Ashin's Commission: The Great Escape!

Rystil Arden

First Post
"The dark aura from those is stronger now. Killing them might be safer."

*Zaeryl moves cautiously towards the stalactite-barred stone cells, where the prisoners mill about. All are naked and exhibit varying stages of Affliction. Some had been sleeping, but the battle woke them up. A few are huddled in fear, clutching others near to them as they shiver and tremble in a corner. Others are feasting upon dubious raw meat or sucking the last drop of marrow from bones picked clean of flesh. Still others, whenever there are mature male/female pairs in the same cage that haven't killed each other, are fornicating. Even more are rattling their cages in anger, attempting to break loose, perhaps to fight...or to eat.*

"It is too troublesome to determine which of these is safe to let go. Wouldn't it be safer to just kill them all now in a humane fashion? If you let them go and choose wrong and some of them who you think are okay turn feral, they'll kill the others."

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Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: I'm going to fly into Maryland tomorrow to prepare, then going to Japan on Thursday)

"Yes, we should shoot them through the space between the stalactites so we don't have to worry about their claws. Smashing those crystals might be a good idea too. We surmise that the crystals may be inducing some of the Afflicted tendencies."


"If those crystals make them bad, Hulgyr will smash the crystals!"and with that said, Hulgyr resolutely starts hacking at the crystals.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: You can't get to them--they're inside the cages at the exact centres. To smash them would require breaking or opening the cages somehow (they have no apparent doors) and wading through possibly hostile semi-afflicted captives)


ooc: an arrow probably won't get through the hardness..
BTW, the change to FoTW feat has been approved to only count lethal damage.
Have a great time in Japan and we'll see you around!

Hulgyr looks to the rest on what to do. Apparently killing prisoners is a bit too harsh for him but he gets the idea that it might be neccesary.


"If we were all that concerned about facing danger, we wouldn't be here in the first place. I'd rather risk a little more danger and get a chance of rescuing the prisoners in return. Sacrificing them to Zaeryl's pragmatism is distastefull. If, as seems likely, they turn into afflicted and attack, we'll need to change our plans accordingly."


"Now that we can see that some are not as corrupted as the others, I agree with Ironwolf. Lets open a small opening. Some will attack us and we can prepare for that. But some look like they can be saved." says Eternity.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: There are multiple cages, it's not just one big pen)

"And if the ones that seem alright now go mad later? You are putting non-Afflicted people at risk..."

"Whatever, do as you will," Zaeryl sighs, knowing he can't stop the foolish altruists.

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