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Annoying Player HORROR STORIES!!!!


Various cheaters. The lousiest would cup his hand around his die roll when was bad and call a hit. ( I generally name the to hit AC) . When extra damage, hints, and suggestions of allowing me to see the die roll went unnoticed. No more invitations were sent out to him.

This one group that I used to DM for were all a bunch of cheaters big time. My roommate at the time would roll his d20 and would snatch it up before the die finished rolling and would say, "20". The other guy at the end of table would roll a die and have a look like he was doing math in his head and he always roll 25+ which at the time for his character, it meant that he rolled natural 21's and higher. He refused to let me audit his character and threatened me over it. His wife just rolled a die and was nailing a lot of natural 20's. At the first session, I didn't notice this, but at the second session, I did. The third session, the cheating was so blatant that I made it my last session.

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This one group that I used to DM for were all a bunch of cheaters big time. My roommate at the time would roll his d20 and would snatch it up before the die finished rolling and would say, "20". The other guy at the end of table would roll a die and have a look like he was doing math in his head and he always roll 25+ which at the time for his character, it meant that he rolled natural 21's and higher. He refused to let me audit his character and threatened me over it. His wife just rolled a die and was nailing a lot of natural 20's. At the first session, I didn't notice this, but at the second session, I did. The third session, the cheating was so blatant that I made it my last session.

The old "Roll 'N' Scoop" We had a guy who would do that too. Until we called him on it. The other thing he used to do was add his STR to his to hit and damage in D&D 3rd edition. Not his STR modifier, His STR Score. +18 to hit and damage. Didn't take too long to figure out why he was hitting a whopping 30AC at 1st level.

In hind-sight its funny but back then it was annoying.


First Post
I had one guy who would do crap like that but try to make it more "realistic". Unfortunately, he was an idiot and his idea of being reasonable was that every single die roll was a 16.

I have a really easy answer for that kind of cheating.

It doesn't count.

You pretend to roll a number and give me damage.
I pretend to write it down.
And we move on.
If we get to the point where you complain that the monster should be dead, I point out that it probably would be IF YOU WERE NOT CHEATING.


Not too long ago, one of my players expressed interest in DMing. I rarely get to play so I encouraged him to DM. He DMed one session for the normal group. A few more sessions go by, and he wants to DM again. We had created new characters anyway, so again, I was excited. He was a pretty good DM for just starting off, a bit of a railroader, but he is new, I can deal with it. We have been friends for a long time so I let him know my concerns, just like he does when I DM. Well, the second time, a guy I had gamed with years ago wanted join the session. The guy is unreliable from what I can remember, and the DM agrees that he is unreliable but since he wants to play and the characters are level 1, its no big deal. My girlfriend is a player in the group. She is not the typical gamer girl. She has competed every year in the Ms. South Carolina pageant, she was homecoming queen, a cheerleader, etc. He kept making comments about his character wanting to, well you get idea. The character she was playing was a dragonborn chieftain's daughter, my character was her body guard (no love interest) and his character a charismatic warlord. He seemed to be roleplaying his character so I shrugged off the comments, but the rest of the group, including my girlfriend complained.

I know the guy pretty well, or so I thought, and he doesn't have many friends nor does he apply himself well in social settings. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was nervous around a sexually attractive woman and made comments he wouldn't normally have made.

So he came over for the next session. He was acting all weird and sketchy, looking around a lot, standing up and pacing, texting alot. I was DMing this session and it was getting annoying. About halfway through the session he says he has to go meet with "the lady."

It turns out, from the people in the group that know him a bit better, he got up in the middle of our session to go get some "white lady." I'm now familiar with the term and a bit more educated about the morons that I have associated with.

I just hope I can find more gamers that are as dedicated as me and my best friend. We have gamed together for about 14 years. My girlfriend only games with us because, well, I don't know why she does. She doesn't seem to enjoy it much, but she tries and seems to be learning. Hell, she probably started gaming thinking I was off cheating on her, not believing that I was roleplaying. Now she is stuck playing D&D when she called my 'bluff,' lol. The other people we game with are intermittent at best.


In college, I gamed with this guy, sort of a an accretion to our social group, even though I could count maybe two people who actually liked him. He wore a black trenchcoat and smoked cloves all the time, which is not necessarily a bad thing in a WoD player, but it went way past diffident/pretentious into dissheveled, smelly, off-putting territory. He was competitive all the time, to the point of sabotaging a couple of sessions due to outside issues with him thinking he was going to get with a girl with whom I was in the midst of a complicated situation. Probably the topper was a Werewolf session with about eight players, which due to his poor sleeping habits, he slept through about half of. I was playing a cheerleader and high school dropout, still a little clueless about the whole Garou thing, but earnest in her loyalty to the pack. We were supposed to be rescuing a lost cub captured by the Black Spiral Dancers. Well, there was a controversy over what course of action to take. Rather than be overruled, I said my character was going to try to rescue the girl no matter what, and this guy goes on a long rant about how I was playing Werewolf all wrong, that I didn't understand anything about running in a pack, that my character was "retarded" and "useless" and so forth. I don't know what the hell his point was. Anyway, long story short, the Storyteller tells him in plain terms that my character has as legitimate a position as any to try to assume leadership in the pack, and this guy gives him a look like he's just claimed Vanilla Ice was appointed Secretary of the Treasury. The Storyteller tables the discussion of playing Werewolf correctly, and the action resumes. He and another player decide their characters are going to forcibly remove my character from the situation, which leads me to blow Willpower to avoid frenzying and attacking their characters. Which was the first demonstration of something I had been avoiding bringing up with him in the first place; my cheerleader's high Dex actually made her more effective than his combat monster in most situations. Naturally, after my character is subdued, he slashes her for aggravated damage with his magic claws, just for spite, leaving my character down one wound level (this will come into play later). So we get out of that situation and are on the run from evil, crazy werewolves, in a car running out of gas. I come up with, well, not a great plan, but a plan, to go into a gas station and bluff the attendant into pumping gas for us without revealing that we are a bunch of werewolves. Well, apparently, this guy has dozed off again, and about this time, he's sort of tuned in again and come to, and he's tired of the conversation. So he declares he's going to get out of the van, turn into a hulking werewolf war shape, and pump him some damned gas. His buddy, the other combat monster, agrees to this plan. The attendant, seeing two nine foot tall werewolves exit my character's van, shoots my character at point blank range, dealing exactly enough damage to my character to put her unconscious (remember what I said about taking a wound level earlier? Nice). And my character's natural form is human, so she is now unconscious, in her natural form, incapable of regeneration. Oh, and did I mention my character is the only one in the group with a healing power?

So this guy coolly assesses the situation, looks me straight in the eye, and says, "What the hell were you thinking? I think you just screwed us over, big-time."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
So he came over for the next session. He was acting all weird and sketchy, looking around a lot, standing up and pacing, texting alot. I was DMing this session and it was getting annoying. About halfway through the session he says he has to go meet with "the lady."

It turns out, from the people in the group that know him a bit better, he got up in the middle of our session to go get some "white lady." I'm now familiar with the term and a bit more educated about the morons that I have associated with.

Skill check: knowledge-local .. .. .. .. and natural 1. I got nuthin.

Sorry, but I had to actually google 'white lady'. I now know.


The other thing he used to do was add his STR to his to hit and damage in D&D 3rd edition. Not his STR modifier, His STR Score. +18 to hit and damage. Didn't take too long to figure out why he was hitting a whopping 30AC at 1st level.

Was he cheating or did he actually not realize he wasn't supposed to do it like that?

I ask because I always wondered if my friend thought I was cheating back when I first started playing D&D (2e) and I didn't mean to. I got a +3 sword pretty early on and it had a vampiric touch ability. I misunderstood how it worked and I didn't realize it until after the DM (cheated) and had the sword stolen from me. I think I was figuring in the amount of HP I healed as extra damage I also inflicted, it's been a while & I don't remember the details. He always seemed surprised at how much damage I was doing but I just thought it was a badass sword!

A year later when I was more knowledgeable about D&D, it dawned on me that I may have been using that sword wrong. I should ask him about that and see if he thought I was a cheater. It's been 14 years. :eek:


Was he cheating or did he actually not realize he wasn't supposed to do it like that?

I ask because I always wondered if my friend thought I was cheating back when I first started playing D&D (2e) and I didn't mean to. I got a +3 sword pretty early on and it had a vampiric touch ability. I misunderstood how it worked and I didn't realize it until after the DM (cheated) and had the sword stolen from me. I think I was figuring in the amount of HP I healed as extra damage I also inflicted, it's been a while & I don't remember the details. He always seemed surprised at how much damage I was doing but I just thought it was a badass sword!

A year later when I was more knowledgeable about D&D, it dawned on me that I may have been using that sword wrong. I should ask him about that and see if he thought I was a cheater. It's been 14 years. :eek:

He played other characters before but he's a very slow guy. He was in Learning Disability classes in high school. He's a nice guy who'd give you the shirt off his back and beat the snot out of another guy to give you the shirt off of that guy's back too. I think it was the first time we let him roll up his own character and he didn't know the difference. He can read just fine, he just lacks the attention span to retain anything. So he'll take whatever rule he is reading at the time and twist it to his advantage. So when it said add your STR modifier he took it as though you add your STR score. I guess it was a simple mistake and it was one of those instances we look back and laugh at but it was still a bone-headed move and we give him crap about it.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
A year later when I was more knowledgeable about D&D, it dawned on me that I may have been using that sword wrong. I should ask him about that and see if he thought I was a cheater. It's been 14 years. :eek:

it is never too late to apologize.


First Post
We had a guy who would keep his dice in a dice bag that was inside another dice bag. He would keep all of them in the bag until it was his turn to roll. Then he would open the first bag..., then open the second bag..., then find the correct die..., then roll it, and then PUT IT BACK IN THE BAG(S) until the next time!

Voidrunner's Codex

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