Another Immortals Handbook thread

What do you wish from the Immortals Handbook?

  • I want to see rules for playing Immortals

    Votes: 63 73.3%
  • I want to see more Epic Monsters

    Votes: 33 38.4%
  • I want to see Artifacts and epic Magic Items

    Votes: 38 44.2%
  • I want to see truly Epic Spells and Immortal Magic

    Votes: 50 58.1%
  • I want Immortal Adventures and Campaigns Ideas

    Votes: 44 51.2%
  • I want to see a Pantheon (or two) detailed

    Votes: 21 24.4%
  • I want to see something else (post below)

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • I don't like Epic/Immortal gaming

    Votes: 4 4.7%

  • Poll closed .


Working on it
Fieari said:
Copyedit Nitpicks as I read:

--Amidah Section--

*Alabaster description: "They led an unholy crusade that eventually even embroiled several deities. Alabasters first taste for god-slaying." This should be one sentence, not two. Try using a semicolon instead of a period.

Assuming you cut-pasted that sentence from the book, we should have a possessive in "Alabaster's first taste for god-slaying," too.

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First Post
Well, when everything will be ready, after "beta-teXting" ^_^, let me know, UK.
Oh, and by the way, remember that's just a START. There's a nice full book of Immortal Rules to do next. :p


The EN World kitten
I didn't put this in my errata, but I'm a tad bit concerned that you may be using some WotC IP, U_K. The "Glance at the Kosmos" calls the seventh dimension the "Far Realm." The Platinum dragon entry says they live in the "Twin Paradises." More than one place mentions "ultrodaemons." To the best of my knowledge, these names aren't OGC, and I'm not certain you could make a case that they're too general to be IP either.

Just my worrying.

EDIT: Further errata; Platinum dragon, page 70: In the breath weapon line, it refers to the first breath weapon as "divine somic damage" instead of "divine sonic damage" at one point. Also, it doesn't list how much healing the iatric breath weapon does.
Last edited:


Working on it
Because of family obligations, I'm really not in a position to go through stuff with a computer assisted fine-toothed comb, but I started. Here's what I've found:

pdf page 3

Consider a comma "For supplemental material, visit the Immortals Handbook website"

There are two instances of "System *Refence* Document" instead of "Reference" in the legal stuff.

That's one page down!

It's fabulous, U_K! I really enjoy it. Here's to its success and to rest of the IH series.


Hey guys! :)

Okay I am starting to fix all the mistakes now, so if you have any errata you have found email/post as soon as possible. I'd rather not air my dirty laundry in public but I appreciate the help so no big deal either way I guess.

Glad you guys are liking it so far, a few things I am not entirely happy with (mostly regarding the really powerful stuff) and as I mentioned before I am not totally certain about CRs above 200, I'll probably take another look at them tonight.

Regarding product identity.

I will change Ultrodaemon to Ultradaemon, hopefully that is sufficiently different to Ultroloth.

I will remove Twin Paradises.

I did a google search there and there was nothing about WotC's Far Realm on the first page at least. I think I only refer to it a few times and my Far Realm is the dimension of thought, named as such because its farthest away lower dimension from the Prime Material Plane. I suppose I could change it to the Far Place, do you guys think thats necessary?

One problem with the Amidah/Alabaster entry was the lack of space, I mean I easily could have filled another page but I wanted to keep the 96 page format. So I would have loved to better describe Alabasters six major artifacts (and detail all special abilities they have*), their histories and so forth, but I just didn't have the room. :(

*Appearing in the Grimoire among many, many more. ;)

Glad you like the Undersword Fieari, I am not sure which of his six weapons is my favourite, maybe Godsend. :cool:


A couple more I found.

*"A cometary dragons senses" should be "A cometary dragon's senses"

*"A cometary dragon decides its time for it to die" should be "A cometary dragon decides it's time for it to die"

*"Constructs created from diamond should be treated as if
vulnerable to critical hits." please rephrase this to "Constructs created from diamond are not immune to critical hits."

*"The world is invaded by an army of hollow diamond golems, within each..." change comma to a period.

By the way, would you mind if I statted up Maladric (the 68th level Sorcerer Akalich) who wants to merge with an ioun golem and post it on the NPC Wiki?

Hey all!

I appreciate the help but I just wanted to post my errata of your errata. :p

- Alabasters CR is not 179, its 139. I know 117th-level + Vampire (+2) + Amidah (+60) is 179 "officially". But a 117th-level character is not CR 117 on its own. Also when you add full wealth on top of the Amidah CR bonus hes ECL 209.

- Alabasters Caster Level is 177th (117 + 60 luck bonus).

- The Akaliches Overshadow ability is instantaneous, hence no duration.

- The Robes of the Almighty will not make you more powerful than a Time Lord, they are multi-dimensional beings, as is the Supreme Being.

Okay, you basically have less than 30 minutes to post anymore errata. Otherwise your findings will have to wait until an updated version.

By the way, I would put the names of the people who helped here in credits (those that are not there already), but there is no room left to add anymore names, but you guys know I appreciate the help. ;)

Hiya mate! :)

Fieari said:
By the way, would you mind if I statted up Maladric (the 68th level Sorcerer Akalich) who wants to merge with an ioun golem and post it on the NPC Wiki?

I don't mind at all, since you asked first, as long as you give me a credit. ;)

Oh and I have to be able to post a link on my website. :cool:

Hi all! :)

Okay I just updated my website with the details. The Bestiary will be available from 9am tomorrow morning.

I will send out the copies to those who bought the unofficial release first thing in the morning. I will create a new thread in the House Rules forum and I will set up sale from ENWorld Shop and RPGNow.


The EN World kitten
Upper_Krust said:
I will create a new thread in the House Rules forum and I will set up sale from ENWorld Shop and RPGNow.

Hm, U_K, I don't think the House Rules forum is the appropriate place anymore. Now that it's a third-party product for sale to the general public, this'd be much more appropriate over in Publishers & Press Releases forum.

In regards to Alabaster, I can understand where you're coming from with how you get the CR (I don't necessarily agree, mostly because I haven't seen everything), but this leaves you essentially making a leap of logic in the product, without even mentioning that you're doing it. Basically, because no one knows how/why you're getting the altered CR, they'll probably tag that as an error. Also...are you really married to the page count? Because I cannot begin to tell you just how much I'd love to see expanded info on Alabaster and his swords - you can just get rid of the blank page after the front cover, since it's serving no purpose that I can see.

In regards to the IP, I'm sorry to see Twin Paradises complete guess would be that you might be able to get away with it, but that's extremely iffy. "Ultradaemon" should be enough of a switch. In regards to "Far Realm"'re right about that term appearing elsewhere, so I'm cautiously optimistic that you'd be able to let that one slide. Besides, "Far Place" sounds wussy anyway. ;)

And about our names not appearing in the credits...damn, I could have used the exposure! :p

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