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Are you in the RPG closet?

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My coworkers know. I have asked several of them to play, and about half have agreed to play, but I have yet to invite them officially. One of the guys in my group used to work with me, but that isn't where or how we met and had gamed together previously. One of my players found out most of his coworkers are RPers of some kind. At college, I talk about it on occasion. I try to stick to biology talk on campus, but D&D has come up before, I even had to defend the University's D&D club (which I'm not apart, nor did I know about until this instance) against a group of basketball players and biology students. Some of them admitted to playing in school after calling them out, lol.


First Post
Let's see now....
I carry me books to work, and do game planning on my break.
I wear tees that advertise RPGs.
I have invited coworkers to my games.
I have run games at the local game store.
I have run games at the local Old Country Buffet....

No, no closet here.

The Auld Grump


First Post
You see, D&D is still not acceptable to normal people.
Define 'normal'! ;)

So far I've found that everyone who thinks D&D is not 'acceptable' is anything but 'normal'.

If someone tells me that being an adult playing (roleplaying) games for fun indicates a mental disorder (this actually happened once!) isn't it rather more likely said person suffers from some kind of mental disorder? In her case she was quite obviously suffering from a minority complex coupled with an unability to cope with 'changes' in her surroundings.

Almost everyone I know well enough that the topic may actually come up is open-minded about it and often even curious.


I don't think I ever was. One of the first things I tried to do in high school was start a gaming group. Now I don't exactly just talk gaming to everyone, but if people ask about my interests then I'll be happy to share.


Sort of. . . . I don't go around announcing it to the general public, but my fiancee and her family knows (mine have known forever) of my gaming habits. She considers it "weird", but at the same time is just happy that I'm not into football and she adores me to death regardless. Her family often makes fun of me, but they don't intend to be mean, they just like giving me a hard time.

I don't tell coworkers and don't bring it up in job interviews anymore. In my experience, its too much of a gamble. I may come across a lapsed or current gamer who thinks its great. . . . or I may get interviewed by someone who thinks Jack Chick was too liberal, so I play my cards close to my chest.

If I were asked straight on if I played D&D I wouldn't deny it, but I seldom have seen the benefit of volunteering it, especially around those who think its a "kids game" that a 37 year old shouldn't be playing anymore, a waste of time, or some kind of morally questionable activity. I guess the 80s made me a little more conservative about who I talk to, so I just keep my "Game-dar" on.

It is a shame and its irritating at times when someone gives me a hard time about it, or I just get "the look". I've even told my fiancee that sometimes it does bug me when her family knocks my "geeky" hobby, considering all the weird things her family members do, and considering I am also far better shape than either of her brothers (who are both younger than me), it just kind of kills me.

I will say that I currently work with kids, and I have introduced D&D to one of them as a vehicle to help me work on his particular issues. He loves it! In this case though I waited a good six months before suggesting it to his mother and her boyfriend. The boyfriend is a Warhammer gamer and mom is a geek herself, so I knew they'd be cool with it.

So, I get to use D&D as therapy, which is cool, but after 25 years of being generally looked down upon for it, I guess I avoid bringing it up because I know what most people think of it, and the years have worn down my tolerance of the ignorance most people have of the hobby. So I tend to avoid talking about it because I get too torked too easily anymore.
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Raven Crowking

First Post
Lots of people know I play rpgs. Also that I like camping and hiking.

I don't go out of my way to bring it up (or the camping and hiking), but I don't go out of my way not to. If something links to the subject, or I think someone might be interested, I've got no problem with talking to anyone about it. Or inviting them to try it out.

RPGing is certainly nothing I'm ashamed of.



My wife plays. My immediate family knows. My wife's parents, sister, and sister's husband know. I'm pretty sure my aunts and uncles suspect. My wife's extended family knows...they don't understand it, but they don't really care. Which surprised me. Lancaster and Lebanon counties aren't exactly known for their progressive mindsets.

My Coworkers don't know. Well, one of them does. She asked if I had plans for the weekend shortly after started at my current job and I said yes, that I had my monthly game night. She asked what games. I said, "I'm a huge geek. I run a regular D&D game." She didn't bat an eye. I don't hide it from my coworkers, but I don't make a point of bringing it up either. Even though I work in IT, for a small liberal arts college. A pretty "open" environment, if there ever was one. (Though, to be fair, it is in the heart of a pretty conservative farming/rural Pennsylvania community.)

I don't hide it. But it's not like I walk around holding my PHB up in the air like some kind of shining light to the uninitiated, either. Though, I'd *love* too.

Now, Facebook on the other hand? I routinely make status updates referencing my gaming - just last Sunday, I posted that my druid had died during a TPK. So, all my friends who didn't exactly *know* I gamed, know I'm a geek. If they want to know more, they're free to ask me. If any of them mind, they haven't unfriended me yet, so I guess they're cool with it. :)

So, am I in the RPG closet? No. Am I flaunting my gamer status? Also no.

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