Any Christian rpgs?


Could a Christian play Through the Breach or Castle Falkenstein? Would the magic in CF preclude a Christian from playing? Would the magic and Necromancy in TTB stop a Christian from playing in good conscience?

Could changes be made to either that would make them more Christian friendly?

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Dire Bare

Could a Christian play Through the Breach or Castle Falkenstein? Would the magic in CF preclude a Christian from playing? Would the magic and Necromancy in TTB stop a Christian from playing in good conscience?

Could changes be made to either that would make them more Christian friendly?
I don't see why not.

There are many denominations within Christianity, which is a big tent. Some Christian folks play all sorts of RPGs without any concerns. Others feel that the inclusion of supernatural elements makes RPG play inappropriate, at least in keeping with their faith. This is also true of every other major world religion out there.

Are you asking for yourself? That's a conversation for folks within your faith group.

Are you considering inviting a Christian friend to play RPGs with your group? Then . . . ask your friend.


Deluxe Unhuman
I don't see why not.

There are many denominations within Christianity, which is a big tent. Some Christian folks play all sorts of RPGs without any concerns. Others feel that the inclusion of supernatural elements makes RPG play inappropriate, at least in keeping with their faith. This is also true of every other major world religion out there.

Are you asking for yourself? That's a conversation for folks within your faith group.

Are you considering inviting a Christian friend to play RPGs with your group? Then . . . ask your friend.
Yeah - depends on the Christian.


As long as i get to be the frog
Does magic in a RPG mean you cannot play it?
Depends on one’s convictions.
The Bible forbids fortune telling, speaking to the dead, sorcery, and necromancy.
In general playing an rpg, even one that includes fictional characters doing such things, doesn’t involve anyone actually doing those things. It may still be a line too close for some, but it’s important to acknowledge it’s not the same.

I don't advice games set in the "real world" because you could find you can find yourself involved in controversies at the most unexpected moment.

Can you play Pokemon? Pokemons are relatively sentient creatures with "magical" powers, but really it happens in a fictional world where the Nature laws can work in a different way.

Can you watch "Thor" movies? You can watch if you know Asgardians from marvel comics aren't true deities but powerful aliens. Can you watch "Doctor Strange" movies? You can watch them in the same way you can enjoy the family-friendly sitcoms "Bewitched" or "Sabrina the teen witch" when you don't believe magic could work in the real life.

My opinion is the magic in the speculative fiction doesn't promote the esoterism and ocultism, but it causes the opposite effect, these being be considered on the same level as mythology.

A Christian teenage group could play World of Darkness, Buffy the vampire slayer or Charmed if previously some things are changed.

But some tropes should be avoided, for example there are serious abuses of the "wolf with sheep's clothing" or a believer who tries to be a good person, but later she is going to suffer a crisis of faith. It is as if you add a femme fatal to your stories, if you use them too many times then it seems misoginy.


Enjel by Federal und Schwert (English translation) looked really good. You play as an angel wandering the wasteland of earth after Armageddon. Sadly the font they used made the books unreadable.


No, but some Christians believe it is sinful deriving entertainment from the simulation of such acts.

Sure. Some people also believe it is wrong to, for example, eat meat. Some people adhere to an ethic of absolute nonviolence. Others believe that military service is honorable. I'm personally not particularly interested in judging people over their beliefs.

Are you asking as a Christian wanting advice? What prompts your interest?

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