While I have used and greatly appreciate the character sheets already available, I was always slightly annoyed at the tendency for character sheets to not give enough room for Skill and Exploits as well as the limited capacity for customizing the looks and layout. So, I decided to make one that allows for full expansion of the exploits and skills as you need more.
URL: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tRrkOnDLOpJYzICO34OpZxUTLG4kKvdLisjq1qczrAA/
Have Fun!
URL: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tRrkOnDLOpJYzICO34OpZxUTLG4kKvdLisjq1qczrAA/
- Working Health Bar
- Automatic counting of skills and attributes.
- Automatic dice pool calculations.
- Simple expand-ability if over grade 30.
- Easily import the official options from the character builder pages.
Have Fun!
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