Aqua Teen Hunger Force PBP (recruiting)


I've noticed that I am not the only one with an ATHF avatar on these here message boards. I've seen Frylock and Meatwad around, and I think I even saw Happy Time Harry once. Suffice it to say, I can't be the only fan. What I want to do is play a generic d20 game based on the Aqua Teen Hunger Force universe. The plot is simply that you are a character who gets introduced for a single episode to engage in wonderful hijinx with or against the Aqua Teens. If you've seen the show then you know exactly what I am talking about.

Character Creation Rules:
Anything you want, but has to be rooted in the d20 system. You cannot play as an existing character, but you may have some relation to them; a cousin of the Mooninites for example (we already know Ignignot has a crazy uncle). Try to keep things simple though. Anywhere from 1 to 10 HD is probably sufficient for most purposes. You can be a human, a demon, a magical beast, whatever you want. One or two special abilities at most. Try to stick to basic feats like Weapon Focus (random thrown object). Your character's objective could be to kill the Aqua Teens, do their laundry, corrupt Meatwad, or just annoy the living crap out of Master Shake. If you try to kill the Aqua Teens, bear in mind that Frylock is a 20th-level warlock (the eldritch blast is his laser eyes) who is likely to kick your 10 or less HD ass, so you better have something special in store.

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