D&D (2024) Backward Compatibility


If you don't want your character to have feats then they can just take the repeatable Ability Score Improvement 4th level feat. And there's nothing preventing the old backgrounds working - so you never need to take a non-ASI feat regardless of which version you are using. So the legacy versions still work.

The question is about the legacy versions of the current feats. But that's mostly errata.
I have had a good look at feats and the PHB feats are almost all replaced in the UA document. The ones that are not have been depreciated in one way or another.

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Do the playtest documents so far strike anyone else as sort of needless dickering "fixing what isn't broken"?
While ignoring things that could use substantive change (e.g. bonus actions, specific spells, chase rules)?
They've made a substantive fix to one of the major issues with bonus actions - TWF no longer uses your bonus action. The most spammed cantrip (Guidance) has been fixed, as has Barkskin for fluff. So they're definitely making a start on both. And fixing the rogue subclasses is needed while they're more or less bringing the Tasha's Ranger to core. (I'm not sure about the new bard). They've also fixed a few common borderline abusive combos that overemphasised build optimisation. But the spells are for two other packets.

What I think needs fixing is the DM's side of the screen. Monsters of the Multiverse was a start but little more.


Bard just got a complete rewrite... and there isn't a good way to combine them with 2014 bard. I wonder what excuse this will be given for back compatibility.

You even get subclass level changes and a whole subclass feature level got added
Just going to keep saying it. Compatible does not mean identical. You could play a 5e and a 6e bard in the same party...they would just work slightly differently.


Bard just got a complete rewrite... and there isn't a good way to combine them with 2014 bard. I wonder what excuse this will be given for back compatibility.

You even get subclass level changes and a whole subclass feature level got added
Just jack the Songs of Restoration, treat it like a Patron/Oath/Domain Spells, and apply the Cutting Words improvement to Lore Bards. Additionally update Bardic Inspiration with the newer aspects.


Do the playtest documents so far strike anyone else as sort of needless dickering "fixing what isn't broken"?
While ignoring things that could use substantive change (e.g. bonus actions, specific spells, chase rules)?
I think they may be working up to that. There is a deal of codification of terminology that could lead to where you want to go.
For instance, two weapon fighting no longer takes a bonus action. It is now a free action if you are armed with light weapons.

Bard just got a complete rewrite... and there isn't a good way to combine them with 2014 bard. I wonder what excuse this will be given for back compatibility.

You even get subclass level changes and a whole subclass feature level got added

I think, in the video he mentions that this will be covered in some form when they are doing the other bard subclasses.

Do the playtest documents so far strike anyone else as sort of needless dickering "fixing what isn't broken"?
While ignoring things that could use substantive change (e.g. bonus actions, specific spells, chase rules)?

No, not at all. As I understand it, it is a playTEST, which means they actually TEST things.
Also, most things they change have a thematic similarity: codification and simplifying rules by reducing some needless complexity.
Also feats just got a complete overhaul that brings all of them to a similar power level.

I mean anyone can take any of the previus edition bards and CHANGE them to be 5.5... but that doesn't mean they are compatable

Do we really have to reiterate that again?
They will give a guideline to fill in the missing subclass ability and you can do it.
If you are not happy with it, ok. That does not mean you can do it if you want.

Call it backwards adaptable then. Actually the classes and some features are way closer to what I expected. If it was me, fighting styles would have changed more.


I mean anyone can take any of the previus edition bards and CHANGE them to be 5.5... but that doesn't mean they are compatable
Why do you have to change a 5e bard to play it in the 6e ruleset presented so far? What 6e rule prevents a 5e bard from functioning exactly how a 5e bard is already working in 5e?

I think you perhaps are hung up on the idea that a 5e bard needs to be "updated" to play in 6e, but that's not the case. A 5e bard just works differently than a 6e bard.

To put it a different way, if the 6e playtest had an entirely new class called "Minstrel" that had all the 5e bard verbiage carried over verbatim, would that then work in 6e? If so how is that different than a 5e bard doing so?

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