"Background" skill points at Level 1

Stalker0 said:
One idea I've thought of trying was just allow all skills to be class skills, but only at 1st level. Since a 1st level adventurer has years of background where he could have developed skills, he could have developed skills in many different areas.

In this case, while the rogue would lose a little to a fighter in that the fighter can pick up lots of normally rogue only skills...the rogue has a base of 32 skillpoints at 1st level compared to a fighter's 8, so its not like the rogue is giving up a whole lot.
This is actually a really, really great idea *jaw drop* I can't even say how great of an idea this is. Wow. And that's why I love EN World :)

Nifft said:
I thought it was an odd justification for thread necromancy. But, clearly the topic is still viable, so ignore my hemisupercilliousness.

-- N
Indeed, this does seem to still eb a viable topic, even after 3 years :) And my dictionary-fu has failed me - what in the nine hells does 'hemisupercilliousness' mean?

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I give 8 at first level. 4 must be spent on craft skill(s) and the other 4 on Profession(s) of the players choice, with no cross-class penalties. After first level, they're on their own if they want to add more to any of those choices.

I also do, on occasion give skill bonuses(but not Ranks) as a roleplaying reward.

bonus background skills

- 4 ranks (split any way they like) for Knowledge, Craft, Perform, or Profession skills
- 4 ranks (split any way they like) for any Str, Dex or Con based skills

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