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"Ballots & Bullets" (TSR Module BH3) Concluded!

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-forty-four, “The Poker Tournament Resumes” , Monday, June 19th, 5:15 P.M.

Kate regretfully left the tub, but the time of quiet relaxation stayed with her. She put on the soft green dress she'd brought with her, the last new one from Boston. This one featured the v-shaped neckline that the dress she'd worn in New York had, and the same sort of white gauze to make it decent. The style was simplicity itself with only a small bustle and no frills or ruffles. Those just served to distract from poor dressmaking anyway. She pinned up some of her damp hair but left most of it to hang loose down her back. Once she was dressed and ready she went over to the Lucky Lady to see how things stood.

The tournament is fifteen minutes away from resuming. A single table has been set up for the four remaining participants. The saloon is even more crowded than usual, as there is nothing else newsworthy for the visiting reporters to do while the jury is in their deliberations so they have come to the tournament to cover it.

Kate notes a pair of men over near the kitchen door at one of the smaller tables. One is a handsome man of around thirty wearing a light green suit. The other is an older man, maybe around forty-five or so, and about twenty pounds heavier than his companion. What jumps out in Kate's mind is that the two strangers both have guns in their gun belts rather than having checked them at the door.

Kate walked casually over to the bar where Jeff Mills was serving drinks and keeping an eye on the door and the other security people. "Jeff, those two men at the table near the kitchen... they're still armed?" Jeff replies, "Yes, they're Federal agents. They've been here in Promise City before, last summer when the James Gang robbed the town they conducted the investigation. They've already spoken to Mr. Van Horne and he's allowed them to keep their weapons."

"Federal agents?" Kate looked at them again. "Usually I'm pretty well informed about what's going on, but this time I'm lost. To do with Mr. Earp, perhaps?" Jeff replies, "I imagine, I wasn't going to ask. I've had enough difficulties of my own with the United State government over the years to want to draw their attention to me. As long as they're not here to arrest me I'll give them plenty of distance." She says, "Wise words, I'll do the same. I won't be here long anyway, I have a party to go to at the El Parador. Edwin Booth will be leaving tomorrow and we're giving him a send off." She looked around the room and saw Ginnie hurrying from table to table. "Do you need a hand while I'm here or are you all set?" “All set”, is the reply.

Virgil Earp and Bat Masterson enter the Lucky Lady together, checking their guns at the bar, and then heading over to the bar for drinks. Kate stiffened when Virgil Earp came in, but also realized she hadn't left word about how much or where the horses were. Jeff asked the men what they wanted, and as he filled their orders Kate kept talking to Jeff, saying, "I brought a couple horses into town from the ranch, thinking with so many people in town I might be able to sell a few, but I suppose with Drover's here that's not likely. Good animals, probably worth a good $150 apiece. I might just end up trotting them back out to the ranch in the morning."

Virgil Earp heads across the room to speak to one of the newspaper reporters. Masterson shifts over to the barstool near Kate. He asks Jeff for a shot from a bottle on the counter behind him. While Jeff's back is turned he casually slides some bills folded together over to Kate. Kate nonchalantly picked up the money and tucked it up her sleeve. As Jeff turned around to bring the shot she added, "Of course, tomorrow is election day so I probably won't be able to get out of town. But Dorita won't mind me taking up a couple stalls for an extra day." Masterson casually heads away from the table and heads over to Virgil Earp. The two depart.

Evan Adair arrives with a woman on each arm, the females being Annie Lambert and Fannie Mitchum who both worked upstairs at the Palace. Each has a large glass of ice water in their free hand. Adair takes his place at the table while the ladies pull up chairs behind him. "That man," Kate said, shaking her head. "I've half a mind to get a bigger glass and stand behind him." She smiled again at Jeff and wandered off into the crowd.

Chester and Clarisse walk into the Lucky Lady. They come over to Kate. Chester says, "Afternoon, Kate. Did you hear? The jury is deciding Wyatt Earp's fate now. I thought Behan would have called more witnesses." Chester shrugs his shoulders. She replies, "I was there during Mr. Behan's cross-examination. Revealing Mr. Earp's relationship with Miss Marcus seemed to throw him off. And I doubt there were many witnesses he could call if no one really saw anything. I'll just be glad when this is all over."

Chester replies, "Me too. Having him in our jail will attract the remaining Cowboy Gang members. If there are any left. I didn't know he told Behan about Miss Marcus. But if it put the Sheriff off-balance, then it was worth, it I guess."

Clarisse says, "Hello, Mrs. Kale. How are you?" "Very well, Miss Townsend. Thank you," Kate smiled. "Mrs. Fly was happy to spend some time with your sewing circle before she left for Los Angeles." Clarisse smiles back. "That is wonderful. Mrs. Fly had some very handy tips and was a very good conversationalist. She had nothing but good things to say about you. I'm sorry I didn't see her go." Kate says, “She was a lovely guest to have, I'll miss her." "Clarisse nods and says, "It must be tough. So many of your friends have gone away. But you can still make new ones."

She turned to Chester and added, "Let us hope the jury does their duty quickly and we can get him moved, whatever the verdict." Just then Mr. Van Horne entered to get things started. "If you get tired of the tournament, Chester, come over to the El Parador later. There'll be a party there tonight. I won't be here much longer myself. Enjoy yourselves," Kate said with a smile and then moved through the room. He says, "Thanks Kate. We'll see you later." They find a seat with a good view of the table. Chester orders a beer, Clarisse has a water.

Her eyes fell on Sandra Wainwright and she hurried over. "Escaping the relations?" she asked quietly. Sandra says "Absolutely. I was almost hoping to have been chosen for that jury just to get out of having to be around them. Thankfully they will be leaving tomorrow." Kate asks, "Did you work out that inheritance mess?" She replies, "Yes, as it wasn't a conflict of interest with his Marshal duties Attorney Berg was able to represent myself and Don. He made sure that a fair settlement was reached."

"Good, I'm glad it's all settled and you can get your life back again." Kate paused, then said, "Tomorrow is going to be busy, but maybe in a day or two we can make time for a visit? I need to talk through some things, and I need to look over your music and see what's new." Sandra indicates that would be wonderful, that she has nothing particular planned other than casting her ballot.

"Thank you," she answered warmly. "I should get going, I suppose. Vera Blake is having a small gathering that Emery Shaw wanted me to stop by at and then I have to be at the El Parador. Always too much to do. Feel free to come by the Cantina later if you like, it's a party for Estaban if he makes it out of the jury room, and for Edwin Booth no matter what." Still curious about the federal agents, Kate finally decided it was time to go and headed toward Vera Blake's. If nothing else perhaps she could reschedule yet again with Austin Blake to come out to the ranch.

When Jake arrived Kate managed to get near him before he sat down and said quietly. "I talked to Job today. Apparently some of his recent decisions weren't of his own free will. Kevin Tomlinson is looking to see if anything can be done legally to reverse them." Jake says, "Thank you. I was going to approach him as I began to suspect the same today." Jake gives her a smirk, "While Tomlinson looks into legal remedies, Jake will examine more creative means. Wish me luck." He leaves her with a broad smile and takes his seat at the table.

Brett Maverick arrives promptly at 5:30 P.M. Cornelius Van Horne enters the room. He states "Welcome back to our third consecutive evening of the poker tournament. I anticipate that due to the success we may make this an annual occurrence. As our Hostess Miss Peacock is preoccupied with doing her civic duty I will be acting as Host, so Mr. Isaac Stevens will deal for the indefinite future. Mr. Stevens, you may begin at your leisure."

Van Horne announces that they will play for the next four hours, or break earlier if the Earp jury returns sooner with a verdict as he anticipates the reporters would return there and would like to have them present at the tournament as well. The minimum ante is now set at $ 200. The fresh deck of cards is opened and they are dealt out to the players.

Kate arrived outside of Drover’s Hotel and hesitated, quite aware the she had not been invited by Mrs. Blake herself. But it was a public place after all. She took a deep breath and went inside. Vera ushers Kate over. Kate sees that all of the Unity Party candidates are present except for Chester. Also present are most of the Wells Fargo and Morand Cartage employees. "You're very kind," Kate said as Vera welcomed her. Usually Kate would have gone right over to Emery Shaw, but tonight she did not, instead seeking out Austin Blake.

Blake greets her and states, "Well then, it is nice to see you Mrs. Kale. I trust that you've been rather busy these days, it's been a while." Kate says, "Busier than you could imagine. I'm so sorry about the last time we were supposed to meet. I did send word from Dos Cabezas. I was on ranch business and taken ill; I ended up spending the night there. I suppose if I spent a little more time relaxing I might not have gotten sick in the first place." He replies, "It is not a problem, we've been rather busy ourselves what with Vera's election campaign. Originally Mrs. Barker was going to spend a lot of time helping her but her Deputy duties have taken priority so I've had to pick up the slack."

Kate says, "The last two weeks have been busy for the deputies. It's a shame Mrs. Barker was pulled away though, I know she feels very strongly about this election and your wife's candidacy. I'm sure you've been up to the task though. Well, after the elections are over and things have settled again we can try to reschedule our tour. How do you think things will fall out tomorrow? I don't always get a good picture of how the town feels."

Austin says, "I think Ashley King's antics may have doomed the Law and Order party but this Earp trial may come back to help them depending upon what the final verdict is. When Chumbley was getting our text for his pre-election edition of the Mirror coming out tonight he let it slip that Frank Condon gave him text for two different advertisements depending upon whether a verdict comes in before press time or not." Kate says, "Let us hope that the verdict doesn't come back before most of the votes have been cast, then. I was there at the end of trial but I didn't get any feeling for which way it would go. In fact, it felt like it was going to be a struggle between the jurors.

She then asks, “How about the Liberty Party's chances?" He replies, "Hard to say. Ever since Earp was caught they've had rather large crowds at their headquarters, but most of that was for the free alcohol so it is difficult to say if that will translate into actual votes for their party." "If their hangovers are bad enough maybe they won't show up at all," Kate said lightly. "Although I wouldn't put it past Adair and Fisk to water their drinks. I imagine the crowds are larger since any number of their supporters were once part of the Cowboy Gang."

He replies, "Yes, and while Earp was hunting anybody associated with that Gang they stayed away for their own safety, but once he was caught they started to congregate there again." "I don't approve of how he was doing it, but Earp at least kept them away," She sighed. "I know the incorporation is a good thing, and more necessary the more we grow, but it's a bit frightening. A lot of things will change, and one of the things I love about this place is the freedom. Not Fisk and Adair's kind, but I'm sure you know what I mean." "Yes, I know exactly what you mean," he replies.

Kris Wagner of Wells Fargo, one of the replacement sponsors for Hoover School, stops by to ask Kate how things at the school are going. Kate chatted with Mr. Wagner for a few minutes, telling him about their recent speakers and how well the students were settling in. She mentioned the new portrait of Mr. Hoover that was now at the school and mentioned that Mr. Stevens daughters had started today. "It's almost time for our next meeting with our sponsors, although I've heard some talk of consolidating schools after the election."

Wagner replies, "Yes, but before that happens I was curious if I could take a crack at teaching. I would like to explain to them the principles of operating a business as well as some history about Wells Fargo itself." Kate says, "That would fit in quite well with some plans I have. I want to take the older students to businesses in town so they could see what kind of careers are available here and what's involved in following them. I can't see any reason you couldn't come into the class and talk to the students. What made you think of it, if I may ask?" He replies, "My sons Luke and Jacob told me how much they enjoyed Mr. Caudell's presentation today. Tomorrow will be a rather busy day due to my company having to provide transportation out of town for all of the reporters and tournament participants so I couldn't fit it in then, but how about Wednesday?"

She says, "Wednesday would be just fine. I'm sure it will be a thrill for your boys to see their father in the front of the class." He replies, "Well then, I will look forward to it. I might bring Chuck Nevers with me too, since his daughter Gina is enrolled too. He could tell your class some interesting stories from his many years as a driver. Did you know he started out here in the west as a boy back with the Pony Express?" She says, "I didn't. Riding the Pony Express was quite dangerous, was it not?" Wagner replies, "Very, especially for Chuck as he was only eleven at the time. He has some very colorful stories about that."

"Well, nothing too colorful on Wednesday, some of the children are still quite young," she said with a smile. "I, on the other hand, would enjoy hearing a few some day soon. Eleven is young to be on your own working." He replies, "Indeed it is, but hardly unusual out here in the west. Our mutual friend Jeff Mills found himself growing up at a very young age as well." "Yes, Jeff has told us his story as well. My girl Ginnie was in a similar situation. She doesn't have to be a grown-up now, but she is so used to caring for herself that I have to allow her a certain amount of independence. She would chafe under the usual rules for a girl her age. It's a foreign thing to me; my life as a young girl was so different." Kate chatted a few more minutes with Mr. Wagner, then moved around the room saying hello to the others there and wishing good luck to everyone tomorrow.

They would be expecting her at the El Parador soon, but it would be rude to leave without speaking to Emery. She went over and said, "Thank you for inviting me to drop by, I had a chance to talk to some people I don't often see." Shaw chats with her for a few minutes and then excuses himself, heading back over to talk to some more potential voters. Kate went back over to Vera Blake and thanked her, then excused herself. It was rather nice to walk alone, and she didn't hurry on her way to the El Parador, even stopping in the stables to visit with Meribel for a few moments before she entered the Cantina.

Back at the Lucky Lady, Maverick starts out strong and the pots remain high as all four players are not shy about participating. The winning of hands shifts around, with Maverick still dominating and Adair winning slightly more than Cook and Hawkes. By 6:30 PM Maverick is up $ 2500, Adair is up $ 1600, Cook is down $ 1900 and Hawkes is down $ 2200. For the next thirty minutes the losers from the first hour turn the tables on the other two and winning all six hands, with Hawkes taking four and Cook taking the other two. One of the Cook hands included high bets from Maverick and Hawkes and one of the Hawkes hands included high bets from Maverick and Cook.

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Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-forty-five, “Curious Visitors at the Lucky Lady” , Monday, June 19th, 7:00 P.M.

Being focused on his game, it took Jake a while to notice the of men near the kitchen. Most notably that they were armed. Jake says just loud enough for everyone at his table to hear, "Who are those gentlemen over near the kitchen door? The one pretending to be a cactus in that green suit and his friend." Isaac Stevens says, "I think they are friends of Mr. Van Horne, they were speaking to him earlier before the session."

The next hand is dealt. Jake notes that Adair is now somewhat more nervous, glancing occasionally to the men in the corner. All players bet $ 200 above the ante on the hand, with Jake winning. On the next hand Adair folds but the others all stay in with $ 400 above the ante being bet. Maverick wins this one with a full house Kings over nines while Jake had a full house Queens over sixes. Hawkes wins the next two hands, Jake and Maverick both folding on the first but Adair staying in for another $ 300. All four players stayed in for the second, with the pot increased $ 300 each above the ante. As the Clock reaches 7:15 PM the last four hands leave Hawkes up $ 1400, Maverick up $ 300, Cook down $ 100 and Adair down $ 1600.

Jake looks down at his last played hand and comments, "What a funny coincidence. Those are just about the exact same cards held by the right honorable James Donald Cameron, Republican from the great State of Pennsylvania when he broke the late Zachariah Chandler's bankroll. After Chandler passed the reins of the Republican National Chairmen to Cameron they had a late night game. It was not public knowledge but those boys do like to play poker for high stakes. Sadly for Chandler he was never much good at it so kept it quiet. I got to watch and wait on the table because Uncle Blair is one of Cameron's top advisors.

It is quite amazing what those men talk about when they get liquored up and play poker, thinking no one is listening." Jake smiles a cat ate the mouse smile and glances at Adair. "Funny thing is after Marshall Jewell took over the chairmanship, he and Cameron played poker too! That is just the way of life in politics I suppose; gentlemen entertaining themselves while they pass on the important knowledge to their successors." Jake goes back to focusing on his cards.

Adair breaks out in a bit of a sweat, something Jake has never seen him do before. The Palace Saloon owner also appears to loose his focus on the game as the next hand goes $ 400 over the ante and he stays in despite having mediocre cards, with Hawkes barely taking the pot as Maverick and Cook both had good hands as well. Like a shark sensing when there is blood in the water, Maverick then adds to Adair's misery by asking him about his being in England during the dates that Jake had suggested.

Jake notes that the two gentlemen with the guns seated over by the state perk up at hearing that, despite the fact that they hadn't seemed to be hearing the table conversation across the room. Adair barely looks at his cards and folds during the next hand, which goes $ 200 over the ante for the other players and Jake wins. Adair does the same at the hand after, which goes $ 400 over the ante and Jake wins again.

Once again in a low voice just loud enough for his table Jake says, "I do believe those gentlemen are straining to hear what is being said at this table." He chuckles, "Anyone here have a skeleton or two in their closet? They look too well dressed to be bounty hunters, excepting the green color. If they were Arizona law folks would know them. This little mystery is starting to get interesting." Silver Jake Cook continues to cheerfully play his hand.

On the next hand Jake is dealt a garbage hand and he folds. This allows him time to focus on the rest of the room and he catches the Western Union telegraph operator Dave Melany being let into the room from the kitchen door by Maria where he quickly brings a telegram over to the two seated men and then quickly departs out through the kitchen as quickly as he arrived. This hand only goes $ 100 over the ante, and Hawkes wins.

After a while, Chester and Clarisse decide to visit the Drover's Hotel. "Come on, let's see Mr. Shaw and the others. They'll be wondering where we are." They walk slowly to the party, arm in arm, enjoying each other's company. Eventually they make it to the Unity Party semi-rally. Chester seeks out Vera Blake. "Evening, Mrs. Blake. Thanks you for inviting us. It's nice to see you again. I'm actually nervous about the election tomorrow. Mr. Shaw did well for himself at the debate."

Vera replies, "And you did very well at the trial. You better explained through your answers what has been going on in this town and your investigations. Mr. Earp's testimony shouldn't hurt you either, and what Mr. Upton said about the Marshal Berg's honor will reflect favorably on you as well." Chester and Clarisse decide to stay for a couple hours at Vera Blake's gathering.

Meanwhile, Kate enters the El Parador Cantina. As per a typical Dorita party, the place is already jumping with quite a few of the wood elves of the area in attendance. Kate immediately notices Francesca Perez over at a table with Frank Condon and his new fiancé. Kate headed for the table. She had not seen Francesca Perez since the capture of the hooded riders. With a smile at all three she said, "It's a pleasure to see you all. Mrs. Perez, I hope you're doing well." She smiles and says "I am Kate. And how are you doing? I heard that you got shot last Friday night."

Kate replies, "It was nothing serious. I was sitting with Edwin Booth, and Mr. Watson's first shot went through his shoulder and lodged in my arm. Dr. Eaton did a wonderful job and it's healing quite nicely. Other than that I'm quite well. Mr. Condon, I hope you'll accept my congratulations and best wishes on your engagement." He replies, "Why thank you Mrs. Kale, I agree, James does amazing work as a surgeon. Promise City is lucky to have him. Have you met Leila Morales yet?"

"I have not, but I'm glad to do so." Kate offered her hand. "My congratulations to you as well, Miss Morales. It's so nice to meet someone under such pleasant circumstances." She gestures to Frank Condon and replies, "Si, I had met Francis a few years ago when there were only a handful of buildings here. I was surprised to find that he remembered me." Francesca Perez interjects, "Oh, he never forgot. After you left he had nobody to dance with except me, but all he talked about was you. If I hadn't been happily married I might have gotten jealous."

Kate says, "A happily married woman always recognizes a man who wishes to be so himself and understands. I would guess the town has grown quite dramatically since you last were here? I only arrived in January, so not much has changed for me." She replies, "Yes, it was too small for me before. I live in a rather large city down in Mexico. This place is finally getting to a size that I will be comfortable living in." Kate says, "I know what you mean. I'm from Boston, and while I love Promise City sometimes I miss the things a big city has to offer. The theater and concerts, a shop for everything you could imagine, libraries and museums and restaurants... I imagine I will visit home more often than I really should."

Leila says, "What I miss are the colors. In my city in Mexico has fire colors - reds, oranges, yellows - adorn the buildings, the clothing, plus there is no shortage of blues as well. Here there are too many things that are brown, gray and black. This town needs a woman's touch." Kate smiled. "You're not the only one who thinks so; more than one lady here would like to bring a little color. This town is just a little utilitarian, isn't it? But out on my ranch it's a beautiful green, and when the sun sets you get a beautiful show of red, yellow and orange."

They chat for another fifteen minutes until Edwin and Conrad Booth arrive along with Theodore Roosevelt. Kate joins the two brothers and they have a light meal of Dorita's fine cooking as Edwin had not eaten since a late breakfast. Edwin still has the arm in the sling but jokes that it will be the first thing he parts with once he boards the stagecoach.

Jake continues to focus on adding to his bank roll, glancing at the strangers between hands. The next hand is dealt. Unfortunately Jake again gets poor cards so folds. The other three remain in, the pot being raised $ 300 above the ante. Before the cards are shown Jeremiah Peck enters the front door and yells inside "The Earp Jury is returning! Looks like a verdict is in." The reporters and photographers rush out the door so quickly that there is a traffic jam at the door which Thom has to help sort out.

Cornelius Van Horne returns to the table and says, "This is the last hand then. We'll take a break of one hour." The cards are shown and the winner is Maverick with a Royal Flush, the other two having a flush and three-of-a-kind. A nervous Adair, having lost all nine hands dealt this session, quickly rushes from the room. The clock reads 7:45 PM Van Horne states to the remaining three players, "I'm impressed gentlemen. You are now within $ 2200 from highest to lowest with Mr. Cook leading at $ 16,400, Mr. Hawkes at $ 15,800, Mr. Adair at $ 15,300 and Mr. Maverick at $ 14,200. I would say that any one of you could win at this point. I will see you in an hour."

As the men ate lightly at the El Parador, Dorita kept making sure Kate's plate was laden with good things. After she'd eaten almost twice what the men had, she sheepishly explained, "Dorita thinks I'm too thin, and I didn't feel like arguing with her today." And it's been a long, long time since lunch, she thought. Just as Kate was saying how much they would miss having Edwin there, Jeremiah Peck thrust his head in the door and shouted that the jury was back.

Kate's heart thumped in her chest and she squeezed Conrad's hand under the table. "I guess Estaban will make it to his party," she said with an even voice. "Let's go find out what they decided." The four walked together over to the town hall, arriving early enough to get seats near the center of the room. It was bright and loud with chattering voices all trying to guess what the jury had decided, but Kate was quiet, well aware that whatever it was the Earps would finally be out of her life. Kate didn't realize she was muttering to herself until Conrad leaned over to her and whispered, "What was that, my dear?" She replies, "I was just being grateful that this is almost all over."

As the Lucky Lady, Isaac Stevens heads upstairs as does Van Horne. Maverick and Hawkes both head out the door as well. Jonathan and Boston Harker take charge of the piles of poker chips as Harry Rote helps to clear the gaming table and replace it with a new tablecloth. most people file out of the Lucky Lady, Jake orders some food from Maria and while waiting searches for the two strangers. Jake sees the two men are among the few patrons who do not leave to go hear the results of he verdict, staying at the table over by the stage. He Decides to approach them and introduce himself.

"Greetings gentlemen," Jake says with his pleasant I am the owner here smile, "Silver Jake Cook." He offers them his hand. "Welcome to the Lucky Lady. It is a shame you missed most of the Poker Tournament, it has been exciting. What brings you here?" The younger man in the green suit stands and shakes him hand. He states, "Hello Mr. Cook, this is a fine establishment that you have here. I am afraid that I am not at liberty to discuss the reason for our visit. My associate is Artemis Gordon and my name is West, James West."

"Thank you for the compliment, we are proud of what we have done so far. If you cannot tell me how I can assist, Mr. West, then all I can do is bid you and Mr. Gordon a pleasant visit. I trust you will enjoy the rest of the tournament." Jake scratches at his beard and adds, "Though with the speed at which Mr. Evan Adair departed I wonder if he is coming back. I have not seen him act so strangely prior to this. He is a vain man, careful to maintain his image. Being a gambler by trade, my instincts say not to place a large bet upon his return." Jake shrugs. "I do hope he does. I am anxious to relieve him of his stack fair and square. I have always suspected that he comes by his wealth via illicit means."

Gordon says, "You appear to be very perceptive Mr. Cook. But I believe that your concerns are unfounded. There will be no stagecoaches leaving this town until tomorrow and your poker companion Adair has never learned how to ride a horse." West interrupts him to say, "Artemis, that is quite enough." He turns back and says, "Mr. Gordon never learned when to keep quiet. Mr. Cook, Mr. Gordon and I are federal agents. We are currently here on assignment from the United States Secretary of State Frederick T. Frelinghuysen to locate your associate Adair on behalf of the British Ambassador. After we found him we notified Washington of his whereabouts.

We have been waiting for further orders and have just now received authorization directly from the United States Attorney General Benjamin H. Brewster to place him under arrest. Now that you know that I am afraid that you will have to remain here in this room under our supervision for the next hour and to say nothing to anybody else who might choose to warn Mr. Adair of the fate that awaits him."

"Federal..." Jake slips and then is quiet while they are talking. I expected Lloyds of London, this is even better. His mood brightens considerably at the prospects of Adair arrested by Feds. "I have no interest in Evan Adair avoiding his date with justice. I am happy to do as you instructed. However, I believe you may underestimate Evan Adair. He has many connections and resources. However, I will leave this work to the professionals. Ah, there is my dinner, if you will excuse me. Please let me know if I can be of any service." Artemis Gordon departs but James West remains. Jake's dinner is rather peaceful in the nearly empty saloon for around fifteen minutes or so.
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Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-forty-six, “The Verdict” , Monday, June 19th, 8:00 P.M.

The Promise City Town Hall quickly fills up. People continue to file in while Marshall Berg and Deputy Marshall Barker escort Wyatt Earp along with his brother Virgil and both lawyers through the back door and back to their seats. The faces of the jury do not reveal anything conclusive, with a mix of emotions visible. Once the room is full, with all of the seats taken and two dozen people standing Tomlinson orders the doors closed. Judge Isby warns the photographers not to take any photographs until the court is adjourned. He then pounds the gavel and declares court back in session.

Judge Isby turns to the Jury and says, “What are the verdicts?” The jury foreman is Brown’s Ice House owner Maxwell Brown stands and says, “Judge, we have reached verdicts for eight of the ten charges and have a question for you regarding the remaining two.” Judge Isby says, “Very well, you can begin with the resolved verdicts.” Maxwell Brown looks at a piece of paper in his hand and says, “For the charges of premeditated murder against Claude Buckley, Gordy Bryson, Dennis Garvin, Colin Hunter, Jasper Ordway, Nicholas Thayer, Vaughn Palmer and Stephen Wicks we find the defendant Wyatt Earp to be ‘Not Guilty'.”

There is much commotion in the court and the Judge has to pound the gavel to restore order. Kate groaned inwardly, not at the verdict, but at the lack of one on two charges. She held Conrad's hand tighter and waited. Once the court is quiet Judge Isby asks, “What is your question regarding the charges concerning Porter Norris and Charlie Villers?” Brown asks, “Judge, may we take into consideration a lesser charge than pre-meditated murder regarding the deaths of those two men?”

Judge Isby says, “No, that was the sole charge that the prosecutor chose to levy. And under the laws of the United States Constitution regarding double jeopardy he cannot be tried a second time for the exact same incident. So for each of those two instances you must decide now if the defendant is either guilty or not guilty of that charge.” Kate shook her head. Wyatt Earp would go free because Sheriff Behan had reached too far. She tried to focus her mind and think through the ramifications of this for the elections, but could not.

Judge Isby then asks the Jury Foreman, “Do you need time to return and deliberate further?” Brown replies to the Judge, “No, sir, not based upon that answer. We as a jury feel collectively that Mr. Earp’s actions on the 15th in deciding to shoot at and kill those men was wrong. Unlike the situation at the Crazy-8 Ranch on the 1st where the lives of the lawmen were clearly threatened, this time Mr. Earp did not know what was going on within Fisk’s house. Earp acted prematurely and used unnecessary force and we feel that punishment for those actions would be appropriate. However, he did not go there that morning with plans to murder those men, it was not premeditated, he acted on an impulse and with the best of intentions. Therefore, under the parameters given to us as a Jury, we have to rule ‘Not Guilty’.”

Pandemonium breaks out as several photographers shoot pictures. Judge Isby pounds the gavel and stand up yelling. “Order! The next person who speaks or even moves will be jailed for contempt of court!” Kate's hands were shaking. Her head was swimming as the room burst into activity. Mr. Roosevelt was talking excitedly to Edwin Booth, but she wasn't really hearing as she sat glued to her seat. The room immediately quiets down. Judge Isby then says, “I thank the Jury for your service. Mr. Earp, you have been acquitted of all charges and are free to go. Sheriff Behan, I would like to see you immediately over at the Arizona Territorial Office Building. Court is adjourned.” Judge Isby pounds the gavel a final time and exits the stage.

Several well wishers head up to Wyatt Earp to offer their congratulations to him. Other people leave the building with looks of absolute disgust on their faces. Deputy Barker accompanies Sheriff Behan and Deputy Sheriff Leslie over to the Arizona Territorial Office Building. Bat Masterson approaches Kate and whispers into her ear "El Parador stable, right?" She nodded. "The grey and the chestnut with the white stockings. Please go." Kevin Tomlinson heads over to where Earp is and ushers the man way from his fan base. Wyatt and Virgil depart, with photographer's snapping their picture.

Kate notes that the jury for the most part makes their way quietly out the building with only Henry Weller and Maxwell Brown sticking around to talk to the reporters. "Conrad, my dear, can we leave please?" Kate said numbly. "I'd really like to get out of here." He says, "Of course. Do you want to go back to the El Parador now or your home?" She says, "I need a few moments of peace. Home for just a few minutes, then we can go back to the El Parador." Instead of offering his arm Conrad laid his hand against her back and guided her through the crowd. Once in the street they headed for her house. Edwin Booth remains with Roosevelt at the Town Hall.

They soon reach the house and head inside. Conrad says, "Well, I guess that shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. Elihu Upton mounted an excellent defense." Kate replies, "Yes, but what freed him was Sheriff Behan reaching too far with his charges. Mr. Brown said it himself, Earp would have been convicted of lesser charges. I'm sure Behan's getting an earful from Judge Isby."
Kate sat down on the sofa and sighed. "Is it really all over? Can I finally put that family in the past?" Conrad says, "Yes, you can. The long saga of the Earp's is finally over. They will be gone from your life."

She says, "I keep thinking I must have imagined everything, that I'll wake up and they'll still be haunting me." Now that she was home she'd begun to relax the iron control she'd held over herself earlier. Looking suddenly much younger, tears began to leak from her eyes. Her voice caught in her throat, cutting off any words. Embarrassed, she hid her face behind her hands and tried to calm herself enough to speak. "I'm sorry. I don't know what's the matter with me."

Conrad goes up to her and takes a handkerchief from his suit jacket pocket. He wipes her eyes and says, "You are feeling a huge weight finally lifted from your shoulders, a burden that has been weighting down upon you. I for one will be glad that he is gone for good, in all the time that I've known you the only argument we've ever had was about him. Good riddance to bad rubbish." Kate took his hand and coaxed him on to the sofa next to her. "I'll be glad too. Wyatt and his horrible brother Virgil will be gone and I can leave the last vestiges of the past where they belong." She laid her head against his shoulder and sighed. "Just a few minutes and then we can go. Don't worry about the wrinkles, I'll fix them for you."

Conrad wraps his arms around her and gives he a warm embrace, "I am not worried about a wrinkled suit, my only concern is you." "That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me all day." She settled herself against him and enjoyed the warm comfort of his arms in the quiet house. When her mind tried to race away she instead focused on the steady beating of his heart and sound of his breath going in and out, and her own as it steadied and calmed. After about fifteen minutes she kissed his cheek and said, "Thank you, that was just what I needed. We'd best go or people will think we've been up to something." She sat up. "Am I mussed?"

Conrad replies with a smile, "No, but if you give me another opportunity I will be sure to take care of that for you." "I am nothing if not generous, I always like to give people a second chance," she laughed. Conrad leans over but instead of a tight embrace instead gives Kate a very soft and tender kiss upon the lips followed by an equally soft "I love you." She touched his cheek with her fingertips and breathed, "I love you, too." She kissed him again just as softly, but just couldn't resist teasing, "But you don't know how to muss a girl very well."

He replies, "Well, I would suggest that practice makes perfect, but my brother will be waiting for us back at the El Parador and with the verdict in he and his traveling companions will be leaving tomorrow." "What a sad waste of this big, empty house." She sighed a dramatic sigh. "Let us do our duty and see your brother off. Family is so tiresome." This time she did stand up and fetch her shawl. "We have plenty of time to get mussing right, there's no great hurry." They depart for the El Parador.

Earp juror Darla Peacock returns to the Lucky Lady and heads upstairs without speaking to anybody. Not long there after close to a dozen tournament watchers return exclaiming that Earp was acquitted on all charges. Jake continues with his fine meal, glass of water and tumbler of bourbon appearing to the world as uninterested in the Earp trial.

It is around 8:30 when most of the tournament patrons as well as a few of the reporters begin to make their way back to the Lucky Lady. Darla Peacock emerges, having fixed her hair and put on a nice new dress. She has the "Hostess" arm band on. Cornelius Van Horne arrives shortly thereafter and from the look of things is planning to deal this hand. As the clock near 8:45 Brady Hawkes and Brett Maverick return and take their places at the table. When it is time to resume Evan Adair is still not back, nor is Artemis Gordon.

Jake comments, "It is not like Mr. Adair to be less than timely. I would say give him a moment or two, and then begin. We can always toss his ante in for the first few hands until he arrives." Van Horne says, "Punctuality is important, the ante is now $ 300. Toss in three gold coins from his pile please." Jonathan Harker does so. Van Horne deals out the first hand. Cook finds himself with poor cards and takes three, leaving him with two pair. He discards the one stray card and finds himself with a full house Jacks over Fives. Maverick raises the ante by $ 200 which Hawkes calls. They turn to Jake for his move.

Jake calls and wins the hand. Just as the next hand is about to be dealt Evan Adair returns accompanied by his two lady friends. Adair has on a new three-piece suit and is walking with his cane, which he checks at the door. He approaches the table. James West remains seated across the room. Jake says to Adiar, “So that is why you were delayed, I suppose one can never be overdressed for a poker game." Jake eyes him suspiciously. Looking for any signs that he is carrying hidden weapons, or even tell tale signs that this is someone using magic to stand in for Adair. Adair replies, "Well Mr. Cook, I wanted to be looking my best for when I win this building from you."

Artemis Gordon arrives and stays by the front door, prompting James West to rise to his feet. Jake also sees coming in behind them Doctor James Eaton who to the best of his knowledge never visits saloons. Eaton is accompanied by Job Kane, who the doctor is sticking close to. Jake replies to Adair, "I would be disappointed if you did not at least try your best." Jake keeps his left hand on the table but allows his right to sit on his thigh. He glances down and takes in the exact distance from his hand to his Colt worn by Van Horne.

James West approaches the table and says, "Excuse me, I am afraid I must interrupt. My name is James West and I am an agent for the United States Government. Mr. Adair, Please come with me sir." Adair looks up at him and says, "I know who you are Mr. West, as well as your partner Mr. Gordon over by the doorway. You came to Promise City last July regarding the James Gang. If memory serves, you arrived in town prior to the Gang's various robberies and failed to prevent it. I believe that you were removed from the Secret Service for that incompetence and have now been relegated to minor duties for the Department of State. You therefore have no jurisdiction here, so you had best be on your way."

West replies, "I see that you are well informed sir." Adair replies, "Yes, and also well connected. I have just received a telegram from your former superior at the State Department, James G. Blaine, and he said that you are not to bother me." Adair thrusts the telegram into the Federal agent's hand. Jake rises and says, "You gentlement settle your differences, I will be right back. Ante for me if I am slightly delayed."

He leaves the Lucky Lady and sprints to his home. He removes a document from the safe and runs hard to find Chumbley. Finding him he hands the halfling the three page document loaning $ 150,000 from Evan Adair to Republican Nation Chairman Zachariah Chandler dated November 22, 1876 . Panting Jake says, "This was found in some debris after the Palace was destroyed. Right now Adair is at the Lucky Lady weaseling out of his just rewards because he has some inside political pull. It is likely related to this document and some extortion. Read it quickly so you can publish something later, but after you read it put it in the hands of the federal agent at the Lady. It may help him do something about Adair. This is your big chance to get back at that snake in the grass, do not fall short. Er, you know what I mean."

Kate and Conrad arrive at the El Parador and see that Wyatt and Virgil Earp are seated at the corner table surrounded by friends and well-wishers, with Wyatt's back to the remainder of the room. "Why are they here?" Kate said. Conrad felt her tense up for a moment before she deliberately forced herself to relax. "Foolish to be sitting with his back to the room, not everyone is happy he's free. Why don't you find your brother, I'm going to the stables for a moment and check on Meribel."

Kate hurries out to the stable to find the two horses that she had brought in are gone. Grant Keebler is up in the loft moving bales of hay. Kate stepped behind Meribel and cast a detect magic on herself, then called up to the hayloft, "Grant, a couple gentlemen came and got those horses I brought in?" Grant climbs down from the loft and says, "Yes Ma'am, Wyatt Earp and Ben Thompson took them. They rode off fifteen to twenty minutes ago along with Luke Short, Bat Masterson and Billy Thompson."

"And who is our faux Wyatt Earp inside then?" she asked, dropping her voice. Grant replies, "Dick Lockmyer, he and Wyatt are around the same height and weight. They changed clothes here in private. That'll also help throw Behan off the trail of you having supplied the mounts, since Lockmyer runs the Bar-H stables in town.” Kate nodded. "Not that Sheriff Behan can do anything to me for that. There's no law against me legally selling horses to Virgil Earp to use as he sees fit. He'd try anyway, of course." It occurred to her that Judge Isby had probably called for Behan to see him in order to give Wyatt a head start.

She says, "I'd hoped I wouldn't have to see an Earp again, but I will tolerate Virgil until he leaves. Anything else I should know?" Grant says, "I was here when the brothers said goodbye. Virgil felt that his bum arm would just slow them down and his staying would help with the decoy charade. Plus Wyatt also charged him with Miss Marcus's safety." Kate replies, "Thank you, Grant. Stay safe." She took a deep breath and went back into the Cantina, determined to ignore Virgil Earp and enjoy the evening. She sought out Conrad and Edwin and moved in their direction. With her magically enhanced sight she looked over at the false Wyatt. Nothing appears to be magical at the corner table. Kate notes Deputy Sheriff Nagle out on the El Parador porch making glances inside every minute or so.

Ten minutes later Sheriff John Behan barges in, flanked by his two Deputy Sheriffs. As they cross the room, making a beeline to the end table Behan exclaims, "Okay Earp, end of the line. Your Promise City accomplices may have decided to forgive you for your local crimes but there are still another two-dozen dead men who you have to answer for back in Tombstone. Get up, we're leaving." The man wearing Earp's clothing ignores them as does Virgil Earp. Leslie and Nagle both draw their revolvers and Behan grabs 'Earp' from behind and jerks him around.

Dick Lockemyer just smiles and says, "Did you say something Sheriff?" Behan lets out an explicative. He then says, "Nagle, arrest every man at this table for aiding and abetting a fugitive. Leslie, let's go catch that criminal!" Behan and Leslie run towards the front door. Kate asks her companions, "They can't actually arrest them, can they? If there were more charges pending against Wyatt Earp he would have been returned to jail. Therefore it was not illegal to give him assistance until more charges were filed against him." Kate looked to the gentlemen at the table although she was mostly talking to Mr. Roosevelt. "That is right, is it not?"

Roosevelt walks over to the table and says, "Deputy Nagle, I attended several years of law school and know something of the American legal system. It seems to me that all these six people were doing was playing cards together in a saloon. How is that a crime?" Nagle says, "Cow Manure, they all helped Earp escape." Roosevelt says, "Hasn't your Sheriff learned anything? He might have won his case if he wasn't overreaching, now he appears to be doing it again. What proof do you have that any of these men assisted Earp?" Nagle points to Lockemyer and says, "He's wearing Earp's clothes." Dick stands up and holds out his hands as an invitation to be handcuffed. Dick then states, "You're right, I'm guilty of wearing used clothing. Arrest me!" The saloon laughs. An angry Nagle says, "I'll be back," and heads out the door.

"Thank you, Mr. Roosevelt," Kate said as he returned to the table. "Sheriff Behan, as everyone knows now, has a personal grudge and he doesn't care how many innocent people he drags into it." Virgil Earp goes up the Theodore Roosevelt and shakes his hand. "Thank you sir for your intervention. I must be off, is it alright if I contact you should Sheriff Behan bother me before the morning?" Roosevelt says it is and gives his room number. Virgil Earp departs. Once they are gone Estaban Fuente stands up with his guitar and says, "Now that the nonsense is over and done with let's get the party started!"

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-forty-seven, “Changing Directions” , Monday, June 19th, 8:45 P.M.

Jake sprints back to the Lucky Lady, taking half a moment to compose himself outside before entering. He is curious as to what transpired. Jake enters to see Adair still seated at the table with West standing beside him. Artemis Gordon is no longer present. Gordon returns shortly thereafter with another telegram which he hands to West. James West reads it and says, "Well Mr. Adair, you are correct in stating that you are known by people in high places. This was sent to me by President Chester A. Arthur himself. It confirms his Attorney General's previous order that you are to be arrested and brought to Washington and then turned over to the British Ambassador. So I guess you are wrong in your earlier assertion, I am not ending my career by arresting you."

Adair exclaims, "WHAT! Arthur is an imbecile! He only became President because the right man was killed. He'll never get re-nominated, my friend James Gillespie Blaine will get the nomination and win in '84 and you will then be out of a job!" West replies, "Perhaps, but the current President of the United States has given me an order which I intend to follow. And I suspect that Mr. Blaine will choose to distance himself from you Mr. Adair, or should I say, Mr. Evanovich Kowalski Adarcziek of Warsaw, once you are found guilty of armed bank robbery and murdering of several policemen."

Artemis Gordon goes to grab Adair's arm. He pulls it away and jumps to his feet saying, "Keep your hands off me! This is preposterous!" Jake goes to the poker table, and sits next to Van Horne. "Evan is that true? Evanovich? I am shocked and stunned at this turn of events." Jake keeps his right hand below the table. Adair exclaims, "This is all a misunderstanding." West states, "Sure it is, and these aren't your passports then?" He removes and holds up the two, showing the names and pictures. A shocked expression comes over Adair’s face.

West continues, "These were found along with some of the money from the bank robbery and a few other odds and ends that Scotland Yard has been looking for. You are going to prison for a very long time Mr. Adair." Although Jake is enjoying the show, and it appears that the federal agent has handled Adair’s dodge, he wonders if now is not a good time for the diminutive newspaperman to appear. An indignant Adair struggles when Artemis Gordon goes to put handcuffs behind his back. "Here, let me help you with that," states Tim Finnegan who reaches over and lifts his former employer up into the air. "Get your hands off me you filthy ogre!" Adair shouts. Finnegan says, "Shut your mouth you murderer, you're lucky these men got you before I did."

While this is going on West feels a tug on his coat and is handed something by the halfling newspaper editor. Once the handcuffs are on Adair is lowered to the ground. He glares at Van Horne and says, "They're making a mockery of your tournament! Aren't you going to do something about it!" Van Horne replies, "Indeed I am. Since you are being withdrawn for reasons beyond your control I will refund your entry fee. That will give you almost $ 3000 to use for your defense. Unfortunately that will have no impact on the side bet which you made with Mr. Cook, as the terms of that were simply whichever of you left the tournament first, there was no valid excuse clause." "And..." chimes in Jake, "it does indeed appear to me that you are departing the tournament."

Job Kane then staggers forward and says, "Well Mr. Adair, I have some good news for you. I have met with Judge Isby and he invalidated that contract you coerced for my share of the Lucky Lady. It seems that man you brought with you to the signing is a well-known hypnotist, with outstanding warrants for crimes in Europe as well. That also explains why I had no memory of the transaction for a whole week. So when the bank opens tomorrow I'll see that the $ 5,000 purchase price is transferred back into your account, giving you even more money to pay for your legal defense."

Jake exclaims, "The philanthropy and selflessness that I am witnessing here are humbling, I do not know how to measure up to that. It nearly brings a tear to my eye. Seems the best I can do is be pleased I am doing my part by removing you of the responsibility for rebuilding the Palace Saloon. Therefore you will have all your hard earned money available to fund your defense." Adair swears at Jake. Agent West says, "Okay, enough of that, let's get going." A carriage from the Wells Fargo Company pulls up right to the front door. Jake notes that both of the local Wells Fargo gunmen, Newton Gilly and Billy Glass are atop as well as the driver Chandler Wells.

Gordon says, "And the United States Government was nice enough to even charter a special ride for you, no need to wait. After all, we can't ignore the President's direct orders can we. Thank you so much for having us take the time to verify the order" They usher him on board, the two Federal agents climbing inside. "I must honestly admit all of the customers at the Lucky Lady cause me happiness; some when they arrive, others when they depart." Jake is grinning ear to ear. "Now, where were we?"

Van Horne says, "I believe we were trying to play poker. Sorry for the interruption. Why don't we take another break to clear off that extra pile of chips and rearrange the chairs for three players. Then we can resume and play for another three hours or until only two players are left, whichever comes first." Jake nods, rises and makes a quick stop at the outhouse. On his way back inside, he transfers the Palace Saloon deed to Van Horne using slight of hand. "We all saw Adair put the deeds on the table just prior to the bet being made. I am sure that Jake will appreciated that you held it for him until the wager was completed." Jake gives the big man a wink and continues to the bar for a fresh bourbon before returning to the table.

Over at the El Parador, Estaban Fuente had stated “Let's get the party started!" It was obvious that Kate lost some of her hard-won peace, but much of it returns with Virgil Earp's departure. "I hope he doesn't feel the need to say good-bye to me before he goes," Kate muttered. Then, a little louder, "Now, my dear, you'd best dance with me before your brother offers."

The next half hour flew by as Kate's spirits rose. The first two dances belonged to Conrad, as the next several would have had Edwin Booth not cut in. After that she was passed to Mr. Roosevelt before Conrad managed to steal her back. The room was buzzing during that last dance as people talked excitedly. They had stopped dancing for a drink when Pedro and Conrad burst out laughing at the bar. Her love was still laughing when he arrived at their table with two glasses of wine. "Another nail in the coffin of the Freedom Party, dear Kate," he said. “What? What's happened?" Kate demanded.

He replies, "Evan Adair had some special visitors at the tournament. A Mr. James West, and a Mr. Artemis Gordon. Federal agents. Apparently our Mr. Adair's name is really Evanovich Kowalski Adarcziek from Warsaw, and he is wanted by Scotlard Yard for bank robbery and the murders of several policemen. They even had passports that belonged to him and some of the cash from the robbery. On top of that, Job Kane was there and told him that Judge Isby had invalidated his purchase of Kane's share of the saloon. Something about a hypnotist being present as the sale, who is also wanted for crimes. And of course since Adair left the tournament before Cook, your friend now has ownership of the Palace saloon," Conrad finished with a grin.

She stared for a moment and laughed. "You know, today has been a very good day. You got your name cleared, the Earps will finally be gone, and Adair got what he deserved. I'm not sure it's possible for today to get better." Conrad smiles and says, "My day could, if I were to receive a positive answer from a much asked question. But that can also wait for another day, I'm nothing if not persistent."

She replies, "So I noticed." Unheeding of the full saloon, Kate leaned over and kissed him. "As I've said, when I'm ready, you'll be the first to know. Perhaps it will help you to know that day is drawing closer." More seriously she added, "I have many wounds to heal. When I'm standing strong and confident on my own, then I can consider being a wife again."

Chester and Clarisse stay for a couple hours at Vera Blake's gathering. He talks to the other candidates about their prospects on election day. Then they say their goodbyes and visit the El Parador. The party is in full swing, sweeping Chester and Clarisse in its wake.

At the Lucky Lady, it is around 9:30 PM by the time the game resumes. For the next hour play remains rather even between the three players, with few bets going much above the ante. After 10:30 Hawkes begins to play more aggressively but neither Cook or Maverick rise to the bait, folding with even half decent hands, until Hawkes is forced to reluctantly slows as well. By 11:30 PM each of the players is still within $ 1000 of where they had been two hours before, with Hawkes up by the thousand, Jake down by $ 300 and Maverick down by $ 700.

The game changes significantly with only three, and Adair gone. Jake is satisfied to keep the game slow for a bit, letting the others tire a bit more to see if that changes their game. Life feels very good for Jacob Alistair Cooke right now. He is up a saloon, albeit one tatters. His machinations have lead to one of the biggest thorns in his side heading towards prison. His position in the tournament has at least earned back his entry fee. He felt good, and felt every bit ready to go head to head with the two very fine poker players sharing the table with him.

At 11:30 PM Chumbley makes his way through the Lucky Lady hawking his final 'pre-elcetion' edition of the Promise City Mirror. The top story reads "Wyatt Earp Acquitted". The other page one story has the headline "Adair Arrested - Cook wins Palace Saloon". He sells a copy to almost everybody in the saloon.

A short while later he arrives at the El Parador selling the papers as well. When Kate buys her paper she sees that it is 24 pages long, mostly comprised of political advertisements, although the middle fold out has a copy of the sample ballot on one side and general instructions on how to vote on the other. A story on page two catches Kate's attention as it has the headline "Prosper McCoy withdraws from Election - throws support to Hank Hill". The story states how McCoy was only running because of Adair, so with Adair out he has no further desire to be Town Marshall. Kate also finds interesting a full-page advertisement put in by Doctor Eaton independent of the Law and Order Party advertisement. It has a personal appeal to the town to elect him and outlines a number of positions and options far less severe than those of the party that he belongs to, including mention of full support of the Hoover School.

"Look at this, my dear," Kate said. "Doctor Eaton does seem to truly be reevaluating his views of things. He's been very kind to me lately. I can't help but feel there must be more to it than Diana choosing me to favor. I wish I knew what went on in the church that day." Conrad replies, "As your friend Priestess Florencia, she was there." Kate says, "If it was about me, I'd have been there. It's none of my business."

Estaban Fuente stands up and says "It will be midnight soon and Judge Isby has forbidden any politic wrangling on election day, so I will make my speech now." He spends the next fifteen minutes making what Kate assumes is the same five-minute speech but in three different languages, English, Spanish and Dwarvish (for the dozen or so dwarves also in the room). In it he tells how his vision of the town is to make sure that the laws have full respect for all races and religions as well as to have fun events such as the Festival, the Romeo and Juliet Play, and parties such as those that Dorita throws.

Kate says, "I wouldn't be surprised to see him win a seat tomorrow, especially considering his prior experience." She looked around the room and sighed. "I hate for today to end, but it's late and I have school in the morning." Conrad replies, "Very well then, I will walk you back to your home. Let's go and have you say your farewell to my brother." They wound their way through the crowd to where Edwin was chatting with one of the El Parador's regulars.

The Lucky Lady’s poker game continues following the very brief interruption of the newspaper sales. For the remaining hour of this session Maverick and Cook continue to keep the pace slow despite continued attempts by Hawkes to increase. They wind up allowing Hawkes to win a number of hands at the ante-level rather then calling even minor increases with the exception of times that they have great hands, at which point Hawkes folds.

At midnight Jake notes the younger-version of Manuel Gonzales enter and head over to an empty barstool, where he nurses a drink for the next half hour. By the time this session ends at 12:30 Hawkes has increased his fortune by another $ 1,500, the losses fairly evenly between the other two with Maverick down $ 700 and Cook down $ 800. That leaves the current totals at $ 12,800 for Maverick, $ 16,600 for Cook and $ 18,300 for Hawkes. Van Horne announces that they will take a forty-five minute break, resuming at 1:15 AM where they will play for five straight hours until the next break. The minimum ante will also increase to $ 400.

At the El Parador, Edwin Booth turned to Kate and Conrad as Kate said, "It's late, and I must teach in the morning so I'm afraid I'll have to say good-bye." He kisses her hand and states "Not goodbye, merely so long for the moment, I am certain that we will see one another again soon." "Soon? Have you become prescient?" she asked lightly. "Is there travel in my future?" He laughs, "I should hope so, I plan to see the two of you again in the near future." Kate anssers, "Your brother at the very least. Although I hope I will see you again soon myself," Kate said sincerely. "You and your brother have a great deal of time to make up for."

He replies, "Indeed we do, well Katherine, other than my getting shot it has been a fine visit here in Promise City. I wish you well in the future." "And I you." She felt as if she ought to embrace him or kiss his cheek, but they were not so close as to make that appropriate. Instead, she took her cue from his fine eastern manners and gave him a slight, playful curtsey. “I wish you a safe journey, Mr. Booth." Once the goodbyes are completed Conrad walks Kate back to her house.

As they reach the door Conrad says, "Well, I will see you at some point tomorrow. Don't forget to vote." She replies, "How could I forget to vote? Except for blood-drinking monsters, theatricals, teaching, tournaments, and my Love my whole life this last month has been about this election," she smiled and stepped close. "Now, if my love would just attempt to muss me a bit my day would be complete." "Shall we go inside?" he asks quietly. Kate's heart thumped. This was not the answer she'd expected. "We will have to be quiet, Ginnie will be home," she said and opened the door. She gently took his hand and led him inside.

They quickly make their way through the schoolroom and into the back. The rear of the house has two small rooms, a sitting room and the combination kitchen/pantry. Conrad pauses, waiting for Kate to decide upon their destination of either the cushioned loveseat/couch in the sitting room or the staircase leading up to the bedrooms. Fifteen different thoughts went through her mind, none of them doubting what she was about to do, just the best way to go about it.

She finally took his hand more firmly and started up the stairs. At the top she let go and motioned for him to wait as she cracked Ginnie's door and peeked inside. Her lovely girl was there asleep and softly snoring with her hair in its customary braids. She closed the door and motioned for Conrad to join her. "She sleeps more soundly then she used to, but still fairly lightly. But I have an idea," she whispered and opened the door to her own bedroom. Kate actually notes some beads of nervous perspiration on Conrad's forehead as he enter the room through the opened doorway.

She closed the door quietly, then cast a small spell to light the lamp on her nightstand. From the drawer below it she pulled out some of the privacy powder and dropped it into the flame with a mutter. "It might help," she explained in a quiet voice. She walked over and took her hands. "I love you, Conrad." She took her handkerchief and touched his forehead. "I will understand if this is too sudden for you." He replies softly, "Too sudden? Hardly my dear, I have been anticipating this moment for quite some time, I love you dearly." He wraps his arms around her and closes his mouth over hers.

He had kissed her before, passionately, but they had both always held something back, the one thing that said this kiss was meant to be only the beginning. In this kiss nothing was held back. Kate felt naked long before her skin was exposed, before her hands touched his smooth chest and he lifted her up and gently took her to the bed. Time disappeared as they explored one another with gentle hands, eyes and lips. That tenderness would eventually give way to eagerness, and after a rest they would have to begin again; playful and curious until exhaustion finally managed the almost impossible task of overcoming desire for anything but to sleep against the warmth of the other's skin.

The two embrace tightly. Conrad kisses her once more then utters the first words spoken in the last hour softly saying "This is right, I've never felt this way towards anybody before." Kate laced her fingers with his and curled up against him, suddenly noticing how much smaller she was than he. Not that it had been an impediment. She pressed her lips to his chest and answered, "Yes, we do fit rather well, don't we?" Meeting his eyes she said more seriously, "Where there is love, it is always right. We belong here." "We do. And you are also right about marriage, now is not the time, but I trust that the time will come and when it does we will both know it." They both fall asleep.

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-forty-eight, “Seabreeze Park” , Monday, June 19th, 3:00 P.M.

Ruby told George, "Now I'll need you to distract me…” He replies, "I think I know of a distraction." He heads outside and chats briefly with William. He then returns and the carriage departs. They ride for around a half hour, heading north back towards Lake Ontario. They soon arrive at a place where a small steam train is arriving with several dozen passengers. Ruby sees a beach with dozens of people in bathing suits. A large house is nearby. There are also three mechanical rides with lines of people waiting to go on them, each with passenger cars that move in various directions. One has the title "Tilt-a-whirl", another "Swing-Saw" and the other "Ferris Wheel".

George says, "Welcome to Seabreeze Park, it opened up three years ago." Ruby’s mouth drops open as she climbs out of the carriage. She takes in the scene, giggling little children running while their parents chase them, couples lazily strolling hand in hand. But her gaze stops upon the rides, a sight she has never seen. She immediately starts hounding George with pleas to experience them. He laughs and goes off to buy tickets while Ruby gets in line at the Tilt-a-Whirl. George returns with a smile on his face and waits next to Ruby, who like a child can barely contain herself, straining to watch the ride as it spins in its orbit.

Finally it’s their turn on the ride. They climb up the metal steps and step into the rounded car. Ruby and George move towards the center of the seat so their legs are touching and the attendant closes the bar across their laps. “Enjoy the ride,” he says to them while strapping them in and touches his hand to his hat before departing. Ruby giggles and she squeezes George’s thigh with her hand in anticipation.

The ride starts slowly before picking up speed, throwing them back against the wall of the car as it spins in one direction then quickly switches to the other. Ruby squeals with delight as the car is stuck in a spin so fast that she can’t lift her head off the headrest, even her hair is sprawled out on the car, framing her head. With much effort she tilts her head towards George and watches him laugh and enjoy the ride too. This goes on for a whole minute, spinning back and forth, until the ride finally slows down, even though the laughing doesn’t.

Once the ride stops they climb out and Ruby is so dizzy she almost loses her footing. From behind George grabs her tiny waist with two hands, and Ruby isn’t sure if it is to help her or keep himself standing up. They exit the ride and Ruby wraps her arms around George in a warm embrace, still a bit wobbly. Her eyes are twinkling and she is smiling ear to ear as her heart still pounds in her chest from the excitement and exhilaration. Leaning on him, tightening her grip as she looks into his eyes she says, “That was SO much fun. Thank you so much, for all of it.” She gives him a small kiss on the lips before pulling her head back slightly. “Wouldn’t it be great if it could be like this all the time?”

He laughs and says, "We can come here as often as you like, this park isn't going anywhere! And there's talk of adding more mechanical rides. I wouldn't mind trying out that Ferris Wheel, I'm told that on a clear day you can see Canada from the top, on the opposite side of the Lake." "I just meant, this feeling... you know, being together and having fun and it being so exciting..." She stops suddenly. "Wait, more rides? I wonder what they'll think of!" Ruby grabs his hand and pulls him insistently to the Ferris Wheel.

George says, "Okay, let's go. As for what ride will come next, I've heard that there is discussion with an inventor named Marcus Adna Thompson who just got a patent for a sloped train ride based upon the design of Russian ice slides. He calls it the Switchback Railway, and the first working prototype is being constructed right now down in Brooklyn at Coney Island. If it successful there I would imagine they will build one here as well." "Hmmm... sloped you say? I would say a train ride is only good for getting somewhere or maybe..." she leans in close and whispers in his ear, "Making out." She giggles. "But I am intrigued by the sloping part. Brooklyn isn't that far, maybe we'll have to go on a vacation to the shores or to the City and check it out when it's done."

He states, "Yes, we could do that. My business requires me to go into the city every few months." Ruby just smiles and takes his hand, waiting for their turn on the ride. They soon reach the front and are escorted into a car painted red and turquoise with a metal umbrella top. It starts out slow, rising slightly until the next car reaches the bottom, with passengers exiting and entering. This happens for four cars, the wheel picks up speed and for the next two minutes they move in the circular motion at a reasonably fast speed.

George notices Ruby is a bit nervous every time they near the top of the ride. After a couple of times around she puts her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes. "This is nice and relaxing. Can you see Canada like you hoped?" He says, "No, it is too overcast, but I can see you which is far nicer to look at." She says, "You know, you keep being charming and I'm going to want to spend more time kissing you than I already do. You'd never get anything done if I had my way." He smiles and says, "I'll let you know when it gets to be too much."

The circular motion ends as the start to unload and reload the cars. They begin this two cars behind where Ruby and George are, meaning they will be the next to last unloaded as the car slowly goes one higher. Ruby gently touches his face and tilts his head towards hers, giving him his wish and kissing him. Suddenly the car lurches forward as it goes higher. Ruby stops kissing him and grabs on to George, obviously jittery. He says, "Relax dear, it's perfectly safe."

"Uh... sure." She puts her head back on George, snuggles close and closes her eyes again before sitting as still as she can so not to rock the car. "It's not the ride... it's the height I guess. I've never been scared before..." He says, "Oh, okay, well we will be down soon. We don't have to go on this one again. What about the Swing-Saw ride?" He points to a boat-shaped contraption with people seated on both ends that is swinging like a pendulum. She says, "Yes, that's okay. I don't even mind this if we didn't have to sit at the top! Maybe next time will be better. Let's go on that other one next." It isn't long until they are back down and in line for the other ride.

Ruby calms down and starts getting excited as they get closer to the ride. "That was sort of silly of me, I'm not usually scared of stuff like that. I guess you learn something new everyday, huh?" she laughs. "After this we should get a snack, I'm a little hungry. How about you?" He says, "Yes, we have time. I told William not to come back to get us until around 5:00 PM" As they climb into the ride Ruby laughs, "You'll be sick of me by then!"

He answers, "I think not." They go on the ride, which has an almost sickening swinging motion to it. Once the ride ends they head over to the food stands to get something to eat. There are a number of different choices, including chicken and steak on sticks, fried dough, fried potato bits and cotton candy. Ruby gets chicken on a stick and some cotton candy for afterwards. As she enjoys her cotton candy they walk near the water. "This water is nice but I think I prefer us getting to swim and be alone like yesterday. This... park... though is wonderful. A great way to relax."

They spend some time quietly walking and cotton candy eating before Ruby breaks the silence with the comment, "Did I tell you that Aphrodite talks to me?" He says, "You mean that you feel her through providing you with beauty and the desire to love, right?" "Want some?" Ruby offers George some cotton candy. "There is that. And dreams too, sometimes she speaks to me in dreams. She wants me to be happy, she's shown me visions of things she knew I wanted." He asks, "And what is it that you want?" Ruby replies, "More than anything? For my love to be true. I mean, that the person on the other side loves me for who I am. And when I have that, I will never ever have to worry about being alone and unloved again. She... she told me you prayed to her, paid her tribute. Is that true?"

He looks over "Yes....I would....I wanted....I...honestly Ruby, I'm confused myself. I knew what I wanted then, but I also heard what you said to me in Promise City. That I didn't really know you, well, so I've been trying to get to know you. You told me then to get to know your friends, and so I did, Dorita and Pedro told me of a girl very different than the one I remembered, but everything they said was enough to entice me, to make me want to learn more. I didn't think it would happen after I left, but then I got your note and realized there was still hope. Your being here now with me is more than I could ever hope for....

Oh, Ruby, listen to me ramble on. I guess what I'm saying is I loved the person you were before and I love the person you are now and I recognize that they are not the same person but have many of the same qualities. So yes, a goddess would know that because until you arrived here in Rochester the deities were the only ones I could talk to about this."

Ruby stops walking and looks off into the distance, out over the sparkling water. She says softly, "I know what you mean, about not having someone to talk to. Even my best friend back in Promise City, she... she can sometimes be naive. Or maybe I'm the naive one, I don't know." She turns to face George. "I listened to what you said too, to try to figure out what I want. And as I try to figure it out, well, I'm confused too." She takes George's hands in her. "I certainly don't regret coming here, it's been really wonderful and exciting and... and... surprising. I never thought you could do that to me."

He wraps his arms around her waist and says, "Well then, why don't we continue to stay together and maybe some of our shared confusion will resolve itself." Ruby pauses and George starts to get nervous when she doesn't answer right away. Finally her arms find their way around his neck and he pulls her close to him, their bodies pressed together. With her trademark smile she whispers, "Yes, yes I think I would really like that... George Eastman. Let's find out what Aphrodite has in store of us, shall we?"

She presses her lips to his and kisses him again. She tries to keep the emotions welling up inside her in check; they were in public after all. But the truth was, she didn't care. She wanted to kiss him, feel him against her, feel his strong arms around her, find if if the night before was a fluke or if it was real. If now that he had her, he still wanted her. Her kisses become more passionate, she can't help it. Her heart starts to pound again, her breathing quickens, just as it had while she was on the Tilt-a-Whirl. George was her own personal ride and she definitely wasn't ready to get off just yet.

George becomes more conscious of their public surroundings and breaks the embrace they have found themselves in. He checks his watch and says, "Almost 5:00, time sure flies when you are having fun. Let's go find William." She says, "This was a wonderful idea. We'll have to come back again soon to enjoy this place. And you're right, time did certainly fly!" She takes his hand and lets him lead her towards where they said they would meet William. Ruby is happy and relaxed and lets George pull her along to their destination.

William holds the door open and Ruby steps inside. George stays outside a moment longer and has a short conversation with William that Ruby does not hear. George then climbs into the carriage. "Everything okay?" Ruby asks once he's comfortably next to her. He replies, "Your parents turned down the dinner invitation for tonight. They indicated that they are too tired after holding their garden party. They are willing to come tomorrow evening if we are agreeable." Ruby clears her throat a couple of times. "Okay." She nervously twists her ring around her finger. "Think that is a good idea?"

He replies, "I think that today has been a wonderful day and I have no regrets to going back to the house for a quiet evening with you rather than a potentially stressful time with your parents. Let's head back and we can look at those photographs that we took yesterday." Ruby smiles softly. "Sounds like a much better way to spend our time." She sits quietly for their trip home.

They arrive home and George dismisses William for the evening. He leads Ruby back into the parlor where they had begun the previous night together, shutting the door behind them. He then takes from the leather satchel the prints of the five pictures they had taken the day before, spreading them out on the desk. The four of Ruby are of museum quality. The one that she took of George is slightly off-center but is in focus and a good representation of him. She says, "I didn't do too badly for my first time! I'd like to keep this one," she points to the one she took of George. "If that's okay. Which is your favorite?"

He points to the one of Ruby attired only in her undergarments, not the silhouette version but the one of the sun shining on her and says "I am partial to this one, although it is not for public consumption. And yes, I agree, for a first effort you did quite well. I'll have you turned into a master photographer before you know it." She says, Of course not, we took that picture just for you. And I imagine with you as my teacher I could learn a lot. But I think there are things you can learn from me too." "Such as?" he asks.

She says, "Well, there is singing, I could teach you about that, although you seem to know something about that already. And dancing, except you were pretty good at that too..." Ruby takes a few steps closer to George, so she is standing right next to him. "I could teach you how to play cards and gamble, drink to excess among other things." She takes one more small step until she is standing in his space. "Of course there is," she lowers her voice, "Magic. And the best of all, all about..." and then she whispers into his ear, "Making love." She steps away from him but just a small amount, "Maybe that one we can practice together." He wraps his arms around her and says, "Yes, let's do that."

"Right now darling?" she laughs lightly as she throws her arms around his neck. "Let's have a dance first, practice second. What do you think?" He wraps his arms around her tighter and says, "Ah, but we have no music to dance to." She looks into his eyes and says seriously, “Who needs music?” before she laughs and pulls him into a semi-dancing position. Ruby starts them off but it isn’t long before George is leading them in a twirling, swirling dance around the parlor. Attempting to avoid the furniture while laughing and kissing is not as easy as they thought and they keep bumping into tables and the couch but it just elicits more laughter.

George keeps Ruby pulled tight to him and attempts a few times to kiss her neck. She playfully pushes him away and insists on finishing their dance. He spins them quickly then dips Ruby low, so low her hair hangs freely and hits the floor. He keeps them in that position with Ruby laughing and smiling up at him.

Suddenly his face turns serious. “You are so beautiful,” he says, sounding completely genuine, almost as if seeing her for the first time. After staring at him for a long moment Ruby pulls George to her for a kiss. He can’t hold the awkward pose and they both topple onto the floor where they start laughing again. Laughs turn into kisses, which turns into a more urgent passion and before they know it hours go by before they exhaustedly use their last bit of energy and climb onto the couch.

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-forty-nine, “Town Elections Begin” , Tuesday, June 20th, 12:30 A.M.

Jake approaches the bar and refreshed his bourbon. He hands Gonzalez five dollars. "The McCoys seem very pleased to have the tyranny of Adair removed from their lives. That is repayment for the money you spent for the call. A man should pay the debts that he can, makes him feel good." Jake pauses and sips his drink. "They seem like nice folks. It must make you feel good to help them out." Jake pauses again, this time a little longer. "Gracias, Senor."

Gonzales says, "From what I've heard they are good folks, the only thing I could never figure out before is why they were working for Adair. It looks like most of the old guard at the Palace is gone, no more Adair, no Nick Karp, no Bob Skull, no Kitty Trent, no Dave Carleen. All that you have left are the McCoys and some of the working girls...oh, and your security man Tim Finnegan also knows the operations there. Good luck with your new investment Mr. Cook." "I will see how fast we can put things right there. Seems only fair we get those good people back to work." Jake shrugs. "Folks may not recognize the town when all is done." He chuckles, pats the 'young' elf on the arm and goes about getting ready for the next round.

Once the game starts, Jake switches styles and plays aggressively right from the start. Jake attempts to change the pace of the game, which Hawkes greatly appreciates and Maverick reluctantly goes along with. Unfortunately for both Jake and Maverick they soon realize why Hawkes is known as 'The Gambler', as by 2:30 AM he has increased his fortune by $ 4800 in that seventy-five minute period while Cook is down $ 2800 and Maverick is down $ 2000.

Undaunted and still keen play, Jake continues at his best. Although he has not shown signs of fatigue yet, Hawkes did get tired last time and Jake continues to push hard. Hawkes continues to play strong, winning five of the next seven hands with the other two each winning only one, Hawkes moving another $ 3,000 ahead with $ 1,800 having come from Cook and $ 1,200 from Maverick. By 3:15 A.M. Hawkes has amassed a pile of chips totaling $ 26,100, more than the combined total of his two opponents with Cook now down to $ 12,000 and Maverick at $ 10,800.

Maverick and Cook catch each other's eyes when the same thought seems to simultaneously strike them both, that the previous night's fatigue may have all been a ruse to lead them both into a false sense of security tonight. Although he admires the old man's play, Jake is hardly one to give up. He continues on, attempting to shift styles and be somewhat less predictable. He is quite willing to mix it up with some daring play between good hands and some carefully chosen bluffs. He has not given up winning the tournament, but is keenly aware that second place is better than third.

Hawkes wins two more hands and then there is a noticeable change in his posture and attention span, as the adrenaline rush that has been holding him for a few hours finally wears off. He loses every hand for the next half hour and when dealer Isaac Stevens calls for a five-minute outhouse break Hawkes actually falls asleep at the table. All Jake can do is laugh and shake his head at Hawkes. He takes the outhouse break, followed by some coffee with a bourbon kicker. Mr. Hawkes apparent lapse is just enough to have the reverse affect on Silver Jake Cook.

There is a short debate as to whether to wake up Hawkes or to just put in his ante per hand. Maverick says, "Cook, remind me to never find myself in this situation. I'll be like my Pappy, and hang up the cards when I reach that time. Then again, my Pappy decided that the thing to do upon retirement was to marry a young southern belle, whose family then tried to murder him, so maybe I'll go a different route."

Jake chuckles at that. "If you ask me, he only traded one game of chance for another. Marriage is the only game of chance I know of where both people can lose." They have Hostess Peacock discreetly wake him with her pretending to ask for a drink order and the game resumes. "Oh he didn't actually marry her, they just got engaged. It seems there was still an old Louisiana law on the books that said if a betrothed person died before the wedding the fiancé would inherit the fortune. But my brother Bart and I were able to trick them into revealing their plan, as I very much resemble my father greatly and a family friend was good at make-up."

Two blocks to the east, Kate awakens and she senses movement. It is still dark outside and her magical light has gone out, but enough moonlight is coming though the windows for her to see that Conrad is searching in the dark for his clothing. "My dear?" she asked in a sleepy voice as she sat up. A moment later she cast a simple spell and a blue ball of light hovered in the center of the room. "I hate to think of waking in the morning without you here."

He replies softly "And I hate to go, but it is nearly 5:00 A.M. Ginnie will awaken before either one of us and the building will then fill with teachers and students since this is a school day. It is best for you that I leave before the sun makes its way over the horizon." "I know." She slipped out of bed and pulled her pale blue dressing gown over her shoulders. "I think you may become fond of the ranch house; there would be no need to sneak out in the middle of the night there."

Kate crossed the room in her bare feet and began buttoning his shirt as he pulled on his jacket. "I'll go down with you," she said softly. "Okay, let's be quiet." He finishes dressing and they head downstairs. She walks him to the back door. Kate kissed him one last time, a sleepy, content sort of kiss that was oddly tempting in its own way. "I wish I was going to get as much sleep as you will; I'll have to be up in a couple hours. Good night, my dear Conrad," she said and touched his face. "I love you." "I love you too," he replies as he walks away into the night.

Kate closed and locked the door behind him. Even though he was hurrying away through the night she could still feel his presence hanging through the house, as if they could never be completely separated from one another again. When she reached her room she didn't bother putting on a nightgown or fixing her hair, climbing straight in to fall back asleep with the fading scent of his cologne tickling her nose.

The sun rose not long after, and Kate didn't resist its call. What sleep she'd gotten had been more like a nap, which was probably better than sleeping half a night anyway. It took her longer than usual to fix her hair, pulling a brush through to untangle all the knots that had formed with her hair loose all night. She dressed simply and went downstairs and had breakfast with Ginnie. If the young girl had noticed anything she wasn't saying it, and the two had a simple breakfast before heading into the schoolroom to begin a very new day.

At the Lucky Lady, the poker game resumes although from that point until the official break at 6:15 AM the barely conscious Hawkes only manages to win two hands. When Isaac Stevens had begun dealing for this session Van Horne had retired to upstairs to rest. He returns just before the break to get some coffee and survey the situation. Once the last hand is played he declares a forty-five minute break, that they will resume at 7:00 AM with him as the dealer. He states that they the ante now be $ 500 and that the $ 100 gold chips will now be retired, with the platinum chips now being the sole coins used, and that the gold coins will be available for sale at the bar for $ 5 each.

Hawkes rises and heads out the door. Jonathan and Boston Harker count out money, converting the gold chips to platinum and rounding upward where needed. The coin count to resume now has Jake Cook back with a marginal lead with $ 17,500, Maverick at $ 16,500 and Hawkes slightly back at $ 15,000.

At break, Jake orders up some breakfast to be ready in twenty minutes. He takes the intervening time to head back home, cleanup and change. He is pleased that his laundry is waiting for him, so he has another clean poker outfit to change into. Breakfast, coffee, and a short stroll to stretch his legs and clear his mind. No short naps for him, he has been awake for sixteen hours and has plenty of vigor and enthusiasm to go. When the time comes to start, Jake is waiting cheerfully.

Not long before 7:00 AM Brett Maverick walks through the door. It appears that he has spent most of the break over at Johnson’s Barber and Baths as his hair is still wet from the bath, he is freshly shaved and is attired in new clothing. He has in his hand a boxed breakfast from one of the restaurants in town which he sits and proceeds to eat at an adjacent table to the one set up for the game

As the 7:00 AM hour is reached Brady Hawkes is still absent. Cornelius Van Horne cracks open the seal on a fresh package of playing cards and begins the game promptly on time with the two players present, putting a $ 500 coin into the ante from Mr. Hawkes pile. Cook wins the initial hand. Hawkes is still absent for the second hand which is won by Maverick, now putting them each $ 500 ahead with the new totals of $ 14,000 for Hawkes, $ 17,000 for Maverick and $ 18,000 for Cook.

Jake says aloud to no one in particular, "I wonder if Mr. Hawkes is returning. Would be a shame to finish without him. I expect he hoped to have won the game before the Earp trial finished. He must be concerned for his friend, but it is questionable how he would hold out travelling today and further exacerbating his lack of proper rest." He shrugs. "Time will tell."

Hawkes finally arrives. He is still attired in the same suit and vest as before but now has on a fresh shirt. He also appears less fatigued and Jake notes that young Gonzales gives the man close scrutiny to determine that magic was not responsible. Just as Hawkes sits down the short bespeckled Walter O’Reilly of the Promise City Restaurant enters the building with an empty mug and large pot of steaming coffee that he puts before Hawkes along with a china sugar cup. Hawkes pours a mug of the coffee, which has a much thicker consistency than Jake would normally drink and a very strong aroma and then stirs in two heaping spoonfuls of sugar. Now that all players are present Van Horne announces that the next break will be at noon, provided that the game is still going on then. Jake nods and motions for them to begin again.

On the way into the schoolroom Ginnie looks at Kate and says, "So when's the wedding? And by the way, it took you long enough." Kate stumbled a bit and turned bright red, then pulled Ginnie back into the kitchen. "I, I... I'm sorry to have disturbed you last night," Kate stammered. "Any wedding will happen sometime in the future. For now we're content as we are." Ginnie mutters, "Took you long enough. It doesn't bother me personally, but as a school teacher you might want to want to be careful in the future."

"He was gone long before the sun came up, Ginnie," she said, still red-faced with embarrassment. Kate stayed in the kitchen for a few more minutes until her face returned to its normal color. She'd known full-well last night that Ginnie might realize what was going on. And while they'd been as discrete as possible the girl was right; her house wasn't the best place for them to meet.
But those thoughts weren't for now. This morning she still felt wonderful and went out into the schoolroom humming under her breath.

Meghan and Mollie arrived not long after Kate finally pulled herself together enough to enter the schoolroom, and the day began much like any other. After the students were settled Kate told them all together that this morning would be a little different, as each of the teachers would be leaving for a little while to cast their votes.

Judge Isby, Kevin Tomlinson and Nate Cuadell arrive early at the Promise City Town Hall to set it up for the town election. They have with them the ballot box, made of thick wood with an iron padlock fastened over the latch, with a slot on top to insert the ballots. They fasten to the front door the sample ballot and directions for voting that had appeared in the previous day's Promise City Mirror except for Evan Adair and Prosper McCoy whose names still appear but have been crossed out.

The ballot reads:

Straight Ticket (either vote for one or vote for individual candidates)
_____Freedom Party
_____Law and Order Party
_____Unity Party:
(straight ticket voters stop here)

Mayor (vote for one):
_____Frank Condon (Law & Order)
_____Hamiliton Fisk (Freedom)
_____Emery Shaw (Unity)

Town Marshal (vote for one):
_____Hank Hill (Independent)
_____Moss Johnson (Law & Order)
_____Chester Martin (Unity)

Town Council (vote for no more than five):
_____Vera Blake (Unity)
_____Morgan Condon (Law & Order)
_____Zebadiah Cook (Law & Order)
_____Tector Driscoll (Freedom)
_____James Eaton (Law & Order)
_____Manuel Escobar (Unity)
_____Estaban Fuente (Independent)
_____Vidkin Gerhardtsohn (Unity)
_____Tim Gorch (Freedom)
_____Kate Higgins (Freedom)
_____Judge Lacy (Unity)
_____Steve Lord (Freedom)
_____Burton Lumley (Independent)
_____Calvin Oldfield (Law & Order)
_____Jeremiah Peck (Independent)
_____Joseph Riser (Unity)
_____Elihu Upton (Independent)
_____Dennis Winston (Law & Order)

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-fifty, “You got to know when to hold them” , Tuesday, June 20th, 9:00 A.M.

Chester and Clarisse visit the voting booth early in the morning. Being loyal to the party, he votes a straight ticket. He doesn't know much about Joseph Riser, but he seemed like a decent guy when Chester met him at some of the party meetings. He looks over the ballot and notes that he wouldn't mind most of the Council candidates. Even if the Unity party doesn't sweep the election, the government might not be half bad.

As the teachers got their adjusted classes started, then Meghan left, returning about a half-hour later. Mollie then left, taking a little longer since the line had grown a bit by then. Kate's turn came around ten-thirty, and when she arrived the line was not too long. It moved fairly quickly, and soon she was in the Town Hall faced with her ballot. She smiled to think that there was almost no where else in the country where she would be allowed to do this.

The choice for Mayor was automatic as she marked Emery Shaw's name. Chester's name was as quickly marked for Marshall. Looking at the Marshall candidates, he had a better chance then Kate had thought. Most people didn't know just what the lawmen had to deal with. She had an inside view and knew that Chester had been handling magic and supernatural creatures as well as human criminals. But Hank Hill was part of Arcade's Gang, something would work against him with many voters, and Moss Johnson was... well, Moss Johnson.

She looked down the list of council candidates and began to check names. Vera Blake, Manuel Escobar, Esteban Fuente, Vidkin Gerhardtsohn. Kate had not voted straight for the Unity Party because she wanted to vote for Esteban Fuente, but it did open up another choice. She knew little of Joseph Reiser who'd come over from the Integrity Party. Judge Lacey was a fine man of course, but her eyes kept falling to Dr. Eaton's name.

The doctor's ad in last night's late edition had caught her eye, and he truly seemed to be reevaluating his views and coming more toward the middle. The chance to work with others of a more moderate viewpoint could do him a great deal of good. That would be assuming, however, that mostly Unity party candidates were elected, and that was a large assumption. She hesitated another moment. She was ready to trust the Doctor as far as she was personally concerened, but not quite ready to trust the town to him. She marked the space before Judge Lacey's name and neatly folded the ballot. With a nod at the gentlemen in charge, she dropped the paper into the locked box and smiled. Whatever happened now, she'd had her say.

Kate notes that Chumbley and Josiah Young are both out and about selling the newspaper that had come out very late the previous evening, which are filled with the last campaign advertisement thus slightly blurring the Judge's "No Campaigning on Election Day" ruling. She also notes that a number of Main Street stores have campaign signs up in their windows for the various political parties and candidates. She smiles when she sees that the Comique is hanging one with Jake's campaign slogan that reads "Do not let others tell you to choose between liberty and a safe place to live - vote the Unity Party". Jake's slogan was just a bit wordy, but it said what needed saying. There must be a balance between safety and liberty, and their party was pledged to seek that balance.

In all the hustle and bustle of yesterday Kate had never gotten over to the newspaper office. She turned her steps toward Mr. Chumbley. "Skirting close to the edges of Judge Isby's ruling, Mr. Chumbley?" she asked lightly. He replies, "Oh no, he said that I could sell yesterday's newspapers today. These were printed and the first ones sold way before midnight, almost half an hour!" “Oh, I didn't say you weren't perfectly legal, Mr. Chumbley," Kate assured him.

She continues, "I wanted to stop by yesterday but it was a busy day. I was a little disturbed by something in the early edition. You stated that the lady Al Brower had been seeing was Ruby. It wasn't, you know. I'd be surprised if Mr. Brower hasn't already been around to clear that up himself." Chumbly exclaims, "It wasn't? Oh, I'm terribly sorry! I haven't seen Mr. Brower today at all, he's been rather busy as of late since he now has to manage the Comique, and they were very busy last night with their new singer. So it was somebody else? I will have to print a retraction in tonight's edition. So who was it that he was in love with?"

Kate says, "That's a question you'd have to ask Mr. Brower. He's such a nice man, I feel bad for him to suddenly have so much more responsibility for the Comique. Who is the new singer? I hadn't heard they'd hired a new one." Chumbley replies, "Her stage name is Penny Snow, she and her sister went by the name 'The Snow Birds'. She's the much better singer of the two sisters, the other one now works at the Gay Lady. They were regulars in Tombstone until the saloon where they sang at burnt down. I think her actual name is Penelope Sneirsohn, a Finnish name, her sister's real name is Antoinette but she goes by Annie for her stage name."

Kate states, "I may have to stop by and hear her, we need to know what the competition has on the stage. And I'll be more comfortable at the Comique without Mr. Watson there." Chumbley replies, "Oh, she's very good. No Miss. West, but better than any other singer currently in town." A shocked look then crosses his face and he says, "Please keep that to yourself, I would hate for Clarisse, Fifi or Julia to hear that I said that."

"You may depend upon my discretion," Kate said, thinking that he only had to insert the name of the other singer who had recently fled town to get his answer to the question of who was Mr. Brower's secret love. "And who could fault anyone for not quite living up to Ruby? I must get back to my school. Have a pleasant day, Mr. Chumbley. Make sure I'm one of the first to know how the elections come out." She gave him a charming little smile then headed back to the school.

As she enters the schoolhouse Ginnie hurries up to Kate and in a hushed voice asks "So, who did you vote for?" Kate says, "You should know better than to ask that question, Ginnie," Kate said. "It's never anyone else's business who you vote for. But if you think for a moment, I'm sure you can guess. I didn't do anything very surprising." Ginnie says, "Let's see, Shaw for Mayor, Chet for Marshall, and for Council I would guess Manny Escobar, Estaban Fuente and three of the other seven Unity Party or Independent candidates."

Kate replies, "See? You didn't even need to ask. Outside of the people you named I stuck to the Unity Party, so no more independents." Ginnie pauses for a moment and says "Ah, everybody except Riser then." "You," Kate said, giving the girl a quick embrace, "are too smart for your own good. Are you satisfied now that you've winkled my secrets out of me?" Ginnie replies, "Yep, I was pretty sure you'd vote for Estaban instead of Riser. Riser is not a nice man, he mistreats his girlfriend and has also been stealing silver dust from the assay office. I'll be happy when they finally catch him and promote Mr. Caudell up into his job."

Kate says, “What? How do you know that? I didn't vote for him because I didn't know anything about him and I wanted to vote for Esteban." Ginnie replies "Luke and Jacob Wagner told me. After Peg Watkins caught Riser and his girl Jennifer Campbell fooling around at the Great Western she evicted them both and them moved into a house near the Wagners. He has a short temper and regularly hits Miss. Campbell."

Kate states, "Why in the world does she stand for that. She had her own room before, she must be able to support herself. Although I suppose there's no hiding from someone in this town. What about the theft? How do you know about that?" Ginnie replies, "Jacob saw him burying something out back one night so dug it up to see what it was. Since Riser works for the County I had Jacob tell Deputy Sheriff Hunter, but he was killed before he could make an arrest. I don't trust those two new ones, Leslie and Nagle, so told the boys to keep it to themselves for now."

Kate was silent for a moment. She was out of her depth with the legalities. It was possible that the town law couldn't do anything. "You're right not to trust Leslie and Nagle. Perhaps after the election I will speak a word in Nate Caudell's ear. Just so he and his employer can keep their eyes open." Ginnie says, "Well, his employer is Cochise County, his boss being the County Assayer over in Tombstone. What about talking to the County Sheriff? I think he's still in town."

Kate says, "I don't trust that man either, Ginnie. And how will I explain to him knowing this? I certainly wouldn't want to drop your name or your friend's names to him. I wish I knew more about who Mr. Reiser's compatriots are, it would give me a better idea if Sheriff Behan is a good place to go." She replies, "As far as I know the only person that Riser spent time with other than Miss Campbell was Kirby Watkins."

Kate says, "I feel better about going to Behan if Reiser is unlikely to have connections to the Cowboy Gang. Maybe I should talk to Mitchell Berg and see what he has to say..." Ginnie replies, "That's a good idea. He'll still be Marshal until tomorrow at noon." "It's a place to start. You should get back to your studies now, young lady. I'll go at the lunch break." True to her word, when the children all ran out into the sunshine for their lunch break, Kate hurried away from the school toward the Marshall's office looking for Mitchell Berg.

She finds him near the front door to the Town Hall, keeping watch over the goings on. "Good afternoon, Marshall," Kate said, nodding pleasantly. "Can we have a word?" she asked, dropping her voice. He says, "Certainly, let's head over to the office. We're without prisoners for a change so there will be some privacy. This is about the fake Job Kane right?" She started them walking before answering. "No, to be honest, although I'd be interested in hearing about that if you're free to tell. Ginnie told me something when I got back from voting that needs to be passed on somewhere, I'm just not sure where."

He waits until the reach the office, then enter and he locks the door. He heads over to his desk and sits down, gesturing to a chair for her to sit in. "Alright Mrs. Kale, what do you want to talk about?" Kate took the seat and sighed. "When I got back from voting today, Ginnie tried to guess who I voted for, and she was right, including the fact that I did not vote for Joe Reiser. She said she guessed I wouldn't because he has a short temper and strikes his girlfriend often. Then she added that he is stealing silver from the assayer's office.

I asked her how she knew, and she said Luke and Jacob Wagner told her. Reiser recently moved near them, and one of the boys saw him bury something behind the house. The boy dug it up later and it was silver. I know children can have active imaginations, but Ginnie is usually quite good at filtering what is true and what isn't. If it's true it's very serious, and this man is on my party's ticket. He should not be on a council if he's stealing. We didn't trust any of the County Sheriff's enough to bring this to them, but I don't know if there's any other choice."

He says, "Okay, I need to talk to the boys. If I head over to your school and go in through the back door can you think of a reason to send them both into the kitchen? That way we can discuss this without anybody else being there or knowing who spoke to me about this." She replies, "That wouldn't be difficult. I'm sorry to bring this to you, I'm sure you were looking forward to retiring from your Marshall duties and going back to being an attorney. I really should speak to my attorney, now that I think of it. And don't worry, I'm not in any trouble."

Kate stood up and said, "Let's head over. It's lunchtime right now so we won't interrupt any lessons." He replies, "Let's go separately, no reason to make this obvious to anybody who might be watching." "Of course. I don't know what's wrong with me lately. Thank you Marshall." Kate got up and left the office, walking back to the school and joining the other teachers in the schoolroom. Not long after she returns to the school Kate sees Marshall Berg out the window, heading around to the back of the house.

Kate walked outside among the children, stopping to chat here and they as they ate or played. She finally made her way over to the Wagner boys. "I'd like you to do me a favor please," she smiled at them. "There's a bucket in the kitchen by the door, would you run and fetch some water for me? We're almost out in the schoolroom." The boys do as they are told and do not immediately return. The lunch period comes to an end and everybody head back inside.

A few minutes later the Wagner boys emerge from the kitchen carrying the bucket of water. Out the window Kate sees Marshal Berg walking along the alleyway back towards his office. Ginnie appears to be the only one of the children to have also noticed this. Kate says, "Thank you, gentlemen. You can set that down right by the door. I'll get rid of the old bucket later." The boys scrambled back to their seats and Kate continued on as if nothing unusual had happened.

Throughout the morning at the Lucky Lady, Hawkes continues to consume heavily sweetened thick coffee for the entire morning, using the combined stimulation of the abundance of both caffeine and sugar to keep him alert and awake. However one consequence to that strategy is that he has to make frequent trips needed to the outhouse, causing him to miss approximately one of every six to eight hands dealt.

During the five hours of play a total of 54 hands are dealt from which Maverick wins 22, Cook wins 20 and Hawkes wins 12. Most hands have been played at either the ante or at just one coin above with only a handful played above that although two of those larger pots were won by Hawkes, which is the only reason that he remains a player in the game. Cook and Maverick are now both tied for the lead at $ 22,500 while Hawkes pile has been reduced to a mere $ 4,000. As the clock reaches the hour of twelve Van Horne now calls for a one-hour meal break. He states that Job Kane will be the dealer for the next five-hour session and that the ante will be increased to two platinum coins. Harry Rote reminds Jake "Don't forget to vote, the polls close at 5:00 PM so this hour might be your only chance."

Jake states, "Oh, right. Thank you Harry." Using the opportunity to stretch his legs, Jake walks leisurely to perform his civic duty. More accurately, keep his commitment to his friends. Jake walks briskly in, politely nods at the instructions, and votes straight party line for the Unity Party without even reading the rest of the ballot. Politely he deposits the completed form as directed, smiles and leaves. "There," he says out loud but to himself.

Over the balance of the hour, he is tempted to nap but figures he is better off without it, having gone much longer than this without sleep. He eats lightly, drinks plenty of water and soaks up some Arizona sun out back of the saloon while juggling knotted rags. He ignores the odd looks he receives by those walking down the side street. His mind refreshed, and body exercised a bit he returns to the table two minutes before the scheduled start time.

The Poker players resume their game at 1:00 P.m. Hawkes no longer has his coffee pot, ordering a glass of scotch and water from the bar instead. Job Kane arrives, looking physically much better than he had the day before. He is attired in his best suit and breaks the seal on a fresh deck of cards. Hawkes wins the first hand, Maverick the second and Hawkes the third, all played at the $ 1000 ante, thus no change. Maverick takes the next two hands, with Hawkes having called a $ 500 increase on the second of those having held a heart flush to Maverick’s quartet of fives. So after a half-hour of play Maverick is up to $ 27,000 with Cook now at $ 20,500 and Hawkes down to his last $ 1,500.

Maverick and Cook both have decent cards on the next hand and raise by $ 500. Hawkes folds and orders another scotch and water. Maverick wins that hand as well with a full-house Queens over Threes to Cook’s full house Sevens over Jacks. Hawkes comments that with a single coin left he can’t meet the minimum ante. Van Horne walks over to the table and says, “As it turns out, I had minted 101 platinum coins of which you are only using 98 of them. If wouldn’t be fair to the souvenir collections to have coins that weren’t actually used in the game”. He then reaches into his pocket and hands each of the three players another $ 500 coin.

Due to Hawkes lack of funds the hand is kept at the ante and Hawkes manages to win, leaving him with $ 3,000 to Cook’s $ 18,500 and Maverick’s $ 29,000. Hawkes folds on the next ante-level hand which Maverick wins. The next hand dealt proves to be a remarkable coincidence with of all things a three-way tie as each player has a ten-to-ace straight. Finding that odd Van Horne collects the cards which he hands to Jonathan Harker, who brings them over to young Gonzales, and a fresh deck is started.

Maverick wins the next two hands, bringing his total up ot $ 33,000 which is now twice Cook’s $ 16,500 with Hawkes down to his final $ 1,000 yet again. Hawkes is now on his third drink and as the cards are dealt begins to sing:

“You got to know when to hold them,
know when to fold them,
know when to walk away,
know when to run,
you never count your money,
when you’re sitting at the table,
they’ll be time enough for counting,
when the dealing’s done.”

Once again Hawkes manages a lucky break, winning the hand with a flush to each of the other players’ two-pair and increasing his fortune back to $ 3,000 as the clock reaches the hour of 2:00 P.M. Though he has enjoyed playing with Hawkes, the man's perserverance is both vexing and remarkable. Jake has someone get him a black coffee and he continues to focus on the game.

At around 2:00 PM Nate Caudell stops by the school and calls his wife Mollie over for a private conversation. Kate glanced over, but since it is a private conversation she doesn't try to hear it. She looked over at Ginnie, who was studiously ignoring the conversation, which probably meant she was trying hard to hear. It must be something serious or Mr. Caudell wouldn't have left the Town Hall today. After he leaves Mollie waits until an appropriate time to chat with Kate.

Mollie tells Kate "Nate is out of work for the rest of week. They've arrested his boss, Joe Riser for stealing silver. The Cochise County Assayer Ben Chandler is on his way here from Tombstone to investigate so they've closed the Assay Office. Since Riser was the one who hired Nate he's now under suspicion too." Kate exclaims, "Oh no, Mollie. I'm so sorry. I... One of the children told me what they knew about Mr. Reiser, and I went to Marshall Berg so he could look into it and find out if it was just imaginative children or something real. It never even occurred to me it would put your husband under suspicion. Ruby always said I was too naive; apparently she was right."

Molly says, "Relax Kate, Nate is innocent of any wrong doing. We just have to wait for that to be officially declared. In the meanwhile he will be available to help out here at the school the next three days if we wish to use him and his experience." Kate replies, "Certainly. I'd be glad of it, and I think some of the boys might be glad to have a man in the school for a few days. We do things rather unconventionally here, I hope he won't find us too unprofessional." Mollie laughs and says, "If Nate were a conventional man he never would have married me."

"Look what he would have missed," Kate said fondly. She was seized with a sudden and completely inappropriate desire to tell Mollie what had happened last night. She could feel the blush crawling up her cheeks and said only, "I'm getting more unconventional by the day. Boston would hardly know me." Mollie replies, "And if I'm reading you right you would hardly know Boston again either. There's no way you'd fit back into that setting ever again, you've been given too much freedom here."

"Yes, that part of my life is over," she said with only a hint of regret. "I could play the part, but I couldn't live my the rules. I'm hoping we'll get a town council that won't try to curb our freedom here, they're too precious to me to give up." Mollie gave her an understanding glance and they both went back to the students. The remainder of the school day passed quickly, and Kate found herself once again in the odd position of having no where she absolutely had to be. Votes wouldn't be counted until after five o'clock, so she turned her steps to the El Parador to go and get something to eat.

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-fifty-one, “The West Family”, Tuesday, June 20th, 9:00 A.M.

On Tuesday morning Ruby is laying comfortable wrapped around George when she feels a gentle shaking. She cracks an eye open to find her new lover with a slightly nervous look on his face. “Ruby,” he whispers, “Wake up. We have to get up, someone else is awake.” “Is that all?” Ruby whispers back, before she yawns and closes her eyes again and snuggles her nose into his neck. “So what? They probably know already.”

But George continues to shake her until she finally does wake up. They untangle themselves and sit up on the couch, looking over the remains of what was a clean parlor. “They’ll definitely know if they come in here,” she laughs. Their clothes are strewn everywhere, cushions thrown around and furniture moved out of their customary spots. Ruby is not looking at the room though, she is looking at George, who looks even better to her in the bright light of day then the soft caress of the night.

“Come on,” George insists again, and rises from the couch, pulling Ruby with him. “What,” she says innocently, “I was just admiring the new… decoration.” George smiles but gives her a scolding look at the same time. She laughs at him and kisses his cheek before they pull on whatever clothing they can find to cover up. They quickly and sloppily rearrange the furniture, finding one of Ruby’s stockings stuck in the cushions of chair and George’s shirt under the entrance table.

George listens at the door, judging when the time is right not to be seen before the two of them exit the parlor and with Ruby’s giggles accompanying them they hurry up the stairs. Before they part for their separate rooms George grabs Ruby for another kiss. “Let’s go back to the beach. I enjoyed myself there and I believe you did too. That way we’ll be alone all day and I can have you all to myself.” “Good idea,” Ruby replies. She hurries off to her room to prepare for the day. Knowing she’ll probably spend the day in her under garments again it doesn’t take her long to prepare.

By the time she comes downstairs Al has a basket made up for them to take for breakfast and lunch along with the blanket. William drives them out to the park, and again checks for other guests. No one else is there, being a Tuesday during a work week. George and Ruby spend the day relaxing and enjoying each other. They are growing more and more comfortable with each other and it shows in their body language, the way they speak to and gaze at each other. George does a fabulous job of keeping Ruby distracted and she doesn’t even think about the upcoming dinner with her parents as the day goes by. They eat, swim, nap and this time even take a small hike through the woods.

The sun gets high in the sky then begins it's descent again before George tells Ruby they need to leave and prepare. Ruby drags her heels helping to pack up and walk back to where they meet up with William. She's quiet all the way home, nervously switching between biting her lip and tugging on her hair. She doesn't talk about dinner at all. They return home in short order. Once inside Ruby walks back to her room like a little kid in trouble. She stands in front of her now stocked closet, suddenly not liking any of her choices. Nothing seems appropriate, too revealing, not revealing enough, too bright, too... whatever.

In frustration she leaves her room and goes to George's. She knocks on his door, "George, are you in there?" He opens the door. She sees that he has attired himself in one of his better suit, this one of a slightly older style that had been popular among the upper crust in the early-to-mid-1870's. He has shiny new cufflinks on the shirt sleeves and a bow tie. He asks, "Well, how do I look?" Ruby looks up him and down critically. She steps towards him and straightens his tie before she smiles. "You look gorgeous baby."

She steps away and sits on his bed. "I'm... uh, I'm not sure this dinner is a good idea." He replies, "Neither am I, but I would prefer to have this encounter here on my home territory rather than some other place where we might meet by chance." Ruby pushes some hair behind her ear. "I just... what if... Oh!" She slaps her hand on the bed. "I'm really nervous. I can't even pick out an outfit." He replies, "Dress conservatively for this meeting, there is no reason to antagonize them before we even begin to speak."

"I know. I'm just...," she twists her ruby ring around her finger, "Nervous. Scared. I know, it's silly." She hangs her head, watching her own toe scrap across the floor. He states, "Ruby, you're here in my home now, that isn't going to change. They can't force you to leave here and even if they try just remember that the Police Commissioner is my friend not theirs." It's George's voice more than his words that calm Ruby. She takes a large breath in and stands. "Thanks George. I just needed to be reassured and pull myself together." She gives him a quick hug and heads back to her room.

She chooses a new satin emerald colored gown. By itself it is a gown that Ruby feels comfortable in, with a low square neckline and tight bodice. But it came with a small matching jacket that covered up anything offensive. She fixes her makeup and adds some perfume before calling for Al, who helps her coax her hair into an elaborate and elegant up-do. Adding a new bracelet to her ensemble she gazes at her reflection in the mirror. She pauses as she briefly touches her heart earrings for luck but quickly banishes any thoughts but the confident ones she was going to be needing. She smoothes the gown and steps towards the door. "How do I look Alvina?"

Al replies, "You look fine. You will do well tonight, just trust in yourself. You are a grown woman who makes her own decisions, you are no longer an infant under their control." Ruby takes a deep breath in. "I don't know if we ever get over our parents and mine were particularly...well, never mind." She puts a forces a smile to her face. "Thank you for your help, it was sweet of you." She nods to Al then heads down stairs.

The clock is almost upon the hour of the West's impending arrival. Alvina makes sure that all of the place setting are there. A carriage comes up the driveway. William goes to the door to greet the visitors and George stands beside Ruby and states, "Have strength my darling." Ruby grasps George's hand tightly in hers and takes another deep breath. She turns just her head to face him and says, "I really do love you George. I think I always have. Even in my toughest times I had faith you would always be my friend and be here when I needed you." Her smile turns genuine. "And here you are."

The house manager William opens the door and admits in William and Alma West. Ruby squeezes George's hand again as the imposing figures of William and Alma West enter the house. One could easily tell where Ruby gets her height from looking at both her parents. Her father, dressed in fancy yet conservative ensemble is tall, fit and dark haired. His face is slightly worn by time with some gray starting to pepper his hair, yet it only serves to make him look more distinctive. His green eyes mirror Ruby's and in them she detects a hint of surprise as he looks her over for the first time in five years.

Her mother on the other hand is the same height as Ruby, slender, still young looking and beautiful, with not a wrinkle on her face. Her dark brown hair is twisted and turned into an elaborate up style. Her clothes are the utmost in fashion, everything on her looks expensive. Dripping in jewelry the only thing colder than the diamond around her neck are her ice blue eyes, eyes that are now boring right into Ruby's soul. She returns her parent's stares with a friendly gaze of her own. "Daddy, Mother," she addresses them as she curtsies. "How nice to see you."

"Nice to see you as well," her mother states. Another person enters the room behind Alma West who Ruby immediately recognizes as Miss. Agatha Hellbourne, a dour spinster who was Ruby's least-loved nannies. Accompanying the woman is a young boy of perhaps three years of age. He has curly sandy-colored hair, a square-shaped face and jaw, and deep blue eyes. Ruby is slightly confused as to the boy's identity when Alma West says, "Constance Grace, I would like you to meet your brother, Benjamin William West. Benjamin, this is your sister Constance."

Ruby's hand releases its grip and falls away from George. Her first thought, as she stands speechless, is Why didn't he tell me? It is quite a few minutes before Ruby can speak or even move. Finally as she stares at the young boy she says, "I have a brother?" but it's more of a statement than a question. She looks at him with some doubt, after all, her parents were old now for children.…she steps towards the boy and kneels before him. In a sweet and friendly voice she greets him, "Hello Benjamin, it's nice to meet you."

I a shy, almost quiet manner the boy says "Hello Constance, it is a pleasure to meet you." George calls William over and says, "We will need extra place settings at the table, I had expected only Mr. and Mrs. West." Miss Hellbourne interjects "Only a place for Master Benjamin, I have already dined Mr. Eastman." Ruby, still entranced with the boy says to him, "May I hug you William? After all, you are my brother and I have missed out on years of hugging you." The boy neither says yes or no nor appears rather resistant.

Miss. Hellbourne states, "There is no reason for the need of any physical contact." "Of course Nannie Hellbourne." Ruby stands and looks the woman defiantly in the eyes before she scoops the boy into her arms and hugs him tightly. She whispers in his ear, "Don't listen to her, this is what people who care about each other do." She places him back on the floor. "I wasn't asking you," she says to the old woman. She looks to her parents. "So, I see you've been busy." He father ignores Ruby's comment and approaches George instead, shaking his hand and says, "Thank you sir for taking care of things with the police and for bringing our daughter back to Rochester."

Eastman replies, "Sir, her arrival here was as much a surprise to me as it was to you, not that I am objecting. While the men are exchanging cordialities Alma West approaches Ruby and states, "Constance, you have become quite the young lady. Mr. Eastman showed us the photograph that he had taken out in that western silver town but it hardly does you justice. I am surprised though that you still haven't realized that dying your hair would be better for your prospects."

"Thank you for the compliment mother." Suddenly Ruby laughs. "I have no shortage of prospects. And no shortage of men who enjoy my hair color rather than loathe it." Like you, she thinks. "Although I've been busy and not very worried about my prospects." Alma replies, "Yes, George seemed to indicate that you had some sort of relationship going with the owners of one of the silver mines in that town and that you had also made some of your own investments in real estate."

Ruby states, "Yes, actually, I am a part own of a Saloon where I am the star attraction," she says proudly. "I sing there. I also own part of another saloon and part of a silver trust. And now," she smiles at George, "I also own the lake and surrounding land. I don't think I'm doing too badly, although George may not agree. He thinks I should come home and sing here instead." George says, "We can discuss serious things such as that after the meal. Why don't we go and eat, I believe that Alvina has prepared a special meal for us."

Ruby took notice of George's tone. He hadn't mentioned anything about serious talk after dinner. She was trying her best to keep the knot in her stomach from growing any larger. "Good idea, let's enjoy dinner, shall we?" Ruby makes her way into the dining room and waits to be told where to sit. They sit down with George Eastman and William West on opposite ends of the long table. The other three have place settings on the long side of the table, with Ruby closer to George. Alma is on the opposite side of Ruby, equidistant between both men on the ends and sets up Benjamin across from Ruby between Alma and George. Miss. Hellbourne stands along the wall behind Benjamin and steps forward to help him with his meal.

A multi-course meal is served that would equal that of the finest Manhattan restaurants. The table conversation is dominated by the two men, with William asking a lengthy series of questions of George Eastman about his business and George responding with long detailed answers. Ruby sits, mostly quiet and minds her manners during dinner. She was suddenly concerned about this after dinner serious conversation and also the boy sitting across from her. Can he really be my brother? If he is, can I leave him to my parents to torment him too like they did to me? He's three, still a baby, he should be running and playing and... no physical contact? I always hated Miss Hellspawn... She banishes the thoughts from her mind. At least things seemed okay so far.

Ruby says, "George, this meal has been excellent. We must remember to thank Alvina for her hard work." The Wests also give praises for the meal. Alvina comes in and clears the meal for the table. She then brings out a tray with the desserts, strawberry shortcake-a-la-mode. Benjamin's eyes light up when he sees it, the first time this evening that he appears animated. Miss. Hellbourne steps forward and says "None for Master Benjamin, it is already after 8:00 P.M. and if he eats any of that now he won't get any sleep tonight."

"Oh come on, it's a special night, let him have some dessert. It's not every day you get to meet your older sister after all." She winks at the small boy. The boy looks up at Alma West and pleads "Please mother, this is a special night. I've heard about Constance for years now and I finally get to meet her." Alma relents "Oh, alright." William West lets out a huff. She says, "Good, then we can all enjoy dessert. It would have been terrible to miss strawberry shortcake, it's one of my favorites and how could I have eaten it if my baby brother couldn't." Turning back to the boy she asks, "So Ben, what's your favorite game to play?" "Mother and I play croquet with some of the servants," he replies.

Ruby says, "Oh, that's... fun. Do you have a lot of friends?" He replies, "No Ma'am, I've occasionally gone to the Oxnards when their grandchildren were visiting. I am sure I will make friends in a few years when I go away to boarding school." Ruby's heart nearly breaks listening to this little boy who already had the life sucked out of him. "Ben, don't call me Ma'am. You can call me Ruby, that is the name I go by now, but if you don't want to call me that please call me Constance." Ruby looks to her parents. "I never understood why someone would have a child so they could send them away." William West exclaims "That is my decision to make young lady!"

Sensing the greatly increased tension around the table George attempts to change the subject by asking William West about his business. He asks, "Mr. West, how is West and Burnham Industries doing these days?" Unfortunately that question appears to make matters worse when an increased amount of anger underlies West's response of "There is no more West and Burnham. Lucas Burnham and I parted company under unpleasant circumstances several years back. It is now just West Industries. Burnham has relocated to Washington D.C." Alma West interjects "Actually, Baltimore". That earns her an icy glare.

Ruby is sorry to hear that. Lucas Burnham was one of the few people in New York that she actually liked. He and her father were contrasts in opposites, with his lighthearted and easygoing manner, but they made an effective team in business. Burnham's wife had died young before they had any children and without any other family to speak of he spent a considerable amount of time at the West household. She fondly thought of 'Uncle Luke' being around for birthdays and holidays. She pictures the man in her mind. His happy smile, his....his square jaw, his piercing blue eyes and his curly hair, white on the sideburns and back but sandy on top.

She stares back across the table at her younger brother with a sudden sense of recognition, the spitting image of Lucas Burnham, and realizes at once that Alma West's young son is not her full but her half-brother. A tiny spark of jealously shoots up through Ruby with the realization, although it's soon put out with the second realization that her brother was not enjoying the benefit of a different father. It was her mother who she thought always ran things around their household.
Ruby moves her gaze from the boy, to her mother, then to her father.

She asks as innocently as she can muster, "What unpleasant circumstances was that? I thought Uncle Luke was fairly laid back." Alma West moves back slightly. William West's face turns beet red and he looks to Ruby and says, "Young Lady, your forfeited your right to be involved with family decisions when you abandoned us!" Ruby laughs but isn't really smiling. "Since when did you and mother ever include anyone in your decisions anyway? You only ever thought about yourselves. And just to be clear, I didn't abandon you, you pushed me away!" William West exclaims, "We did nothing of the kind. But we can talk about that later. Get your bags Constance, we're taking you home now!"

William West has just exclaimed, “Get your bags Constance, we're taking you home now!" Ruby just blinks at her father. All along, everyone had told her that her parents had, no have no control over her. Yet instead she was still scared as she was of him as a child. She turns her gaze to George. Her voice firm she says, "No, I'm not going with you." George says in an equally firm voice, "She is remaining here." Alma West states, "She most certainly is not. That would not be proper."

"Proper?" Ruby only briefly looks at the boy. "I don't think you should be telling ME what's proper!" Ruby stands from the table and raises her voice. "So they only reason you came here tonight is to try to drag me away from my life so you could look better in yours. I should have known you'd never change. Well, forget it, it's not going to happen!" William West stands and walks towards Ruby. Eastman stands as well. West grabs Ruby by the arm. "Owwww," she screams and tries to pull her arm away, "Let me go! I'm not a child anymore you can't force me to stay!"

Alma West stands and says "Agatha, please bring Benjamin out to the carriage." The woman takes the boy by the hand and heads towards the door. Eastman walks around Ruby towards William West and states "Unhand her sir, we will discuss this like gentlemen." William West releases his daughter and replies to him "Gentlemen? If you were concerned about that you wouldn't have her in your household without a chaperone. Gentlemen care about their reputation."
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Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-fifty-two, “I am all in” , Tuesday, June 20th, 2:00 P.M.

On the next hand Maverick raises the ante by $ 1,000, causing Hawkes to fold and Cook to call. Both players are holding full houses, but Cook wins with Queens over Eights to Maverick’s Tens over Fives. The next hand is dealt and Cook raises the ante by $ 1,000 on the next hand causing Hawkes to fold and Maverick to raise another $ 1,000 which Cook calls. Cook takes it with a quartet of Jacks to Maverick’s full house Aces over threes.

Hawkes is now back to his last $ 1,000 yet again. However, unlike the previous two times he was in this position he fails to win the hand, with it going to Maverick. With the dignity of a true competitor and gentlemen, Hawkes thanks his dealer, his competitors and the host and hostess. The saloon gives him a round of applause as he stands. Jake offers him his hand. "It has been my privilege and pleasure to sit across the table from you sir."

Van Horne suggests a short outhouse break, the game to resume at 2:30 P.M.. Maverick is now at $ 29,000 to Cook’s $ 21,500. Jake takes the break to stretch again after using the outhouse. He returns to the table promptly. When the game resumes Cook wins $ 1,500 on the first hand the loses $ 2,000 on each of the next two hands. The next hand results in Cook holding four Jacks and he raises the bet by $ 3,000. Maverick calls, holding a full-house Ace high, which brings them both back to the same totals following the first hand. Cook barely wins both of the next two hands played at the ante with a flush followed by three-of-a-kind.

The hand after that goes $ 2,000 above the ante with Cook winning again with a quartet of Nines. That puts Cook in the lead for the first time of this session at $ 28,000 to Maverick’s $ 22,500.
Jake winds up with garbage on his next hand and folds, proving a good decision as Maverick had four Sixes. Neither player gets anything spectacular for the next eight hands which are all played at the ante with Maverick winning five and Cook winning three. This results in Maverick taking the lead again at only $ 500 above Cook’s total.

Jake is pleased to finally get a decent hand with a quartet of Queens. He raises $ 2,000 above the ante. Maverick calls the $ 2,000 and raises another $ 2,000. Not to be outdone, Cook calls that and raises another $ 2,000 which Maverick calls. Maverick has four-of-a-kind Tens so Jake wins the pot which brings him up to $ 32,000 to Maverick’s $ 18,500. The time is now 4:45 PM, these hands having actually taken longer to play than when there were more players at the table in part because the dealer and both players are enjoying themselves immensely and savoring every moment.

Jake comments, "There is very little in life as fine as a well played poker game, Mr. Maverick. I dare say, all previous distractions aside, it will not be easy to come by its equal." Maverick replies, "Indeed Jacob Cook, a game against a worthy opponent is something truly worth living for." Thus far Jake has not been able to detect any specific tells from Maverick but senses in his gut that the next hand dealt is a good one for the gambler from Texas and so Jake folds despite holding a full-house. That proves an astute move as Maverick held a straight flush.

They swap hands for the next eight, none played above the ante due to the other player folding whenever one attempts to raise, thus with four wins apiece the totals remain the same. Maverick wins the next ante hand followed by a hand where the pot actually increases by $ 2,000 each due to each having good cards for a change. This narrows the gap, with Maverick now at $ 27,000 to Cook’s $ 23,500.

With only fifteen minutes left until the scheduled 6:00 PM break Jake manages to find himself holding an unbeatable hand, a Royal Flush in Spades with Maverick apparently also pleased with his own hand as he raises the pot by $ 3,000 and waits for Cook’s next move. Jake places his cards face down and stares at Maverick for about a minute before he silently makes two piles of $3,000. He stares at the two piles for a few seconds before pushing them both to the pot. "Call and raise." Maverick calls that and then raises it $ 3,000 more.

Jake smiles at Brett Maverick and says, "Do you want to finish this now? We are both going to be tired soon." Jake taps his tallest pile of chips a few times and says, "I am all in, and I say tournament winner buys the loser a drink." Jake pushes all his chips to the pot. Maverick replies, "Well, seeing as to how I began this hand $ 3500 ahead of you it wouldn't be fair for me to go all in." He counts out seven coins which he sets aside. He then pushes his remaining pile into the center of the table, calling the bet. The room gets totally silent as Maverick reveals his cards to be a Straight Flush in Diamonds Nine to Queen.

Jake states, "True, you have shown yourself to be a sportsman and gentleman at the table. I greatly respect that." Without fanfare or gloating, because he has been on the other end this situation before, he turns over his cards. He cannot help but rub one of his silver Jack of Spades cufflinks a couple of times. "A difficult hand to beat, sir." After Jake puts his cards down and the room gives a round of applause as several photographers take pictures.

Maverick says, “Well, there’s only enough time for one more hand before the break. No point in dragging this out.” And although the cards haven’t even been dealt yet he slides his remaining seven coins into the pot saying “I’ll either be finished now or I’ll double my remaining stake to give me half a chance when we resume.” Jake nods his acceptance and calls his chips. "Deal them." Job Kane deals out the cards. Maverick takes two cards and Cook takes three. On the second draw Maverick takes one and Cook takes one.

Maverick places down his cards showing a Heart Flush. Jake then lays down his cards revealing a full-house Kings over Fours, winning both the pot and the tournament. Both players congratulate each other with a handshake and then thank their dealers and hosts. Maverick smiles and says, “For my drink I will take the most expensive whiskey that you have in the house.” "Harry!" Jake calls out. "What is the best whiskey in town you can get your hands on?"

"Coming right up boss," Harry exclaims. He heads outside to the storeroom and comes back with a bottle with dust on it. "Niles was saving it for a special occasion, he marked the price as $ 55 for the bottle." Jake nods. "Open her up, Harry." The whiskey is poured for Maverick as drinks for others are served up around the room. Jake hears the familiar voice of Commodore Duvall behind him say, "Let me be one of the first to congratulate you Mr. Cook." Jake says, "Thank you Commodore. I trust you enjoyed the game, and some of the other entertainment?"

He states, "Indeed, I was outside the door last evening when Mr. Adair got his just desserts. I would have come inside but I had seen those Federal agents and there was a remote chance that I might have been who they were looking for. Once he was arrested I headed over to Drover's and rented a horse. As their stagecoach crossed the bridge away from town the last thing that man saw was me tipping my hat to him with a wide grin on my face."

Jake replies, "Well done, Commadore, very well done." Jake waves Harry over to put some of the $55 whiskey in his glass. "Now tell me, now that the tournament is over, what would you have done with the winnings if you had won?" The Commodore replies, "I would have purchased another Riverboat, named it the Laurel Belle II, and resumed my career as a Mississippi riverboat gambler. But fear not Mr. Cook, from what I hear there are plenty of opportunities in either Colorado or California for a man of my talents."

Jake asks, "What does it cost to purchase your own riverboat?" He replies, "These day, I'm not altogether sure. I will probably have to look for a used one, but that would be alright provided the boilers are still in good shape. Why do you ask?" I am rather fond of my riverboat days, and might be interested in a partnership if the deal were right." Jake laughs, "I half expected you to say thirty thousand dollars. You are slipping Commodore." He sips from his whiskey. "Ah, that IS mighty fine. Yes, as I was saying for the right deal, I might be interested. You are well known sir, and you know the business of the river. I have no doubt that many will still come just for a chance to play with the Commodore."

Jake sips again. "I trust you not a wit, but I see the potential. Besides, anyone who despised Evan Adair as much as I cannot be all bad. If you have any interest in a partner or two, look me up when you have part of the stake and some leads on a good solid boat. Until then Commodore, enjoy Colorado and California." "Indeed, well sir, I believe I will be off. It has been a pleasure."

Although Kate’s mood had calmed since the early morning, she still fairly floated through the Cantina, heading straight for the kitchen instead of sitting at a table. "Dearest Dorita, I beg you to feed me, I'm starving," Kate said and kissed Dorita's cheek. Dorita is more than happy to feed Kate all of the food she wants. When she is around halfway through the meal she is joined by Conrad. Kate treated him to a radiant smile as he sat down. "Dorita's in heaven; I'm starving this afternoon." She reached out and took his hand. "And how are you, my dear?"

He replies, "Truth be told I am a little tired. The last several days have been rather hectic for me and I haven't been getting enough sleep, I..." He then stops and blushes when he realizes what he just said. She squeezed his hand softly. "Can you ever forgive me for depriving you of sleep?" Despite her light tone her face was as rosy as his. "You'll have to make sure you get to sleep at a decent hour tonight.”

Kate then asks, “You sent your brother off this morning?" He says, "Yes, but first we have to find out the results of the election. If Kate Higgins manages to win I'll be getting the night off, as she will be holding a party at the Long Branch instead of the usual evening fare." She says, "You'll forgive me then for hoping you'll have to work tonight. I'm nervous about the results, Conrad. I don't want the town to change too much, but I don't want to be afraid to walk down the street alone either. This is my home now." "Of course it is my darling. I wouldn't want you anywhere else." Dorita brings Conrad his food and the two of them enjoy a peaceful meal with light and happy conversation.

Back at the Lucky Lady, Jake hears another voice, a female voice, state "Congratulations indeed Mr. Cook, perhaps I could have some pleasure of your company too." He looks over to see Fifi LaFarge standing there wearing a rather slinky dress. "Hello Fi," Jake replies, "a pleasure to see you." He lets his eye travel a bit before, "Have Harry get you something to drink on me if you can stay a bit. I have a few more things to take care of but I would certainly enjoy your lovely company." Jake leaves her with a disarming smile and searches out Van Horne.

Cornelius Van Horne is also seeking Jake. He approaches and says "Mr. Cook, before you get lost with your admirers could I have a few minutes alone to discuss some business matters.” Jake replies, "Certainly, my good man, I am feeling magnanimous right now. Lead on!" They head upstairs to one of the rooms, where Jake notes that a bottle of Kentucky Bourbon is on the table along with two glasses. Van Horne shuts the door and says in his own voice "Well done Jacob me boy, very well done indeed."

Finally letting go of his careful composure, Jake raises both fists in the air and lets out an enthusiastic, "Yes!" He dances around the room for a bit before stopping in front of the big man.
"Red," he says panting, "that compliment from you means as much to me as winning the tournament." Then he breaks into hysterical laughter, "Alright, I lied, winning the tournament felt MUCH BETTER!" When the laughter subsides a bit he uncharacteristically hugs Red for a moment and says, "I do owe it all to you." He quickly breaks away and pours some bourbon.

Red says, "So Jacob me boy, I couldn't help but notice that Miss LaFarge seems to have her sights on you. What are ye thoughts regarding the young lass?" Jake looks up surprised. "My thoughts? I have thought nothing more than the end of this tournament for days and you want my thoughts?" Jake slowly shakes his head back and forth. "I had a girl, the most amazing girl I have ever met. I blew it with her. I need to close that chapter of my life, lick my wounds and drown my sorrows with a girl in every town and whores in between. Why do you ask?"

Red replies, "Because something came for you Jacob, a telegram from Miss West. You had spoken to me before about the status of your relationship. It arrived immediately prior to the start of the tournament and I didn't want you to be distracted so I hung onto it. Based upon your winning I feel I made the right decision as your focus was where it needed to be for the last three days. But now that it is over I feel I should pass this on to you." He reaches into his jacket pocket and takes out a Western Union telegram which he passes over to Jake. It reads:

Dear Jake - stop - I know the tournament is this weekend at the Lady. I am truly sorry I can not be there. I wanted to wish you luck even though I know you don’t really need it. I don’t think you ever did. But you have your lucky hat as a back up, just in case. Luck or not, I know you’ll do great. - stop - It’s really been weighing on my mind that you have not tried to contact me while I have been gone. I miss you very much, in more ways than one. Please take a moment from your hopefully lazy schedule and wire me back in Rochester. I’ll check the office when I arrive there and I look forward to hearing from you. - stop - Baby, I just have one more thing to say. I am sorry if I put pressure on you, pressure that you were not ready for. I understand that you are not ready to go the places that you made me ready to go. Our time apart has made me see that we might be in two different places in our lives. Not hearing from you makes me think that you perhaps regret some of the things we have done and said. I don’t blame you in any way; maybe I wanted things so badly that I pushed you further than you could go. I know I can be persuasive when I want to be and perhaps you thought the things you wanted would be easier to get… I don’t know. I am not sure of much anymore except for this - stop - No matter what either of us does, I will always love you. You’ll always be the man who made me want to really live again and helped me do it. Even if it can not be true, you are the one I was meant to be with. You have a special place in my heart, you earned it, and that spot will always be yours. - stop - I Love You, Ruby West - stop - PS Starry nights are not the same without you.

Jake stares at the telegram for several long moments. "I am not angry that kept this from me. You were likely right. Besides, waiting three days makes no difference in what I must do. No time like the present." Jake takes some paper and a pen from Red and quickly writes a note, seemingly knowing exactly what to say. He turns away from Red as he finishes, his hand goes to his eye to remove some stray irritant. "Old friend, please see that this somehow gets back to Ruby. I have no secrets from you, read it before you send it. I should get back down with the party, it would be a shame if I missed my big day." Jake returns downstairs for a night of celebration, the reports having all left but most of Jake's usual players and friends have arrived.

Near the end of their dinner, Kate asked Conrad, "Do you know of a good place to go to get the results as soon as they're known? Would we just go wait outside the Town Hall?" Conrad says, "Let's just go, the Judge wants it to be a public process so that there isn't any dispute or controversy over the results." Kate and Conrad finish their meal and head over tot he town hall as it is now 5:00 P.M. While the polls officially close at 5:00 PM although there are a half-dozen people still waiting in line at that hour so they are allowed to vote as well.

Silver Moon

Chapter Two-hundred-fifty-three, “Election Results” , Tuesday, June 20th, 5:15 P.M.

After spending the afternoon just walking around in the good weather, Chester and Clarisse go to City Hall to watch the vote counting. He says, "This is it, dear. This election will decide what direction this town goes in." Once the last voter has cast their ballots the Town Hall doors are propped open for anybody interested to come in and watch the ballot counting.

People gather around as Judge Isby, Nate Caudell and Kevin Tomlinson sit down to count the ballots. The key to the padlock on the box with the ballots had been locked in the safe of the First National Bank and is given to the Judge by bank teller Shannon O’Hara who is accompanied by Bank Manger Paul Stevens. Kate and Conrad made their way into the Town Hall with the other onlookers. It was crowded before long, and she held his hand tightly as they watched and waited. She watched Shannon for a few moments, thinking about the trip to England she might have to make. Everything as changing so fast.

They first count the number of ballots in the box, coming up with a total of 236, which matches the count on the list of eligible voters who had voted. They then go through and separate out all of the straight ticket ballots. This task takes until 5:30 PM and some of the audience begin to depart, having become impatient with waiting for the results. "No one promised that counting would be exciting," Kate said, shaking her head. They slid up a little closer as the crowd thinned. "Although I suppose the results will be the same whether I hear them now or later."

The number of straight ticket ballots are just under half, with 113 of the 236 ballots cast. These are then totaled, the results being marked on a chalk board. When finished they total 45 for the Law and Order Party, 36 for the Freedom Party and 32 for the Unity Party. Clarisse clutches Chester's arm. "How could people vote for those crooks in the Freedom Party? Promise City would become like Sodom and Gomorrah." Chester replies, "The judge hasn't finished counting all the votes. Just wait. He hasn't counted the individual votes."

Kate looked up at Conrad with real fear in her eyes. Still, she strove for optimism and said, "I hope that most of the more moderate people would not have voted a straight ticket and that we will do better now. I suppose the Law and Order supporters would be the most likely to vote a straight ticket." Conrad replies, "Well, I for one did not vote a straight ticket and I would be surprised if any members of Dorita's extended family did either with Mr. Fuente running as an independent." Kate says, "And Dorita's family is quite unusually large. I have more family now than I know what to do with. I didn't vote a straight ticket either. I suppose this part of the counting will take longer."

The remaining 123 individual ballots are then counted for the office of Mayor. As the name on each ballot is called out it becomes clear that Fisk is a very distant third and that the vote between Condon and Shaw will be very close. As they near the bottom of the pile Shaw has pulled ahead although whether is is enough votes to counter the Law and Order Party’s straight ticket lead is uncertain. The final count is 59 individual ballots for Emery Shaw, 44 individual ballots for Frank Condon and 20 individual ballots for Hamilton Fisk. Combined with the other ballots that results in 56 total votes for Fisk, 89 total votes cast for Condon and 91 total votes cast for Shaw, so close that had one Shaw voter cast his or her ballot for Condon instead it would have been a tie, requiring a run-off election. Judge Isby declares Emery Shaw the winner.

Chester lets out a breath. "Whew. That was too close for comfort. It would not have been good for me to have Frank Condon as mayor. We'd butt heads too much... If I win the election, that is." Clarisse hides a smile at his confidence. She says, "You'll win, I just know it. Then you can steer us to respectability." Kate released a profound sigh of relief. "He'll be so pleased. We couldn't have gotten anyone more passionate about making Promise City succeed." Conrad points across the room to where Shaw has lifted his niece Emily up into the air with a big hug and says, "He appears to be pleased."

The individual ballots are the counted for the office of Town Marshal. Hank Hill gets the most with a total of 67 votes, followed by 45 for Chester Martin and 11 for Moss Johnson. Once the straight ticket votes are added in that raises Chester Martin’s total to 77 votes, beating Hill by 10, with Johnson at 56 votes and withdrawn candidate Prosper McCoy with the Freedom Party’s 36 straight-ticket votes. Judge Isby declares Chester Martin the winner.

Chester yells, "Whoop!" and hugs Clarisse tightly. "I did it. I can't believe it. I'm going to find Hank Hill and Moss Johnson to thank them for a well-run campaign." Chester winds his way through the crowd, finding Hank Hill. "Hank, It was a close race. I hope we can work together in the future." Hank shakes his hand and replies, "If you're asking me to be one of your deputies then I accept.

Chester says, "I am, Hank. Then it's settled. The Merchant's Association has the final say, but your strong showing in the election is a point in your favor. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm headed to the Drover's Hotel. See you around." Chester and Clarisse walk to the party. She says to him, "See? All that worry for nothing. I had faith in you." He says, "Thanks for that. Sometimes I wonder how many people only know me from what the Condons and Earl Hogan say about me." She says, "It doesn't matter Chet. Now they will all know you, as Town Marshall Chester Martin." Chester hugs her tight. "That they will. Let's go have some fun."

Kate said very quietly to Conrad, "We were right, my dear. Those most likely to vote for the Unity Party also seemed to be most likely to vote individually rather than a party ticket. Chester will do an excellent job. He already does. And there won't be an interruption in the Marshall's office either."

The individual Town Council ballots are then totaled. The nineteen candidates are listed alphabetically and the counts for the 123 ballots are as follows:

0 Evan Adair
42 Vera Blake
22 Morgan Condon
14 Zebediah Cook
11 Tector Driscoll
53 James Eaton
84 Manuel Escobar
68 Estaban Fuente
33 Vidkin Gerhardshon
6 Tim Gorch
42 Kate Higgins
34 Judge Lacey
79 Burton Lumley
10 Steve Lord
7 Calvin Oldfield
40 Jeremiah Peck
9 Joe Riser
44 Elihu Upton
16 Dennis Winston

The straight ticket ballots are then totaled in for the following result

36 Evan Adair
74 Vera Blake
67 Morgan Condon
59 Zebediah Cook
47 Tector Driscoll
98 James Eaton
116 Manuel Escobar
68 Estaban Fuente
65 Vidkin Gerhardshon
42 Tim Gorch
78 Kate Higgins
66 Judge Lacey
79 Burton Lumley
46 Steve Lord
52Calvin Oldfield
40 Jeremiah Peck
41 Joe Riser
44 Elihu Upton
61 Dennis Winston

The five top candidates in descending order are therefore Manuel Escobar, James Eaton, Burton Lumley, Kate Higgins and Vera Blake. Judge Isby declares them to be the Promise City Town Council. Kate comments, "All in all, it looks like the Unity Party did pretty well. And the council should represent a wide spectrum of people." Her eyes were serious but her lips smiled and she said, "I suppose I won't have to flee to another town. And you will get some sleep tonight.”

She says, “I should go congratulate Emery. Would you like to come?" Conrad replies, "I suppose I should. If the rumors that I've been hearing are true he is a competitor for your affections." "You don't have any doubts about where my affections lie today, I hope?" she asked with a knowing smile. Conrad laughs and says, "I'm rather comfortable with the present knowledge of our relationship."

The crowds break up into smaller groups, with people congratulating the seven winners and offer condolences to the losers. Kate sees Dorita Figures, Angela Huesca and Maria Fuente telling Estaban Fuente how sorry they are that he didn’t get in. He shrugs it off and says with a smile “I don’t feel bad about it, I didn’t have the benefit of a political party and still finished sixth among the nineteen candidates. I’ll run again two years from now and win at that time.”

Al Brower and Pierre Jacquet are busy congratulating Emery Shaw when Brower’s facial expression drastically changes to one of shock followed by elation. He begins a swift sprint towards the door, drawing Emery, Kate and Pierre’s attention as they see Madge Duprey standing in the doorway. Al grabs her with such force that he almost knocks her over, then giving her a big bear hug and warm embrace on big kiss on the lips which she returns. Kate senses somebody coming up beside her and sees Chumbley standing there. He says to Kate, “I may not need to print that retraction now, most of the town is here watching this.”

"If the lady doesn't object, I think there's a wedding in the near future. That's just idle speculation of course," Kate added. "Print the retraction anyway, as part of the story about Miss Duprey's return. I'm sure you'll be writing one. He's been so miserable since she left; it's good to see him happy again." Kate slipped her arm through Conrad's. "Be careful of assumptions, Mr. Chumbley. Although I do admit, assumptions can make for some nice surprises now and then." Kate now sees Manuel Gonzales enter the Town Hall.

Kate smiled and pulled Conrad along with her as she crossed the room to Mr. Gonzales. "I see you've done your good deed for the day," she said when she reached him. He replies, “Yes, it is good to have another of my little birds back in the nest. Once Virgil Earp was gone and I confirmed through a magical scry that the Earps were all out of the Arizona Territory I felt it was safe enough to go to Belgium to get her. She welcomed the opportunity to return to the man she loves.” Kate says, "Thank the gods the Earps are gone. Seeing Virgil in the El Parador... But they're gone, Miss Dupree is home, and this little bird needs to get back to her lessons.

Gonzales state, “And on the subject of little birds, I should probably do another scry to check on my Golden Eagle. When I checked a few days ago she and her friends were still buying out every store in New York City.” Kate says, “I'd like to know how Ruby is getting on. I got a letter and a gift from her a few days ago, but I didn't answer it since I didn't imagine she'd still be there by the time it arrived." Gonzales replies, "I'm sure that she is doing just fine, when have you ever known her to not enjoy shopping? Especially if somebody else is paying."

Kate says, "It's a vice we share, I believe. I haven't been shopping nearly enough lately." Kate looked over her shoulder. "I really should go congratulate our new mayor, but since my escort is rather fatigued after his brother's visit, I think I'll come spend some time with you later, Grandfather." She kissed his cheek. "I'll see you in a little while." She and Conrad wove their way through the crowd, getting as close to Emery Shaw as they could through the crowd. Kate waved and tried to catch his eye.

Shaw and his niece Emily make their way through the crowds and over to Kate. "Well Kate, it looks like we did it! It should be an interesting Town Council to work with members of all three political parties there plus an Independent. I think I will suggest Burton Lumley as the Chairman given his previous experience running the Merchant's Association." Emery's excitment was contagious and Kate's smile widened. "We did it? You did it. I stuck my nose in now an then and proceeded to pull it out before my association with it could prove detrimental. I think Burton Lumley would be a good choice, especially considering he was courted for the Unity Party. And as far as Law and Order candidates go, the Doctor will be the best to work with by far."

Shaw replies, “Yes, and Kate Higgins is among the more reasonable of the other party too. I think this will work." Kate says, "Which really goes to show that we were right, you know. Most people don't want one extreme or the other. Those on the far ends are just the most vocal. You'll probably have a lot of wrangling, but you'll get things done. It's probably best to have a mix of people, when you have to compromise you'll probably come close to the right thing. You know, I've gotten used to sticking my nose in the town's business, it's going to be odd not to do that anymore."

Shaw replies, "Well Kate, having a diverse array of people was what the Unity Party was all about. I for one am not displeased with the results, although you are right, having both Higgins and Eaton there might make for some lively discussions. Ah well, at least it won't get boring." "Life in Promise City is never boring, Emery. You have a lot of work ahead of you starting with a clean slate. No existing laws at all, it's going to be an enormous challenge. But I'm sure you're up for it. So, where's the celebration?" she asked.

He says, "Vera had planned one at Drovers is any of our slate won. As we now have four of the seven positions I would say that is where we will head. I believe that Mrs. Higgins is planning a victory party at her establishment as well, and it wouldn't surprise me is Burton is at his." Kate says, "I just told Mr. Gonzales I'd come spend some time with him tonight, but I can't resist stopping over at the party if I'm welcome. Conrad, will you be obliged to go over to the Long Branch for a little while tonight?"

He replies, "It probably won't hurt, after all, I did cost Mrs. Higgins $ 1,500 at the tournament." "What? I thought," Kate stopped. He told me he turned that down. They were there in front of Emery Shaw and it wasn't the time to mention the strings that money had supposedly come with.
Conrad notices Kate's reaction and says, "I was surprised by that myself, Mr. Van Horne only informed me of that fact a few hours ago, letting me know that I had money in a bank account." He pulls her slightly away and says in a hushed voice "I assume it is a payoff to keep me quiet about Adair's plans. I'm thinking it best to just let it ride at this point."

Kate says, "Why don't you go do that and you can meet me over at Drover's later. Just for a bit, I know you want to take advantage of your night off to get some rest." He says, "Very well, I will see you later." "Conrad," she said intently, looking in his eyes. "I'll see you in a little while. I'll be waiting for you." He kisses her and heads off. Kate notices Emery Shaw turn away, another disappointed look on his face. That quickly fades though as he approaches Manuel Escobar and the two give one another big hugs.

Kate considered simply slipping away, but determined that Emery's fancy for her shouldn't stop them from being friends, especially when it was likely to disappear before long. Instead she gave the men a moment before she approached and offered her hand to the new councilman. "We're very lucky to have you." Manuel Escobar says, "Thank you Mrs. Kale. The first Town Council meeting is scheduled to take place tomorrow after the swearing in. I believe that the Promise City schools are the second agenda item. I would be curious to know what you feel should be done?"

She says, "There's an agenda already? You all do move fast." Kate turned more serious. "I'll admit, I'm not certain. Being a private school has given me a great deal of freedom. I have the ranch and other responsibilities as well, and with Mrs. O'Hara and Mrs. Caudell there I've been able to be flexible in my schedule. I've also been able to plan the curriculum and use methods without worrying about the requirements of the territory. But there should be a public school here. It's not truly fair for five men to be paying for the education of all the children in town. I imagine I would have to take the teacher's examinations and apply to teach in the public school. I might consider continuing to do some education in my home for tuition, either as a tutor or offering classes in subjects not covered in a public school. What thoughts have you had that might help enlighten me?"

Escobar says, "The town should have a town-owned school building. Your school is much better arranged for that environment than the Town Hall building, however if every eligible school-aged child went there now it would be rather crowded, so we will need something bigger as the town expands. The town could purchase your building from you and perhaps enlarge the school into the other areas of the house, or add on more rooms to the ground floor. Another alternative would be to build a new building entirely, although I believe that an actual Fire Station will take priority before that given the recent fires in town."

Kate says, "I would probably be willing to allow the town to purchase my building, but I'd either have to be paid enough for it to build a new home in town, or I'd have to move permanently out to the ranch." And if I'm in England for a month or more they would have time to renovate the lower floor. "Do you think the council would allow the public school to be run as we've been running our school? Our methods are different; the children don't sit silently all day memorizing things. We discuss the lessons, listen to what they think, and in the afternoons we give them individual time to study whatever they wish or anything they're struggling with. And if we three teachers couldn't all teach, I'd be glad to turn it over to Meghan and Mollie. I have the ranch for income, they do not."

Escobar says, "The only elected council member who might have objected is Doctor Eaton, and his advertisement in last night's paper indicated that he supported the school. I'm not sure how sincere that comment was, he might have just been trying to put some distance between himself and the other two teachers at his former school, King and Shackelton." "No, he's sincere," Kate said, shaking her head and trying not to blush. "He's been given reason over the last couple weeks to rethink his positions on quite a few issues. It's what caused his move to a more moderate position, I believe."

She might have to inform the town council about her condition for the same reasons she was going to have to inform the Committee for Racial Equality. Kate sighed. "I want whatever is best for the children, and I do think that is having them all educated together. One of our goals was to promote equality among the children, and that wouldn't be accomplished by having them separated by race or ability to pay tuition." He says, "I quite agree, and you can thank yourself for making that position possible"

Voidrunner's Codex

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