Battlefield archer question?


Sorry to troll this up, but has the issue been fixed?


FAQ for the Player's Handbook!

25. Does the Battlefield Archer’s Battlefield Experience paragon path feature allow me to designate more than one creature as my quarry with one action?

No. This path feature allows you to have more than one creature designated as your quarry, but it does not grant you the ability to designate multiple creatures with a single action.

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Hey guys, was looking at the battlefield archer paragon class and it looks kinda cool.

A question with battlefield experience though, when it says "You can designate more than one creature as your quarry at a time, up to a number equal to your wisdom modifier."

How is that read is it

"You can designate at once a number of creatures up to your wisdom modifier as your quarry."

or is it

"You can designate a number of creatures up to your wisdom modifier as your quarry using multiple minor actions?"

cheers guys

I play in a campaign with a guy that always runs this path and my wife always runs this path also. We house rule it so that she can just quarry an amount equal to her Wisdom modifier to make things less complicated.

RAW though you the function of quarry doesn't change. You can only quarry one creature per round (or more if you choose the correct feat) but you can have as many quarried as your Wisdom modifier.

This class was basically designed to be Legolas. You are supposed to be in the battle, moving between enemies and taking advantage of Prime Shot bonuses. The paragon path feature jacks your Opportunity Attack bonus even higher to help make this more survivable.

Unfortunately, I haven't seen this class run this way. They mostly just sit in the same spot and shoot arrows, occasionally moving to remove cover penalties or if the odd lurker is introduced to spice things up.


Let's check the FAQs! Ah, here we go:
25. Does the Battlefield Archer’s Battlefield Experience paragon path feature allow me to designate more than one creature as my quarry with one action?

No. This path feature allows you to have more than one creature designated as your quarry, but it does not grant you the ability to designate multiple creatures with a single action.

Voidrunner's Codex

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