Battlefield archer question?


First Post
Hey guys, was looking at the battlefield archer paragon class and it looks kinda cool.

A question with battlefield experience though, when it says "You can designate more than one creature as your quarry at a time, up to a number equal to your wisdom modifier."

How is that read is it

"You can designate at once a number of creatures up to your wisdom modifier as your quarry."

or is it

"You can designate a number of creatures up to your wisdom modifier as your quarry using multiple minor actions?"

cheers guys

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First Post
The first one.
Battlefield experience does not overwrite the hunter's quarry clause that makes the designation disappear when you choose a new quarry.


First Post
So far thats two different replies. I can understand that RAW and from the sentence construct of the question that it would be whenever you designate a quarry you may also designate up to your wisdom modifier a number of creatures closest to you.

However this leads to certain issues. If you have say +5 (my character build will easily have this by level 11) then you can designate 5 creatures, can you then use hunters quarry to add damage to each of them once per turn if you use powers like spray of arrows, unstoppable arrows, triple shot, Hail of arrows or God forbid Quarry's Bane?

Thats a potential 5 targets doing 3[W] damage + 2d6 damage, not counting things like lethal hunter, weapon focus etcetc

Falling Icicle

Hey guys, was looking at the battlefield archer paragon class and it looks kinda cool.

A question with battlefield experience though, when it says "You can designate more than one creature as your quarry at a time, up to a number equal to your wisdom modifier."

How is that read is it

"You can designate at once a number of creatures up to your wisdom modifier as your quarry."

or is it

"You can designate a number of creatures up to your wisdom modifier as your quarry using multiple minor actions?"

The former. You spend a single minor action and can designate multiple quarries. "At a time" couldn't really mean anything else. ;)


First Post
I'd agree, it's multiple quarry's, single minor action, as Falling Icicle said ""At a time" couldn't really mean anything else."

But, I wouldn't say you can apply it more than once per round.

From DDI "If you have dealt Hunter’s Quarry damage since the start of your turn, you cannot deal it again until the start of your next turn."

The PP gives you more options, not more damage.


First Post
how much damage depends entirely on what ability you use, if after designating 5 enemies as quarries, you use an ability that attacks each one separately and rolls damage separately (like some of the chain attacks I have seen) then no, roll quarry only once.

If using an ability that attacks multiples, but only rolls damage one time (an aoe basically) then quarry would be applied simultaneously to all of them, not in any specific order.

Problem I see is that pesky "closest" part. Find 5 enemies who are closest to you that plan on staying in a group. My mobs would see they are quarried, and scatter so you only get ONE quarry lol.


First Post
Presuming that the interpretation of the ability that allows multiple quarries to be designated as a single action is correct, it would mean that all the quarries to be designated have to be equidistant from the ranger. This seems a rather clunky and frankly rather stupid mechanic. "At a time" could actually mean that you can have multiple quarries in existance at the same point in time, an interpretation that I find more plausible than you being allowed to quarry multiple targets that must att be the same distance from you. All in all I guess it doesn't matter that much how you play it, it's not a very powerful ability as written (well the +1 attack bonus is) so it should have minor impact on game balance.


First Post
Are you sure they all have to be equidistance from the ranger? In a multiple case would you not just pick next closest and next closest etc?

Even so on its own it may not be powerful but the ability to use spray of arrows, unstoppable arrows or Quarry's Bane that same turn that you designate multiple creatures does then allow for a large stacking of damage since they are AOE and you could use the quarry feature?

That and +1 against multiple targets is useful?

Finally which is the better paragon path as i find them both tempting, Battlefield archer or Beaststalker?


First Post
Under the Battlefield Experience feature, it says that "anny attack made against a quarry receives a +1 bonus to attack rolls." Does this apply to my allies, too?

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