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Archangel finds his dojo...... (IC RPing within)

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Dragon of the Westwind Dojo.

Styles: Tiger, Hammer, and Dragon

Record 9-5

Link in my sig
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Dojo of Nature's Fury and Harmony

Current record of 14 Wins and 8 losses.

Styles taught: Blizzard, Thunder, and Northstar

Led by Kith

Green Belt 1

Yen: 1
Sig. Styles: Blizzard, Thunder, Northstar
Dojo Style: West Wind
Powers: Fist of Fury, Chi Strike, Master of Emotions
Item: Tattoo of Power
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The Knightly Order of the Frog!

Record: 0-0
Students: None yet!
Former Students: We're new. :)
Sensei: Sabaron Corlagon, Green Belt 1
Styles taught: Frog, Hammer, Staff

The Knightly Order of the Frog is for those that see themselves as chivalrous warriors. We strive to be the epitome of Honor in this land, and we strongly believe in the principle that right makes might!


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"I will join the Dojo of Natures Harmony and Fury...and adopt the Thunder Dojo Style......."

Archangel of the Thundering Toad
Yellow Belt 0 (D1)

Sig Style: Toad
Dojo Style: Thunder

Item: None

Yen: 2
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"This must be my lucky day!", exclaims Kith. "Two new students in one day! I feel honored by your choice to join my dojo, Archangel. I will happily teach you what I know of Thunder style."

Looking into his new teacher's smiling eyes, Archangel also sees the face of a Lady who now resides in the Heavens. Her dark hair and amethyst eyes hold him entranced as he wonders if there is some connection here that he is unaware of. His heart nearly skips a beat as he blinks his eyes finally, but was that a small flash of light from Kith's forehead as he blinked? Or just his eyes playing tricks on him...?
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"I am sory kith.... I did not mean to stare so bluntly but you remind me of someone special...... her name was Lady Tsin...... her beloved Niko and I traveled back to the heavens a while back to meet her after she had passed away..... quite honorably by the way.....when I look at you the gem she use to wear seems to stand out on your brow.... it's not really there but I see it for some reason....... this must be an omen........ "


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"How strange...", Kith comments with a puzzled look on her face, "You are the second person today to say how much I look like this Lady Tsin. The resemblance must be uncanny. I wish I could have known her and her beloved...Niko did you say? For some reason I can not place, I feel drawn to those names. How strange..."

Brushing back her long hair, she feels the heat on her forehead and wishes that she did not blush so easily. With a suddenly confused and troubled mind, Kith actually walks away from her new student without explanation and goes to sit under the great willow where she begins braiding her long hair into a single long tail to keep it out of the way.

Still feeling troubled even after her usual calming exercise, Kith feels unclean suddenly and decides to go wash up. She finds a nice pool of water under a waterfall near an old abandoned dojo and plunges in the freezing water. After washing, she gets the inspiration to try meditating under the waterfall. Strangely, this new routine proves to be extremely relaxing. Afterwards, feeling more like herself again, she returns to her glade to apoligize to her newest students and to begin their training in earnest.
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