Anyone tried DnD tactics yet? (PsP)


Rangoric said:
That would make my future Psychic Warrior, Psion, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer and Wizard party very unhappy :(.

That would mean less Big Badda Booms.

Well, I'm not sure anymore. It's kinda weird. It didn't show up properly in the menu from the campaign portion of the screen (along with the proper hit points of a wizard who had the toughness feat+toad familiar), but then in combat itself, I things were okay. Just displayed wrong? Or not calculated properly until you go into combat?

Although the game wasn't exactly rushed (indeed, it's almost a year overdue), I think it needed a little more polish. At least the campaign portion. I've found the menus in combat to work quite well, but outside not so much.

The tactical/combat portion, that is really slick though. I have to think it captures D&D better than any previous games. Like when you go into a dungeon, it really feels like it, the way lighting is handled. It's not like NWN where everything radiates light, you have to have your characters hold up torches or be in the dark.

And the different party members talk to each other while your are exploring. I haven't seen that, well, since the Magic Candle days, I guess.

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trancejeremy said:
Well, I'm not sure anymore. It's kinda weird. It didn't show up properly in the menu from the campaign portion of the screen (along with the proper hit points of a wizard who had the toughness feat+toad familiar), but then in combat itself, I things were okay. Just displayed wrong? Or not calculated properly until you go into combat?

Although the game wasn't exactly rushed (indeed, it's almost a year overdue), I think it needed a little more polish. At least the campaign portion. I've found the menus in combat to work quite well, but outside not so much.

The tactical/combat portion, that is really slick though. I have to think it captures D&D better than any previous games. Like when you go into a dungeon, it really feels like it, the way lighting is handled. It's not like NWN where everything radiates light, you have to have your characters hold up torches or be in the dark.

And the different party members talk to each other while your are exploring. I haven't seen that, well, since the Magic Candle days, I guess.

Well, as long as it shows up in combat (when its needed) and doesn't hurt anything I don't really mind.

Can't wait to start blasting everything :)


Well, I didn't play much as a Psion. I actually don't know anything about it, as I don't use psionics in my game. Just thought it would be a change of pace. But I decided to start over and made my main character a Cleric, and have a party of a that, a Rogue, a Sorcerer, a Wizard, a Paladin and a Fighter.

Also, if you like Tactical RPGs, you might check out Lord of the Rings: Tactics. While I wouldn't say it was a great game, it was decent, if a little slow moving. And it's cheap. (I also am not sure you will find Spectral Souls playable, depends on how much the PSP Slim will improve loading times on older titles. It was horribly programmed. Incredibly deep game, but poorly ported to the PSP)


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As I understand it, there will be a stand at GenCon UK where this will be demoing, and there will be PSP's to try the game out on.


Heh, got used to the rather forgiving Fireballs in NWN. In this you not only have to make sure you get the radius right, you also have to make sure your fireball doesn't hit anyone on the way and explode prematurely. Ooops.

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