D&D General Best Adventure Path (spanning 10+ levels) of all time?


Large but straightforward question: what is the best collection of pre-made adventure content that follows a full story arc from small-time local heroes (preferably starting at level 1, no higher than 4) to world-hopping legends (preferably reaching 20, no lower than 14)?

Not just in 5E. Any edition, including 4E, PF, 13A, or any other system similar enough to translate.

YMMV, but my personal criteria for "best" are:
  1. well-written plot with logical motivation & consequences,
  2. well-written NPCs who merit emotional investment,
  3. well-written scenarios, preferably organized like instructions not like a novella,
  4. well-balanced & interesting challenges, and
  5. not overly complex to DM (Zeitgeist gets dinged on this last point).
I don't know what my answer would be. I have fond memories of (TA)GDQ but I know it doesn't stand up well by modern standards.
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The first "adventure path" I ever played is still my favorite by far:

B2: The Keep on the Borderlands

X4: Master of the Desert Nomads

X5: Temple of Death

X10: Red Arrow, Black Shield

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I’m currently running Curse of Strahd and while I’d call it the best 5e adventure I’ve run so far, that’s some faint praise as I’m becoming more convinced Wizards makes adventures to be read as coffee table books instead of playable adventures. I’m honestly not sure if I’d actually recommend it but I’m toying with doing Lost Mine of Phandelver running into Red Hand of Doom for our next campaign and RHoD seems way better written for actual play.

I was wondering if someone was going to say RHOD. I've heard good things about it, and have the 3.5 version. I have intentionally not read it in hopes of someone else running it someday.

I don't know if it hits all the OP's criteria, but if I had to give an AP the nod, it's Savage Tide. I'll confess I've never run it, but I've wanted to in every edition I've played, thought about running it in 3.5, started the work of adapting it to both 4e and 5e. I don't think it's perfect, and not too sure where the pitfalls are, but I find it a memorable and enticing enough I've wanted to run it

I was wondering if someone was going to say RHOD. I've heard good things about it, and have the 3.5 version. I have intentionally not read it in hopes of someone else running it someday.
TBF I haven’t read a ton of it but what I’ve seen, I’ve liked. Lots of sidebars with DM tips and designer‘s notes.

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