Large but straightforward question: what is the best collection of pre-made adventure content that follows a full story arc from small-time local heroes (preferably starting at level 1, no higher than 4) to world-hopping legends (preferably reaching 20, no lower than 14)?
Not just in 5E. Any edition, including 4E, PF, 13A, or any other system similar enough to translate.
YMMV, but my personal criteria for "best" are:
Not just in 5E. Any edition, including 4E, PF, 13A, or any other system similar enough to translate.
YMMV, but my personal criteria for "best" are:
- well-written plot with logical motivation & consequences,
- well-written NPCs who merit emotional investment,
- well-written scenarios, preferably organized like instructions not like a novella,
- well-balanced & interesting challenges, and
- not overly complex to DM (Zeitgeist gets dinged on this last point).
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