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Arcanis: Gonnes, Sons, and Treasure Runs (COMPLETED)


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Assault Upon the Gate of Tears - Part 4b: Inner Conspiracies

Quintus walked up to Kham and in his usual booming voice, said, “Here’s your scimitar back. What have you discovered?”

Kham put one finger to his lips. Then he put two fingers up and pointed at the door.

Something heavy thudded on the other side of the door.

“They’ve heard us,” said Ilmarė. “It sounds like furniture is being moved.”

Kham shook his head at Quintus. “Do you have to shout everything?”

“What?” boomed Quintus. “This is my usual speaking voice.”

“No help for it now,” said Vlad. “I’m going in!”

He kicked the door open and charged forward, only to discover an antechamber with another door half-open.

Vlad ran up to it and peered in. A long corridor opened into a larger room. “I don’t see anyone inside, but the desk is turned over.”

“Something’s wrong,” said Ilmarė, standing hesitantly at the first door.

Quintus ducked in behind Vlad, shield up. “I don’t see anyone either.”

“That doesn’t mean there’s no one here,” said Holden, taking up a position to the left of the second door with rifle in hand.

Kham shrugged. “I’ll keep looking for an exit out of this damned place.” He disappeared out of sight down the hall.

Fulgur sagitta!

There was a horrible pop as a bolt of lightning tore its way through the corridor. Quintus hunkered down behind his shield, but the electrical energy blasted right through him.

When his vision cleared, Vlad was leaning against the corridor, smoke billowing up from his armor. Quintus had managed to avoid the brunt of the blast thanks to his shield. Holden fired back into the room with his rifle at the unseen attacker. Vlad stumbled backwards. Someone ducked behind the overturned desk.

“Well,” said Quintus, rising to his feet. “There’s definitely somebody in there.”

“We’ve got to press him!” shouted Vlad. “Quintus, come on!” With gritted teeth, the warrior spun back into the corridor and charged down it.

“Ilmarė, Holden, cover us!” shouted Quintus.

Holden was busy reloading his rifle but he grunted in affirmation. There was no sound from Ilmarė.

A cold, hard knot fell to the bottom of Quintus’ stomach. He looked over his shoulder.

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Assault Upon the Gate of Tears - Part 4c: Inner Conspiracies

Kham came skidding to a halt in front of a scene of total carnage. Inside the room, Quintus stood frozen, torn between attending to the fallen Elorii in the hall or joining the battle further beyond the antechamber.

Ilmarė lay just outside of the doorway, her flesh still smoking from the blast.

“Whoa,” said Kham. “I’m gone a minute and you lose the elf?”

“Kham…” Quintus croaked, tears in his eyes.

“Go do what you do best,” said Kham. He crouched down to get a better look at Ilmarė’s wounds. “I’ll take care of her.”

The elf’s delicate features were contorted in pain. Ilmarė’s right hand was a blackened claw. Her left arm had a wound where the electricity had jumped out of her flesh. The leather on her thighs was blackened, with two burn wounds bigger than Kham’s fist. It was bad.

But she was still breathing. Kham cradled Ilmarė’s head in the crook of his elbow and lifted a healing potion to her lips.

The liquid trickled over cracked lips and onto her teeth. Kham was amazed any of the potion made it into her throat.

The blackened wounds started to close. Ilmarė convulsed and coughed. Her eyes fluttered open.

“Hey baby,” said Kham, smiling down at her. She was inches from his face. “Come here often?”

Ilmarė slapped him with her good hand.


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Assault Upon the Gate of Tears - Part 4d: Inner Conspiracies

“Letum infernus!” shouted Quintus, charging ahead with his shield and spear raise.

Vlad was ahead of him as the resounding CRACK! of Holden’s rifle echoed in his ear. The bullet sparked off of the now-visible wizard’s head as if it had struck stone. The Ymandrake wore thick dark robes and a golden circlet about his brow.

“You are either very brave,” said the Ymandrake, “or very stupid. Magicus telum!

The Ymandrake was crouched behind a heavy, inlaid desk that he had flipped over. Shearing bolts of black energy sliced into Vlad. It spun the big man sideways. He gasped in pain.

“He’s enchanted his skin,” said Holden. “I can’t hurt him!”

“I’ll take care of this personally,” said Quintus with a snarl.

He hopped up on the desk. It was littered with recently burned scraps of paper. Quintus speared downward, the tip of his weapon skittering across the Ymandrake’s upraised arm.

“Fool,” he hissed. “You cannot harm me! Magicus telum!

The spiraling bolts tore right through Quintus’ shield and into his chest. He fell backwards off the desk, dazed from the pain.

Vlad rose to his feet as the Ymandrake stepped out from behind the desk.

“You don’t know when to give up, do you?” asked the Ymandrake. “Let me convince you: fulgur sagitta!

The wizard extended both hands and bolts of lightning sheared from his hands. It sparked across the room, sizzling through Vlad and arching towards Quintus. Vlad, trapped in his plate armor, fell to the ground. Smoke rose from his unconscious form.

Quintus’ hand twitched as the electricity flowed up his spear and into his arm. It exited out his other hand, through his shield. He dropped both, numb.

“Have you had enough?” the Ymandrake asked, dusting himself off. “Or shall we continue this folly while the place falls around us?”

Holden kept his rifle trained on the Ymandrake. “Your call,” he said to Quintus.

Quintus stepped over to Vlad. He was still breathing.

“Let him go,” said Quintus.

“Pathetic,” sneered the Ymandrake. He leaped onto one wall like a fly and stuck there. “This place will be your grave.”

Quintus met his gaze. “Mark my words,” he said, “there will be a reckoning.”

The Ymandrake laughed. “Then I shall reckon with you another time,” he said. From his perch on the wall, he vaulted over Holden’s head and out through the corridor.

A few seconds later, Kham poked his head in. “Now I’ve seen everything,” he said. “Some guy ran past us. On the ceiling.” He dragged Ilmarė into the room and closed the door with his heel.

Quintus was visibly relieved. “Ilmarė!” He turned to Kham. “Is she all right?”

Kham rubbed his chin. “She’s her old self again. Listen, I don’t mean to break up this happy reunion, but we’ve got bigger problems.”

“Like what?” asked Holden.

Something heavy slammed into the door of the antechamber. A chorus of angry shouts accompanied it.

“Like that,” said Kham.

After checking on Ilmarė, Quintus saw to Vlad’s wounds.

“Vlad’s not going to be enough,” said Kham. He drew two pistols and ran behind the overturned desk. “I counted over ten of them out there.”

Quintus pulled out a satchel full of scrolls.

“What are you doing?” asked Holden.

“Calling for reinforcements,” said Quintus.
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Assault Upon the Gate of Tears - Part 5a: To Take a Black Ship

“Break down that door!” shouted Dinvinatos Salavinto, a woman garbed in dark robes.

The sailors continued to pound on the door to the antechamber.

“This is insane,” said Solano De’laventas. He was obviously a dark-kin, his skin resembling wet paper, peeling and sloughing off at his slightest movement. “I don’t care what the Commandant said, we should just bury them here.”

“They have access to the mirror,” said Dinvinatos. “And the papers. Vladimir did not destroy them all before he left.”

“You expect me to risk the lives of my men for papers?”

“Those documents contain the names of a few Ymandrake agents working in secret in Milandir and the Coryani Empire,” she said. She left out that they also contained lists of all the men, women and children processed through the base in the past year.

The captain grunted as Dinvinatos chanted, “tenebrae!”

Darkness engulfed them. Only dark-kin could see through it. Solano charged forward as the door broke down.

The baying of a wolf pack reached their ears.

“Did I just hear wolves?” asked one of the sailors.

Then the captain shouted a command and they plunged through the darkness into the room beyond.


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Assault Upon the Gate of Tears - Part 5b: To Take a Black Ship

“Where the hell did those things come from?” asked Kham, marveling at the slathering wolves that bounded into the darkness.

“You are correct,” said Quintus, watching the pack of jet-black canines tear into the sailors. Screams of confusion and horror erupted from the darkness. They barked and yipped as they attacked, and their panting sounded suspiciously like laughter. “They are Illiir’s Hounds of War.”

After a couple of yelps from wounded wolves, four sailors spilled out into the room. With a shout, Vlad waded into the melee.

“He’s surrounded!” said Kham, taking aim at one of the sailors.

“No he’s not,” said Holden. His rifle was slung over one shoulder. He pointed both palms at the sailors. “Fuco aspergo!”

A coruscating cone of colors washed over the sailors. They collapsed to a man.

“Nice job, Sebastian,” said Kham. “I don’t suppose you can cast any of those lightning spells.”

“No,” said Holden. “That’s why I have this.” He snatched up his rifle again and aimed it at the doorway.

The entire room shook. Pieces of the ceiling fell to the ground around them.

“We’ve got to get out of here,” said Quintus.

The globe of darkness retreated down the hall. “Forget the papers!” shouted someone at the other end. “Seal them in!”

Quintus rose to his feet. “Time to go! Kham, Holden, fire on my command.”

Holden took up a position next to Kham and aimed at the door. Kham held both cocked pistols at the ready.

“Vlad, after they fire, you and I will clear a path.” Quintus and Vlad stepped to either side of the doorway. “Ilmarė, you follow behind.”

Ilmarė rose to her feet. “You don’t tell me what to—“

“Fire!” shouted Quintus.


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Assault Upon the Gate of Tears - Part 5c: To Take a Black Ship

With a final turn, the passageway they’d been following opened up at last to the docks. The brackish smell of the briny sea battled for dominance with the acrid odors from expended blastpowder and the burning ozone residue of lightning spells.

“Some of the teams made it!” said Holden. Far fewer grizzled adventurers that had stood with them at Balamshal remained. The survivors were heavily engaged with the sailors that crewed the Black Ships.

“Where are all the ships?” asked Vlad.

The cove was huge. All about, a few of the black ships were listing badly, with one in particular mere moments away from becoming a fixture on the sea floor.

“There!” shouted Ilmarė.

There was an unmanned ship close by, its crew decimated by the attack in the Harvester lair.

Quintus took one final looked around. None of the other teams were near the ship.

“It’s up to us,” said Quintus. “Let their sacrifice not be in vain.”

And then with a roar, Quintus charged towards the ship.


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Assault Upon the Gate of Tears - Conclusion

In the hold of the Black Ship, demonic beings sat on benches, chained to each other. As soon as Kham entered, they rose to their feet.

“You are not Ymandrake!” one hissed. It was massive, easily as wide as a man’s height. “I will rip you in half and be free of this place!”

Kham held one hand up. A single gold ring sparkled in the dim light of the hold. The demon sat down immediately.

“What is your bidding, master?” it snarled.

“Row,” said Kham. “Row as if your lives depend on it!”

“And if we don’t?” asked another demon.

Kham glared at him. “I was being nice. Your lives depend on it. Now row!”

The ship lurched ahead, entering the open ocean. There, they saw the proud ship known as the Way of the Pearl holding the line of the mouth of the cove, two sinking Black Ships a testimony to their prowess in battle.

Kham commanded the Infernals in the hold to guide the ship up to the Pearl Maiden’s vessel. Y’vigne and Master Ecor were on the prow, waving enthusiastically.

Quintus and Holden stood atop the Black Ship’s deck, staring out at the chaos they left behind them. No one else had made it; a few other Black Ships had attempted to sail out but were sunk.

“For the first time in the history of Onara,” said Holden, “the Arcane has found and wiped out a nest of Harvesters upon the shores. We finally brought the battle to them.”

Cheers went up from the other ship as the Black Ship moved closer.

“The commandant got away,” said Quintus. “The celebration is premature. What we have accomplished here is only a small step to our greater goal.”

Vlad lowered a plank between the two ships as sailors lashed the vessels together.

“Come,” said Quintus. “We have much to do if we are to defeat Lucious Orata’s plans.”

“Is he always this cheerful?” asked Holden to no one in particular.

“Always,” said Ilmarė, staring after Quintus’ back. “But we wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Then she followed him onto the Way of the Pearl.


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Assault Upon the Gate of Tears (Part 2) - Introduction

This is the second round of hard point 6 in Year 1 of the tournament module, "Assault Upon the Gate of Tears," written by Henry Lopez and Nelson Rodriguez and set in the Arcanis setting. You can read more about Arcanis at http://www.onaraonline.org. Please note: This adventure contains spoilers!

Our cast of characters includes:

· Kham Val’Abebi(val rogue/psychic warrior) played by Jeremy Ortiz (http://www.ninjarobotstudios.com)
· Quintus Ingatius (human clr4) played by Michael Tresca: http://michael.tresca.net
· Vlad Martell (human ftr3) played by Matt Hammer
· Ilmarė Galen (elf bard) played by Amber Tresca
· Holden Ash’ur (human ranger/wizard) played by Robert Taylor: http://www.storyboardz.net

Sean Smith was Dungeon Master for this session, allowing Rob to play along side us as the Milandisian grenadier known as Holden.

We played these two rounds back to back. Hopping from one adventure, which was a pure hack-and-slash survival-fest, to one of intrigue took a bit of adjusting.

Quintus did some role reversal with Kham, being the more talkative of the two. At this point the plans started to seem a bit suicidal. The party bought into stealing a ship, dropping off the boy-bomb, and rescuing the old elf. Stopping an assassination attempt seemed a little over the top.

We also were tapped out. Our scrolls and potions were used up. We were in enemy territory, way over our heads, and not entirely sure that we would survive. Ironically, this session actually went easier because of one crucial difference: the big battle was outside. When Kham has the freedom to move and Quintus has the freedom to stay put, things go much better.

And of course, this time we all made sure not to line up in a row.


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Assault Upon the Gate of Tears - Prologue

The meeting inside the Way of the Pearl’s quarters was somber and tense. Gone was the jubilance and excitement of the victory over the Harvesters. All were focused upon the Elorii known as Sevestia. Her icy tones, though low, managed to drown out the celebration still going on upon the ship’s deck.

“With a Black Ship in our possession, you now have a chance to slip into the harbor of Ymandragore without being destroyed outright. At the top of the stairs from the harbor there are places where the Harvesters come to sell whatever they cannot use. These slavers, I’ve been told, are a suspicious lot and have actually created a ritual about the transfer of goods. What these phrases and counter phrases are is unknown to me, but you have proven yourselves to be a resourceful lot.”

“Gee,” said Kham. “Thanks.”

“You should be able to pass yourselves off competently, if not with one, then with another of the slavers there,” said Sevestia. “Once the boy has been handed off to begin his infection, you have but one more task before leaving Ymandragore: Free my father from Orata’s grasp.”

“Where is this Orata?” asked Quintus.

“Orata will be finalizing his plans upon the Ordainer’s isle off the coast of the Isle of Tears,” said Sevestia. “Which of the hundreds of archipelagos that dot the Gulf of Yarris, I do not know. But my father does. He has been there many times and can easily guide us there.”

“And your father?” asked Holden.

“When I last saw my father, he was casting a spell to teleport me away, when Orata and his cronies burst in. They could not stop the incantation, but I’m sure they captured my father and are holding him, probably within Orata’s manse upon Ymandragore.”

Ilmarė met the other Elorii’s gaze. “How can you be sure he is not dead?”

“He is not dead,” said Sevestia matter-of-factly. “My father has been on the island for too long and is too well known for him to be sold or used as a power node. He will most likely be imprisoned, out of sight, until Orata’s plans either succeed or fail.”

“So we drop the kid off and then hope that we find your father, who we hope isn’t dead, somewhere in Orata’s house?” Kham looked around at the others. “This is the stupidest plan I’ve ever heard.”

“If you deliver him back to me, I will guarantee his cooperation in divulging the information he has on Orata,” said Sevestia, staring down her nose at Kham.

Before Kham could say more, Master Ecor cleared his throat. “I am sorry that such a frightful task has fallen upon you,” he said. “You have proven yourselves beyond what any of us could hope or expect. Rest here for now. Your best hope is to sail into the harbor in the dead of night. Tomorrow will be soon enough. It would be foolhardy to send you into Ymandragore now.”

“Foolhardy is not the word for it,” said Ilmarė. “And how will we go undetected amongst the Ymandrakes? I do not exactly…” she hesitated. “…fit in.”

“Before you set sail in the morning,” said Ecor, “I will cast a spell that will allow you to understand and speak Ymandrake for one day. You will be wearing Harvester robes we found in the hold. They should provide you with enough time to arrive, attend to your task, and leave that place.”

“I am familiar with Yamandragore,” said Holden. “So I can help.”

“A word of caution,” said Y’vigne. “The boy grows sicker by the day. I fear that he will not live much longer. He seems to be radiating the disease now; not by casting spells, but by his mere presence. We believe that for the safety of any sorcerer traveling with the boy, that they refrain from casting any spells while in his presence.”

Kham adjusted his lenses. “I am not a sorcerer,” he said. It didn’t sound very confident. They all looked at Holden.

“Nor am I,” said the grenadier. “I was taught my art.”

With a final goodbye, Y’vigne and Ecor turned and left without another word. Only Sevestia remained.

After a long pause, she said, “I have lived upon that malignant tumor of a place for two of your centuries, regarded more as an experiment than a sentient being. My father and I have always held great contempt for the lesser beings of Arcanis, especially humans.”

“Join the club,” said Kham, careful to not look at Ilmarė.

Lowering her eyes for a moment, Sevestia fought back tears. “My father is the only being who has ever cared for me. I have never depended on anyone but him. Ever. Bring him back to me and I shall be forever in your debt, both in this incarnation and those that will come.”

Kham shook his head. “For a being that’s been around a long time, you sure haven’t thought this out very well. I just hope your father is where you think he is.”

Sevestia glared daggers at him. “If you fail, I will become all that you fear from Orata and so much more.” Without another word, she turned and closed the door.

Kham raised one hand. “Who votes for ditching this mission and letting the snooty elf chick—no offense Ilmarė—find her father for herself?”

“I will see this mission through to its end,” said Quintus. “And Cassicus shall be granted a hero’s death.”

Ilmarė sighed. “I understand Sevestia’s pain. I will go. Not because it’s a good plan, but because any Elorii life is precious.”

“You’ll need me,” said Holden. “I knew what I was getting into when I signed up.”

Vlad scratched the back of his head. “I’m doing it for the money. I think. Did anyone ever mention if we’re going to get paid?”


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Assault Upon the Gate of Tears - Part 1: Where the Wise Fear to Tread

The speed with which the Infernals rowed the ship was nothing short of amazing. The prow of the Black Ship sliced through the waves as if it were a charger racing down an evenly paved path. The seas outside became choppier as they closed with Ymandragore. A wall of rain formed a curtain around the island, shielding its craggy shores from view.

“And that,” said Holden, pointing at the perpetual storm, “is one of the reasons they call it the Isle of Tears.”

Fortunately, the demons knew the way unerringly. Kham had them navigate the rocky reef and other hazards with practiced ease.

“It is said of Ymandragore: ‘It was as if the world itself was pained that such a blemish had grown upon her delicate skin and cried so that its tears might wash the stain away,” said Ilmarė.

The rain lessened slightly as the Black Ship approached the harbor entrance. Every drop felt like cold needles. All of them were cloaked in the heavy robes of Harvesters, which proved a tool of intimidation as well as protection against the unforgiving climate.

A rattling cough drew Vlad’s attention to their deadly cargo. Cassicus was getting worse with each passing moment.

Vlad kneeled down next to him. “You okay?”

Cassicus straightened his shoulders and gave a wan smile. “I’ll hold out. Don’t worry.”

“The boy has courage,” said Quintus. “Let us hope it is enough to see us through.”

Though it was the dead of night by the time the ship sailed into the harbor, the activity of the area was as busy as the port of Savona during the Saturnalia. Kham commanded the creatures below to ease into an empty slip as dozens of dockworkers threw their mooring lines to secure the vessel.

A burly man with a busy uni-brow scowled as he approached the ship. “Who commands this vessel?” he yelled.

Kham climbed up to the deck just in time to see Quintus nod at him.

Kham pointed at himself. “Me?” he asked in confusion.

The Dock Master turned to Kham. “Why are you entering the harbor at this hour? You’re not scheduled to be here!”

“Uh…” said Kham.

The Dock Master’s eyebrows furrowed. “Where’s your crew?”

“We encountered some resistance,” said Quintus, jostling Kham aside. “We have some very special cargo.” He pointed at Cassicus, who seemed to have folded in upon himself.

The Dock Master rubbed his chin. “Special cargo, hmm? Why isn’t the boy chained?”

“He was seasick,” added Kham. He pulled out a pair of manacles he picked up from the Harvesters’ lair. “Didn’t want him puking all over the deck.” He clapped the chains on Cassicus, who offered no resistance.

The Dock Master hesitated.

“Look,” said Quintus. “We lost a lot of men to bring the boy here. Now you can let us through or you can deal with the consequences.”

The Dock Master frowned. “Fine,” he said. “But let Gorman know I helped.”

Quintus nodded. “You’ll get what you deserve,” he muttered as they disembarked.

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