D&D 5E Anyone else annoyed at Wizards lack of Minion summoners?


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So, I was looking at the wizard, and I rediscovered, yet again, a piece of it the bugs me. A lot.

If I'm making a Summoner wizard, I'm making one because I want to summon things to fight for me, not be cause I want the "Beam me up, Scotty" experience as I bamph around the field. Basically what I'm saying is the wizard doesn't have enough summon spells.

Right now, our options for wizard summoners are: Elementals, Undead, and FIENDS. Anyone seeing a pattern here? I get the undead, necromancy is common in tales and is it's own school of magic. I just find it irritating that our only option for a non-dark/evil summon wizard are Elementals. I feel like wizard is getting ripped off because other classes get things like Conjure Celestial(which I could also rant a bit on), Conjure Animals, Conjure Woodland Beings, and Conjure Fey.

I kinda feel that Conjurers, who specialize in conjuration magic, got kicked in the teeth in terms of their options. This makes it even more irritating when Wizards can't even use spell scrolls with the above spells on them, though I get not being able to copy them into the spell book. Honestly, I'm considering home brewing something like a Conjure Aberrations spell, or even house ruling that any caster can attempt to use any spell scroll, keeping the check for spells not of your class though.

I'm sorry that this is a bit if a rant, but this has just been very annoying and seems like Conjurers kinda Got hit with the naff end of the stick in terms of summoning, at least options wise. I just hope that WotC gives us more non-evil options in later supplements, and I know that Summon Demons and Infernal Calling are meant more to be villain spells than anything else, but the lack of option still annoys me.

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First Post
Honestly, I'm considering home brewing something like a Conjure Aberrations spell, or even house ruling that any caster can attempt to use any spell scroll, keeping the check for spells not of your class though.
I think homebrewing a few new spells would be a better choice than changing the scroll use rules.

Mostly because you can give the summoner much more by creating new spells. Like, think about how much better it'd be to create a couple first level spells - your summoner would be a summoner right from the start.


I think Zan...Zxan....Xzan......Xan.......that new guide to the universe and everything might be worth a perusal by your good self. You may find it rather pleasing re spells.

I also wouldn't have too much issue if I were your DM if you wanted to swap some spells around....As long as you gave me something back......Like your soul.

Talk to your DM. They might just be accommodating.

Ps. Also what Satyrn says. Design a 1st level spell. Put it out here for the community' advice. Even if you don't/can't use it, it's a fun thing to do.
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I really like the fiend summons in XGtE.

I see undead raising as something for villains but fiend calling as a PC thing. I suppose that might be weird.

I suppose I just see fiend summoning as a classic archetype in fantasy.


Well a conjurer getting free short range teleport is great at 6th level, it just doesn’t fit the theme. The later features do, but the problem is limited summons.

I get creating things out of elements, but the animate objects spell far outweighs anything you can create. The 1 minute casting time sort of ruins the effects of summons also.

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First Post
Summons slow down play and given how incredibly potent action economy is in this edition add a lot of power to the summoner's side. I can see why they limited it in this edition.



The reason that Wizards don't have those spells is to ensure people who want to play summoner Druids and summoner Clerics have something special that they can do that the Wizard can't. Older editions were terribly bad at keeping magic out of the Wizard's hands.

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