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Ariel faces the Lord of Light!


First Post
Log from fight 1
<Sollir> ;)
<Kalanyr> Free VBcode with every stat block
<Kalanyr> I gtg agree with Sollir
<Darkwolf> heh
<Ariel> grrrr...
<Sollir> that is your sole purpose in life ;)
<Kalanyr> you exist to give away sig styles and locations
<Ariel> if I lose this match I'm going back to sash and that all there is to it....
<Darkwolf> i'll just hang around and watch
<Darkwolf> You aren't safe there either
<Sollir> heh, that won't be so easy... ;)
<Kalanyr> who's judging?
<Sollir> then we can both corrupt you!
<Sollir> Kal and Kazz't vs. Ariel! LOL
<Kalanyr> I can't corrupt her
<Kalanyr> I can only Redeem
<Darkwolf> you RL her
<Sollir> ya whatever
<Ariel> sollir will be judging..
<Sollir> Kazz't and Kalanyr vs. Ariel the Sash lol
<Sollir> k
<Sollir> !mb ybmaster
<MeowthBot> Sollir: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the wastelands south-west of the Jade Cliffs on the dusk of the rose petal.
<Kalanyr> Hmm wonder what happens if you get Redeemed and Corrupted in one match?
<Darkwolf> i'll just sit quiet then
<Sollir> say done when you're done
<Ariel> k..
<Kalanyr> Strat ?
<Ariel> no..
<Kalanyr> or standard?
<Kalanyr> how many flags?
<Sollir> mb moves would be easiest...
<Ariel> standard...it's easier..
<Ariel> 8 flag..
<Ariel> speed..
<Kalanyr> speed or standard?
<Kalanyr> ok
* Darkwolf hopes its speed for crying out loud..
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The toad strongly carves the fountain; redirects the beauty of the leaf!
<Kalanyr> Mastery:Dagger!
<Kalanyr> Done
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The thunder cuts the garden; dominates the slash of the ki!
<Sollir> tribute to Ariel's old honor status?
<Ariel> damnit..
<Ariel> done
<Sollir> poing
<Sollir> point Kalanyr
<Ariel> two points kal actually.
<Sollir> 1 Flag Kalanyr, 0 Flags Ariel
<Sollir> er yea
* Darkwolf marks Doh #1 up on the board
<Sollir> mastery
<Sollir> 2 Flags Kalanyr, 0 Flags Ariel
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The panther illuminates the ravine; avoids the offensive of the weapon!
<Kalanyr> Done and Bleh
<Ariel> muhahaha.....hehehe.... you will die now kalanyr......heheheh muhahaha
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The frog devours the palace; avoids the stab of the plant!
<Ariel> done
<Sollir> Point Kalan....Ariel
<Sollir> 2 Flags Kalanyr, 1 Flag Ariel
<Sollir> (No explanation needed I presume)
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The panther speaks before the volcano; unrelentingly dodges the offensive of the rosewood!
<Sollir> you must like pacifist panthers Kalanyr?
<Kalanyr> Bleh again
<Ariel> (sig local Volcano)
<Kalanyr> and Done
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The fan blasts the marsh; redirects the slash of the comet!
<Kalanyr> Is it a wooden fan?
<Ariel> no...
* Kalanyr sighs
<Ariel> meatal war fan..hehehee
<Ariel> *metal
<Sollir> done?
<Ariel> done
<Sollir> Hrm
<Sollir> Panthers slash, yet some fans are made of wood
<Sollir> yet blasting is alot louder then speaking
<Sollir> point Ariel
<Sollir> 2 flags all
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The kama drifts through the forest; guards against the blood of the dark sunbeam!
<Sollir> poor, poor Kal
* Sollir sighs
* Kalanyr sighs and kicks the bot thirty four times
<Kalanyr> Done
<Ariel> why 34 times???
<Sollir> !meowth
<MeowthBot> Meowth -IS- watching
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The sword spins before the foothills; shreds the gaze of the clouds!
<Ariel> done
<Sollir> Ah, we have two misguided weapons
<Sollir> spinning and drifting um, not much difference there
<Sollir> shredding and guarding, I'm leaning towards shredding myself
<Sollir> dark sunbeams don't have blood either, yet clouds don't gaze
<Sollir> Point Ariel, from shredding Kal's thunder
<Sollir> 2 Flags Kal, 3 Flags Ariel
<Sollir> (almost went on experience there)
<Ariel> *phew*
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove (you owe me you wretched bot!)
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The fox kicks before the temple; dominates the rolling of the shield!
<Ariel> heh
<Kalanyr> Done
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The rose petal attacks the mesa; conceals the efforts of the four winds! *yen+yen*
<Sollir> (getting a little bit better there Kal)
<Sollir> poing
<Ariel> ST mesa....
<Sollir> done?
<Ariel> poing????
<Ariel> done...
<Kalanyr> Day of the Rose Petal
<Sollir> Foolish move Ariel, Style of the day is Rose Petal
<Sollir> point Kal, 2 yen Kal
<Ariel> crap..
<Sollir> 3 flags all
* Kalanyr worships MB
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The thorn leaps atop the city; negates the foray of the reptile!
* Kalanyr ceases to worship MB
<Sollir> (another style of Ariel's)
<Ariel> not anmore.
<Kalanyr> Ex-Style
<Sollir> Toad-Thorn *sighs*
<Sollir> I know
<Ariel> done???
<Sollir> you might drive Ariel back to sanity!
<Kalanyr> Done
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The fox splits the garden; parries the offensive of the ki!
<Ariel> done
<Darkwolf> (with compeletely different sigs)
<Ariel> roight..
<Sollir> How did the thorn leap across the city?
<Sollir> He couldn't! Got no legs
* Sollir seems awfully amusd
<Ariel> lol
<Sollir> point Ariel
<Sollir> 4 flags All
<Sollir> er wait
<Sollir> 4 flags Ariel, 3 flags Kal
<Kalanyr> He was shot out of a blowgun along with a pesky Devil :p
<Ariel> yea..I thought so..
<Sollir> 3 flags Kal, 4 flags Ariel
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The shadowy vine eliminates the pond; dodges the beauty of the moon!
<Sollir> (worship Meowthbot again?)
<Kalanyr> Holy Day of the Vine
<Darkwolf> old Ariel sig again also
<Kalanyr> Done
* Kalanyr worships meowthbot
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The ki-rin brutalizes the vineyard; leaps over the offensive of the rodent!
<Ariel> done
<Sollir> hrm
<Sollir> Eliminating is better then brutalizing
<Sollir> and shadowy vine with the moons just sounds cooler
<Sollir> point Kalanyr
<Sollir> 4 flags all
<Ariel> 5 flags him sollir..
<Sollir> er
<Sollir> ya
<Ariel> holy day..
<Sollir> 5 Flags Kalanyr, 4 flags Ariel
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The mongoose removes the marsh; dodges the terror of the plant!
<Sollir> (still worshiping it?)
<Sollir> !meowth
<MeowthBot> Meowth -IS- watching
<Kalanyr> to master or not to master?
<Kalanyr> hmm
<Kalanyr> Master: Jaguar+ Chi Strike + Done!
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The tree cautiously kicks the marsh; bows within the thrust of the armor!
<Ariel> done
<Sollir> Good defense vs. plants + good offense, good reason for the tree to be cautious
<Sollir> 2 point Kalanyr
<Sollir> 7 flags Kal, 4 flags Ariel
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The panther blasts the canyon; waves away the energy of the rain!
<Sollir> Ariel, you forget you have 2 dirty tricks?
<Kalanyr> Thats much better for the panther
<Ariel> he has twp PoF
<Ariel> *two
<Kalanyr> and Ariel wasted her ST
<Sollir> true, you shouldof made him use those earlier ;)
<Sollir> hehe
<Sollir> doesn't she have a second?
<Ariel> you done kal???
<Kalanyr> yep
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The frog sweeps with the coast; leaps over the violence of the vermin!
<Sollir> Hrmmm
<Ariel> (sog local coast)
<Ariel> *sig
<Kalanyr> the coast is soggy
<Sollir> purity of focus Kal?
<Darkwolf> aroo?
<Kalanyr> Purity of focus what?
<Sollir> are you using it on the coast?
<Ariel> I was tell you I have sig local coast..
<Sollir> or is Ariel's sig loc coast
<Sollir> ah ok
* Darkwolf bludgeons Sollir with a clue-by-four
<Ariel> rotf
<Sollir> a double frog whammie! Frogs are very good at leaping while Kalanyr's move is a bit bland
* Kalanyr gives Darkwolf a Wit Award
<Sollir> 7 flags Kal, 6 flags Ariel
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The cherry blossom attacks the valley; averts the throw of the flame!
<Ariel> done???
<Sollir> (lotta double whammies today)
<Kalanyr> Yep
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The lizard destroys the forest; redirects the onslaught of the mist!
<Ariel> done
<Sollir> perhaps an easy judgement, perhaps not, let us see
<Sollir> Point Ariel, better overall offense-even though Kalanyr's duo cherry blossum attack
<Sollir> 7 flags all
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The owl bows on top of the madlands; leaps over the foray of the clouds!
* Kalanyr dances around screaming
<Ariel> (sig local madlands)
<Ariel> done???
<Kalanyr> Done
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The toad illuminates the badlands; parries the descent of the rodent!
<Sollir> the dreaded toad
<Ariel> done
<Sollir> let us see
<Sollir> both are rather bland
<Sollir> although I imagine an owl dropping a rodent on Ariel who parries it
<Sollir> yet owls do go in the clouds
<Sollir> badlands, madlands, you both are insane
<Ariel> lol
<Sollir> round Kalanyr, 0 points Kalanyr, 7 flags all still
<Kalanyr> !mv ybmove
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The panther wounds the caves; removes the edge of the snow!
<Ariel> DT
<Kalanyr> PoF
<Ariel> damn you..
<Ariel> DT
<Sollir> you've been getting alot of panthers Kal, you should get it as your sig
<Sollir> you can't DT twice
<Ariel> oh wait..I can't do that..
<Kalanyr> I had it as my sig
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The ki-rin tumbles below the volcano; negates the energy of the earth!
<Ariel> done...
<Kalanyr> back in YB1
<Sollir> heh
<Sollir> let us see
<Ariel> (sig local volcano)
<Sollir> the panther wounds the caves, yet Ariel could damage the earth below the volcano
<Sollir> not much snow in the bottom of the volcano either, yet Kalanyr's is more offensive
<Sollir> point and match Kalanyr...more offensive...
<Sollir> Redeeming Light?
<Ariel> boy...losing is getting really boring..
<Kalanyr> Redeeming Light! Begin!
<Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The frog lies upon the castle; silences the throw of the fire!
<Ariel> done???
<Kalanyr> icky HD: Frog!
<Sollir> I think Kalanyr wouldn't mind you DTing him this time Ariel ;)
<Ariel> I'm not going to tho..\hehehe
<Kalanyr> Done
<Ariel> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Ariel: The turtle prances atop the delta as it devours the Sweetwater Swamp; averts the energy of the honor!
<Ariel> done
<Sollir> Not a hard decision at all
<Sollir> Lazy frog vs. Hungry turtle
* Kalanyr goes and hands in his two ranks
<Ariel> I thought it was three..
<Sollir> wise choice, drinking sweetwater
<Sollir> Ariel wins the round
<Kalanyr> Huh?
<Darkwolf> Kal wins but loses 2 ranks for failed RL
<Kalanyr> I won the match so I get +1 and lose 2 from RL
<Kalanyr> net lose of 1 Rank
<Ariel> I see...
<Kalanyr> Feel like going again?
<Ariel> sure..
<Sollir> hey
<Sollir> its my turn ;)

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You both drop 1 rank, Kalanyr, you drop to Lord of Light 1, with a record of 36-23

Ariel, you drop to a Gang Lord 1 with a record of 14-23, at least you didn't rebound so quickly...yet...at least you both now have the same amount of losses...


Session Start: Mon Mar 25 17:01:28 2002
[17:01] *** Now talking in #ybfight
[17:01] *** Topic is 'YB Fight Channel'
[17:01] *** Set by GrayDoom on Fri Mar 08 13:55:16
[17:01] <Sollir> wb
[17:01] <Kalanyr> Ok Lets see if this works
[17:01] <DW-AFK-Sleeping> if you have mirc you type /log
[17:01] * #ybfight is being logged
[17:01] <DW-AFK-Sleeping> if its not on type /log on
[17:01] <Sollir> 12(9Sollir12): MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the marsh north of the Valley of Shadows on the morning of the thunder.
[17:01] <Sollir> to recap
[17:01] <Sollir> its log on
[17:02] <Ariel> ?log on
[17:02] <Kalanyr> log is on
[17:02] <DW-AFK-Sleeping> off to bed
[17:02] <Sollir> 12(9Sollir12): MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the marsh north of the Valley of Shadows on the morning of the thunder.
[17:02] <Sollir> night Darkwolf
[17:02] <Sollir> hurry up, I'm off to bed soon too
[17:02] <Kalanyr> night
[17:02] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:02] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The frog devastates the village; conceals the kick of the cat!
[17:02] <Kalanyr> HD Frog!
[17:02] <Sollir> WHAT IS IT WITH FROGS TODAY? lol
[17:02] <Sollir> wait
[17:02] <Kalanyr> Same as with Panthers
[17:02] <Sollir> Ariel didn't say stipulations
[17:02] <Kalanyr> good point
[17:02] <Kalanyr> Go on Ariel
[17:03] <Ariel> \ybfight.psionics.log
[17:03] <Kalanyr> I recommend a 10 Flag Standard Strategy Style Death Match
[17:03] <Sollir> lol
[17:03] <Sollir> I agree
[17:03] <Ariel> ummm....no....
[17:03] <Kalanyr> your the one who I'm keeping up all night :)
[17:04] <Ariel> I'd say 7 flag speed standard..
[17:04] <Sollir> (death match, Death match!)
[17:04] <Ariel> ummm.....no..
[17:04] <Kalanyr> No
[17:04] <Sollir> (You gain Kal's holy aura ;))
[17:04] <Kalanyr> You do?
[17:04] <Ariel> all set right now....
[17:04] <Sollir> Kal, what happens if a devil gains your holy aura
[17:04] <Ariel> lets just start the match...
[17:04] <Kalanyr> Hmm Can I kill Kazz't?
[17:04] <Sollir> ya, you gain your opponent's item
[17:04] <Sollir> but it only lasts for 1 charge
[17:04] <Sollir> so once you use the ability, poof!
[17:05] <Sollir> when its outof abilities, its a normal item
[17:05] <Kalanyr> The Ayra gets all corrupted
[17:05] <Kalanyr> its your turn btw
[17:05] <Ariel> go kal..
[17:05] <Sollir> he did
[17:05] <Ariel> where???
[17:05] <Sollir> 12(9Kalanyr12): The frog devastates the village; conceals the kick of the cat!
[17:05] <Sollir> (01:00am) <Kalanyr> HD Frog!
[17:05] <Ariel> ok...... ummmm... DT
[17:06] <Ariel> done
[17:06] <Ariel> heh
[17:06] <Sollir> playing smarter, good, good
[17:06] <Sollir> you might stand a chance
[17:06] <Sollir> since Kal's bad luck streak may have worn out
[17:06] <Ariel> kal???
[17:07] <Kalanyr> PoF
[17:07] <Ariel> figures..
[17:07] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:07] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The jaguar speaks on top of the prairie; dodges the onslaught of the shadow!
[17:07] <Kalanyr> Poing!
[17:07] <Sollir> Ariel/Kal, what were your ranks before the last fight?
[17:07] <Kalanyr> LoL 2
[17:07] * Ariel slams hear head off the wall..
[17:07] <Sollir> it prolly wouldof lost anyways
[17:07] <Kalanyr> me if currently LoL 1
[17:07] <Sollir> point Kal
[17:07] <Ariel> GL 2
[17:07] <Ariel> two points kal sollir..
[17:07] <Sollir> 1 Flag Kal, 0 Flag Ariel
[17:07] <Sollir> erm yup
[17:07] <Ariel> HD
[17:07] <Sollir> 2 Flags Kal, 0 Flags Ariel
[17:08] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:08] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The thorn stands higher than the desert; leaps over the beauty of the leaf!
[17:08] * Kalanyr sighs
[17:08] <Sollir> Kal, Ariel, whats your new records
[17:08] <Sollir> makes my job easier :)
[17:08] <Ariel> GL 1 14-23
[17:08] <Ariel> same powers..
[17:08] <Ariel> done kal???
[17:09] <Kalanyr> LoL 1 36-23
[17:09] <Kalanyr> You got a PB?
[17:09] <Kalanyr> or a Mastery?
[17:09] <Ariel> PB??
[17:09] <Ariel> nope..
[17:10] <Kalanyr> Done
[17:10] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:10] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The vine flies near the pillars; conceals the edge of the ki!
[17:10] <Ariel> done...
[17:10] * Kalanyr eats the Meowthbot
[17:11] <Sollir> decisions decisions
[17:11] <Sollir> thorn just stands there, while I can see a vine flying down...concealing its own thorns...
[17:11] <Sollir> point Ariel
[17:11] <Sollir> 2 flags Kal, 1 flag Ariel
[17:11] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:11] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The west wind torments the castle; defends against the stab of the lightbeam!
[17:12] <Sollir> (Kal, up for fighting Kazz't after this match if you lose, Ariel interested in fighting Kazz't if you lose?)
[17:12] <Kalanyr> Mastery: Jaguar!
[17:12] <Kalanyr> Yeppers
[17:12] <Ariel> not me thank you..I off to bead after this,.....I'm really tired..
[17:12] <Ariel> done kal...
[17:12] <Sollir> k, can't even judge/
[17:12] <Sollir> Kal needs to learn how to say done
[17:12] <Ariel> I might judge for you guys tho..
[17:12] <Kalanyr> Done
[17:13] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:13] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The thunder leaps above the lake; averts the drive of the canine!
[17:13] <Sollir> poing
[17:13] <Ariel> frig
[17:13] <Sollir> 2 points Kalanyr
[17:13] <Sollir> 4 flags Kalanyr, 1 flag Ariel
[17:13] <Ariel> *sigh*
[17:13] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:13] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The crane decimates the canyon; conceals the assailment of the comet!
[17:13] <Kalanyr> Mastery:Thunder!
[17:13] <Kalanyr> Done
[17:13] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:13] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The secret snake prances close to the delta and in addition it leaps next to the ape; averts the violence of the steam!
[17:14] <Sollir> lol
[17:14] <Ariel> done
[17:14] <Sollir> sorry Kalanyr...the secret snake prancing and leaping around is just tooo funny to lose
[17:14] <Sollir> point Ariel
[17:14] <Sollir> 4 flags Kal, 2 flags Ariel
[17:14] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:14] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The frog appears close to the dungeon; absorbs the blood of the rain!
[17:14] * Kalanyr sighs
[17:14] <Sollir> MORE FROGS!
[17:14] <Kalanyr> At least its the Day of the Frog I guess
[17:14] <Kalanyr> Done
[17:14] <Sollir> EEEEEK
[17:15] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:15] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The manticore lies higher than the city; leaps over the terror of the fortress!
[17:15] <Sollir> something starting with S might help Ariel or not, who knows
[17:15] <Ariel> *sigs and says done*
[17:15] <Ariel> *sighs
[17:15] <Sollir> heh
[17:15] <Sollir> Ariel needs a lesson in trickiness
[17:15] <Sollir> lets see this is a hard one
[17:16] <Sollir> lies, appears bahh, absorbs blood of rain? manticores don't leap that much either
[17:16] <Sollir> but they do terrorize fortresses...
[17:16] <Sollir> point Ariel
[17:16] <Sollir> 4 flags Kal, 3 flags Ariel
[17:17] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:17] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The cherry blossom demolishes the vineyard; dodges the slash of the willow!
[17:17] <Ariel> done???
[17:18] <Kalanyr> Master:Dagger
[17:18] <Kalanyr> Done
[17:18] <Sollir> don't be so eager Ariel
[17:18] <Ariel> DT
[17:18] <Kalanyr> PoF
[17:18] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:18] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The rat falls near the desert; blocks the blood of the fire!
[17:18] <Sollir> some people like thinking if they want to use an ability or not ;)
[17:18] <Sollir> poor soth's vineyards
[17:18] <Ariel> .....done
[17:18] <Sollir> point Kal (no explanation needed)
[17:18] <Sollir> 5 flags Kal, 3 flags Ariel
[17:18] <Kalanyr> 2 Points Kal
[17:18] <Ariel> 2 points ka;...
[17:18] <Sollir> bahhh
[17:18] <Sollir> 6 flags Kal, 3 flags Ariel
[17:18] <Sollir> not my day
[17:18] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:19] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The panther kicks the hells; dodges the slash of the moon!
[17:19] <Kalanyr> Chi Strike!
[17:19] <Ariel> hehehe./...(sig local hells)
[17:19] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:19] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The tree slays the coast; parts the terror of the mind!
[17:19] <Ariel> (Sig local coast)
[17:19] <Sollir> is there explanation needed, I think not?
[17:19] <Sollir> 2 points Ariel
[17:19] <Sollir> 6 Flags Kal, 5 flags Ariel
[17:19] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmove
[17:19] <MeowthBot> Kalanyr: The west wind sweeps on top of the well; wards off the aggression of the lightning!
[17:19] <Kalanyr> Done
[17:19] <Ariel> !mb ybmove
[17:20] <MeowthBot> Ariel: The phoenix sweeps near the mountain; shreds the violence of the invisible blade!
[17:20] <Ariel> ST mountian
[17:20] <Ariel> or did I use that already???
[17:20] <Sollir> you haven't
[17:20] <Ariel> nope..I didn
[17:20] <Sollir> sig loc gives Ariel the round
[17:20] <Sollir> 6 flags all
[17:20] <Ariel> (sig style phoenix
[17:20] <Sollir> er location of the day I mean
[17:20] <Ariel> item
[17:20] <Kalanyr> Ariel wins
[17:20] <Sollir> nope
[17:20] <Ariel> yay...
[17:21] <Sollir> sneaky trick doesn't give her sig loc
[17:21] <Ariel> three ranks..
[17:21] <Kalanyr> Item
[17:21] <Sollir> 6 flag Kal
[17:21] <Ariel> I have my phoenix sword..
[17:21] <Sollir> 7 flags Ariel
[17:21] <Kalanyr> Back to LoL 0
[17:21] <Kalanyr> Sigh
[17:21] <Sollir> wait
[17:21] <Ariel> up to GL 4
[17:21] <Sollir> does ariel have mountain location?
[17:21] <Sollir> sig loation
[17:21] <Ariel> nope.
[17:21] <Sollir> its 7 flags
[17:21] <Kalanyr> and a seven flag match
[17:21] <Sollir> ahh
[17:21] <Sollir> thought it was 8 ;)
[17:21] <Sollir> point and match Ariel

Bad luck really made you lose those ranks Kalanyr, you are now LoL 0 with a record of 36-24

Congratulations Ariel, you sneaked your way in this one like a crafty gang lord, you're getting the hang of your powers and you are now a Gang Lord 4 with a record of 15-23, do team rocket proud!

Voidrunner's Codex

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