Dragonlance Anyone know of a 3rd party adventure follow on to SODQ?

6th level is not what I would call the halfway point.

Still your group seems to run through content super fast. Did you do everything in Vogler in one session?

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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
and here I am, with my players who forget which game we are playing in between games....:p

More seriously, if you dont mind converting a little there's the later modules of the Scales of War adventure path for 4e or maybe a buffed up Red Hand of Doom for 3e ?

I guess you could use pretty easily the second part of Tyranny of Dragons as a follow-up to SotDQ.


6th level is not what I would call the halfway point.

Still your group seems to run through content super fast. Did you do everything in Vogler in one session?

Almost but not quite.

Trying to be vague and not spoil things - at the very end of the 1st session a rolling dragon with some draconians rolled up on us. That was the cliffhanger at the end of the 1st session and that started the 2nd session. So if you know when that happens you know how far we got.

At the end of the 3rd session we landed in a wasteland (don't remember what it was called) with the Army in tow, fought a battle on a ship and met "D".
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It really doesn't matter how fast a group plays thorugh an adventure. Nothing wrong with it regardless of how fast or slow you go.

What's relevant is that he is looking for More DL content to add to their campaign. Let's try to keep our "help" to that purpose.


My gaming group is loving SODQ, but it is very short and we will likely finish in another 3-4 weeks ..... after which we are probably done with Krynn if we can't find anything else.

Something that would take us to level 15 or so would be ideal.
Adventure wise for 5e, no. Your best bet imo is to get the original DL modules (personally I'd go with the 3.5e versions) and pick off from where you are, which means basically in the middle of the second book. Chapter 8 (talking about the 3.5 adventures here) seems like a good point to start off on (and you can move the start to wherever your chars are with no problem, the book already does so even though its locations are somewhat off from where you chars will be).

Obviously that requires some more work than a 5e adventure, so up to you. On the DMsGuild you can find some conversions that were released recently to help with that... actually it looks like the books 2 and 3 are not yet out, but they should follow relatively soon, for now your best bet is

and maybe

but that would have been more for more info around the region SotDQ is in
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I would homebrew participation in the War of the Lance on the plains of Solamnia, edging in to DL8 and perhaps DL9 territory. I think DL8 alone would suffice really -- and then move to the natural climax of the SotDQ campaign - which is the main adventure in DL16 - World of Krynn in Ch. 4 Dargaard Keep by Michael Gray.

The heroes of SotDQ must enter and explore Dargaard Keep and destroy Lord Soth in his ancestral home. No more bait and switch -- the Big Guy and his Legion must be defeated & destroyed.


I would homebrew participation in the War of the Lance on the plains of Solamnia, edging in to DL8 and perhaps DL9 territory. I think DL8 alone would suffice really -- and then move to the natural climax of the SotDQ campaign - which is the main adventure in DL16 - World of Krynn in Ch. 4 Dargaard Keep by Michael Gray.
just to be nitpicky, because I am not sure how familiar everyone is with DL1 to DL16…

the DL saga goes from DL1 to DL14 (with two of them not being part of it but supplemental info, the saga is 12 modules). DL15 and DL16 are collections of several short adventures. They are not the conclusion of the War of the Lance, which the numbering might suggest.

The one adventure in DL16 is about exploring Soth’s castle. If you are ok with him having a Tarrasque in his basement, run that, but to me DL15 and 16 have nothing to do with the War of the Lance and kinda jumped the shark.

So DL8 (probably 9 actually) - DL14 (defeating the dragon queen) is more the conclusion I would go for, as I suggested above. YMMV
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just to be nitpicky, because I am not sure how familiar everyone is with DL1 to DL16…

the DL saga goes from DL1 to DL14 (with two of them not being part of it but supplemental info, the saga is 12 modules). DL15 and DL16 are collections of several short adventures. They are not the conclusion of the War of the Lance, which the numbering might suggest.

The one adventure in DL16 is about exploring Soth’s castle. If you are ok with him having a Tarrasque in his basement, run that, but to me DL15 and 16 have nothing to do with the War of the Lance and kinda jumped the shark.

So DL8 (probably 9 actually) - DL14 (defeating the dragon queen) is more the conclusion I would go for, as I suggested above. YMMV

I love the classic Dragonlance volumes, but I don't think that is what we are looking for.

The main problem is most of the players are thoroughly familiar with them and some of us have both played them and then DMed them for multiple different groups.

Another problem is the plot gets difficult if you are not using the pregen characters.


just to be nitpicky, because I am not sure how familiar everyone is with DL1 to DL16…

the DL saga goes from DL1 to DL14 (with two of them not being part of it but supplemental info, the saga is 12 modules). DL15 and DL16 are collections of several short adventures. They are not the conclusion of the War of the Lance, which the numbering might suggest.

The one adventure in DL16 is about exploring Soth’s castle. If you are ok with him having a Tarrasque in his basement, run that, but to me DL15 and 16 have nothing to do with the War of the Lance and kinda jumped the shark.

So DL8 (probably 9 actually) - DL14 (defeating the dragon queen) is more the conclusion I would go for, as I suggested above. YMMV
I would leave 9-14 for the Classic campaign. I have no interest in grafting that on to SotDQ in any significant manner. That's for the Classic campaign.

Yes, I would run Dargaard Keep as the SotDQ conclusion. I find removing encounters from a module that are a paragraph or less to be EASY. None of this 1st ed stuff translates to 5e without re-working it. That applies to every module or adventure ever published -- DL16 included.


Another problem is the plot gets difficult if you are not using the pregen characters.
It really doesn't. There are no issues of any consequence there. At all.

This sounds a lot like "I don't like it" rather than "this is a problem". You get to like what you like, but problems suggest an objective element that is more than opinion and taste.

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