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AU: Northlands


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Without hesitating, Kai-Moash shifts his weight to his forward leg and swivels his entire upper body, bringing the maul whipping back with all his strength in an exact reverse-arc.

Power Attack: Attack Roll becomes +7, damage becomes 2d8 +10

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Paxus Asclepius

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FaenFriend said:
Without hesitating, Kai-Moash shifts his weight to his forward leg and swivels his entire upper body, bringing the maul whipping back with all his strength in an exact reverse-arc.

Eai-Drona swivels, blocking the massive blow with her shield, and returning with a blow which nearly knocks Kai-Moash off his feet. (15 subdual)


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"Oooooof," says Kai-Moash, struggling to get air into his lungs.

Whoa. I'm outclassed here. Better get that mace out of her hands ...

Kai-Moash focuses all his strength on wacking the weapon out of the mayor's hand.

Disarm with Maul vs Mace: +20 (+8 melee, +8 weapon size, +4 two handed weapon) This assumes the mace is medium in size. If it's large, the disarm is +16 again.

Paxus Asclepius

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FaenFriend said:
Kai-Moash focuses all his strength on wacking the weapon out of the mayor's hand.

Again, a whistling blow, and the mace is knocked to the ground, though within the ring this time. Not pausing, the mayor drives forward with a massive shield-punch, knocking Kai-Moash back but doing little harm.


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Beads of sweat beginning to drip down his face, Kai-Moash swings again, hoping to catch the mayor off guard.

Normal +8 attack. 2d6+9 damage.
Sorry for the slow response time, I've had trouble connecting to enworld all day.

Paxus Asclepius

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Kai-Moash's blow swings true, hammering into the mayor's side. She drops her shield, attempting to snatch away his maul, but failing. Unfortunately, Kai-Moash's blow warding her away glances off her plate.

(I rolled the AoO, it was a miss. Don't worry about the slow post; I had the same trouble.)


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Hoping to take advantage of her dropped shield, Kai-Moash swings hard at her left side, trying to stay in such a way that she cannot reach her shield or mace without opening herself for further attacks.

Paxus Asclepius

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Kai-Moash lands another staggering blow, and the mayor rushes forward. Kai-Moash's return swing again lands solidly, but Eai-Drona throws the weight of her body against him, trying to drive him from the ring. Unfortunately, the rains of yesterday still linger in a patch of mud, and both combatants slip horribly, becomg entangled as they slide towards the edge of the ring. Shouting stewards separate you, return the mayor's mace and shield, and prepare to restart the match.

(She tried to bull rush you, and both of you botched your rolls. I gave you DC 5 balance checks to stay standing, which both of you failed. This isn't something either of you are going to want to talk about much. Re-roll initiative.)


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Glancing down at his mud splattered clothing and hands, Kai-Moash grins and manages a laugh, despite the embaressed crimson that creeps up his face from his neck. He hefts his maul, adjusting his grip.

"You are proving a slippery opponent, Eai-Drona."

Curses. She has the mace back. I don't think I can stand another good attack from her - but it seems dishonorable to disarm her a third time. And you don't want to offend the mayor ...

Initiative: 14. If Kai-Moash acts first, he will lunge and attempt to wrestle (grapple) the mayor.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Kai-Moash lunges forward, and Eai-Drona gleefully drops her own weapon and shield, grappling with considerable skill. She attempts to put Kai-Moash in a headlock, but his surging muscles manage to break her hold.

(Unsuccesful pin attempt. You are now in a grapple.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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