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Azure, woman on a mission...


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"Azure, you have been granted this meeting because a guild member has heard good things about you. You have drive and ambition, and you seek power and influence. Here in the Iron City that takes skill. We shall soon see if you have such skill."

"You are being asigned a freelance mission for the guild to see how well you work. I have assured the Guildmaster that you are up to this task and therefore you shall be, or you'll be dead. The assignment is this: The Guildmaster needs an item of his retrieved. A former guild member who betrayed the Guildmaster, stole his magical Golden Dagger before fleeing and betraying the Guild. We need you to get to where he is and retrieve the Dagger, and then kill the traitor. You can see why we would want an outsider for this job of course. Total deniability. Of course you are free to take whatever you can find during the mission as well."

"Since the building where the traitor hides is well guarded, we have a plan for getting you in undetected. There is a secret entrance into the bottom of the building from the sewers. You will eneter the sewers from a public place that we will give you directions to. Once in the sewers, you will need to head north until you reach the ladder with the Guild sign on the wall beside it. Climb the ladder and you will emerge in the bottom of the building. From there you will need to find the traitor and the item within the building. Destroy the one and bring back the other and you will have earned a great deal of respect in the guild. Perhaps you could even join one day if you so choose. At the least you will be able to draw upon our resources to train and equip yourself."

"Time is of the essence though, and the traitor should be eliminated as soon as possible before his treachery becomes a bad example for others. If you have any questions, ask them now."

The Guild associate waits paitently to see if there is any other way he can be of help in getting this deal concluded.
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"What is my reward other than possible future missions and a chance to join later?" Who is it I am seeking so I know the person to kill? I will accept if the payment is good enough."
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"The traitors name is Torin. He can be identified by a scar under his right eye.

"As for reward, we have it on good authority that there is treasure within the building he hides in. Take what you can carry of that and sell anything you pick up but don't want. We can of course provide a reliable...purchasing agent...for any such items. We cannot promise you more than that, otherwise we could be implicated if you were caught."


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"Very well, I will go and slay this traitor and bring back the dagger. Where is the entrance to the sewers you want me to use?"
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The guild associate gives you directions to a certain alley behind a weapons shop. He tells you to look under a trash bin for the entrance to the shaft leading down to the sewers.

After following his directions, you indeeed do find the entrance just as described. A narrow shaft with ladder rungs barely visable leading downward into the darkness. A horrible smell drifts upward out of the hole to meet your nose and the gurgle of water echoes up to meet your ears as well.

The ancient masters have decreed this match to take place at the gate south of the Iron City on the night of the hammer.


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Azure opens the grate and looks down. If she sees nothing ready to kill her, she carefully climbs down and looks around.
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You climb down into the dank, smelly hole. Down the ladder 20 feet or so it opens back up into a tunnel system. As you step off the ladder, you find yourself in a 5 foot square alcove with the opening facing east. Stepping into the opening, you find yourself at an intersection of three 5 foot wide tunels. One leads south, another east, and another north, with the alcove you just emerged from to the west. All of the tunnels are dark and unpleasent looking, but the sound of water seems to be echoing form down the northern tunnel.


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Since the guildmaster said to head north, Azure heads north. She is taking her time watching out for things that might attack her and traps.
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After grabbing the lantern that was hanging beside the ladder, Azure travels 15 feet north before the passage opens up into a 15' square room. She enters the room on the eastern side of the south wall.

On the eastern wall in the far northern corner is a pump spraying water into a deep trough which seems to wind it's way west before turning north and leaving this room. The path seems to follow this direction of travel as it dissapears to the north.

Suddenly, the water splashes some as a Giant Rat clambers out and skitters to attack Azure!

Giant Rat
CR: 1
Hits: 1

Expert of the Fang
Yen factor: 1

Round: 1
Hits left: 1

The rabbit stands over the wastelands; reduces the cut of the lava!
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First Post
Round 1:
Hits: 2

The tiger spins underneath the city; protects against the kick of the canine!

Azure spins out of the way, protecting herself against the rat, and attempts to send the rat flying back to where it came from.

edit- forgot the round and hits...
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Voidrunner's Codex

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