 pm with the cocktail reception beginning at 6:30 pm.

Congratulations to the 2013 ENnie Awards nominees! Feel free to get to know the products below by clicking links. Voting begins on Monday, July 22 and runs to Wednesday, July 31. The ceremony itself will be on Friday, August 16, in the Union Station Grand Hall at 8 pm with the cocktail reception beginning at 6:30 pm.

If you are a publisher, click the image to the right to download a bigger version of the badge to proudly display on your website.

If you’re a fan, feel free to download and print out this flyer for posting in your FLGS.

This year, we are also announcing the Judges' Spotlight Winners prior to the ceremony to the winners to plan their attendance to the ceremony this year to receive their award. The Judges' Spotlight is given to a product that a specific judge absolutely loved but was unable to see nominated. At the bottom of this page is the list of winners as well as the winner's graphic.

Best Adventure

Best Aid/Accessory

Best Art,

Best Art, Interior

Best Blog

Best Cartography

Best Electronic Book

Best Family Game

Best Free Game

Free Product

Best Game

Best Monster/Adversary

Best Podcast

Best Production Values

Best RPG Related Product

Best Rules

Best Setting

Best Software

Best Supplement

Best Website

Best Writing

Product of the Year

Judges' Spotlight Winners


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First Post
Thanks to all those who voted and allowed me to be a part of the judging experience this year. It really is astounding some of the care that is put into each of the products submitted. I look forward to seeing how it all ends up.


First Post
It is such an honor to be nominated three times for Sahdows of Esteren! Thank you so much :)
We will come from France to GenCon again this year so can(t wait to meet you all!
And congrats to all the others great game, it will be hard for us !!!
Cheers from France,


David Flor, Darklight Interactive
Holy crap!!! I'm flattered to be nominated for "A Night in Seyvoth Manor"... And frankly I'm kinda stunned at being what appears to be the only D&D 4th Edition product nominated this year.

Now let's see if I can find a way to actually attend GenCon...

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