D&D (2024) Best AP for 2024 Game? Can Include Paizo/Older Editions.


Once we have the 3 core books and the group has more than 2 PHB might do a trial run once 1 of the 2 games wraps up.

I want be running HotDQ (quality issues) or Shackled City. Anything up to the winter AP (2012-14) Pathfinder is fine. I have a lot of the 5E ones missing the meh ones (Waterdeep bes, DiA, recent ones).

Mixing editions is fine. Eg LMoP or DoIP into Mere of Dead Men. I won't be mixing worlds unless it's suitably generic. Eg if I use Tomb of Annihilation it's FR, Savage Tide Greyhawk, Rise of the Runelords Golarion.

May not play the whole AP either. Savage Tide for example is Fantastic espicially Sasserine. Runelords could hang around Magnimar or Sandpoint The Night Below could be the only Pt1. Mining them is fine along with mixing them. Priority is level 1-7 though.

Budget. Ideally free (eg I own it) but can buy a 5E book or Pathfinder AP. So $50-100 USD. Postage is an issue. PDF would be printed but 300 page full colour is a PitA.

Bonus Points if it's available here (Pathfinder used as example).


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Wasn't there news a while ago that Paizo was porting some hugely popular AP to 5e? Path of Dragons or something like that? (I have never purchased PF APs so I don't know anything about them.)

Wasn't there news a while ago that Paizo was porting some hugely popular AP to 5e? Path of Dragons or something like that? (I have never purchased PF APs so I don't know anything about them.)

No idea. I'm mining Sandpoint atm and 3.X adventures are fairly easy to port.

Wasn't there news a while ago that Paizo was porting some hugely popular AP to 5e? Path of Dragons or something like that? (I have never purchased PF APs so I don't know anything about them.)
They ported two into 5e. One indirectly and one directly.

They ported Kingmaker indirectly, by releasing Kingmaker as a PF2e hardback and a supplemental 5e book that had the monsters as such for 5e.

They ported Abomination Vaults directly into 5e. It is currently available in hardback.

If I were to have my choice of any Adventure Path out there with a group that had never played any of them...I think it depends on how long I expected the campaign to go.

I'd probably choose Paths of Immortality (if you have all the modules, most probably do not) or Rise of the Runelords.

Alternate choices probably would something like Kingmaker, Skulls and Shackles (pirate themed AP), Wrath of the Righteous (Crusader type campaign), or War for the Throne (GoT type?). Abomination Vaults (Dungeon Crawl) is not a bad choice either.

If I wanted to run one I haven't run yet I'd run one of the following, Return of the Runelords, Seven Dooms for Sandpoint or if going for a D&D one I haven't ever run but want to one day...Age of Worms.

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