Do they have a caster who can cast imprisonment? Because this is what it is for.
Before dealing with your specific question, there's a lesson to learn from this: you shouldn't ever assume your players will pick up on one vital clue, no matter how big and obvious you make it!
Ideally, for every conclusion you want your players to draw you should have at least three clues - that way they can miss one, misinterpret the second, and finally "get it" with the third!
... The party playing my adventure missed a whale sized clue, which means that when they face the 'big bad' at the end, if I play it by the campaign story, they cant win - they all die in the end.
So, do I kill them all, or somehow change the rules of my campaign so that they can kill the bad, even though the horcrux (heart) beats on in a box somewhere?
How would you feel as a player if after 12+ weeks of campaign, you ALL lost against the big bad? In a way, I feel they deserve to all die for being so stupid, but at the same time, I dont want to upet the (RL) group.
...why can't you? I can do that in D&D. I have done that in D&D... well, close to it. It was technically just dismembering the guy and leaving his pieces on different planes of existence.But you can't do that in D&D. Bummer.