Pathfinder 2E Best LVL 1 adventures (that are not the beginner box)?


Hello smart and experienced people! What have been your favourite lvl 1 PF2 adventures? Can be one shots, AP beginnings, or anything in between.

I have the beginner box and it looks... fine? Fall of Plaguestone has pretty mixed reviews. Anything stand out as great?

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Half-breed, still living despite WotC racism
$0? Since it's free.

Here's a link to Paizo's "Free RPG Day" adventures:

I'm fond of the 'little trouble in big Absalom' one. Introduces you to the biggest city in the setting, from the perspective of some 'typically seen as monsters' guys living under the city who have to deal with some troubles.

There are two different modules that lead off of the Beginner Box. After one runs that, you can have the players move on to either Abomination Vaults for a 1-10 adventure pack, or to Troubles in Otari (levels 1-4):

You can run these in sequence:

Beg Box
Troubles in Otari
Abomination Vaults

Or as standalones starting each with it's own cast of level 1s.

If run in sequence you would need to adjust difficulties as the players will be above level for the second two. But story wise they work in sequence.

For an isolated adventure, there is the new 'remake' of a classic adventure: Crown of the Kobold King:

Level 1-6, and expanded to be longer than the original was. At 1-6 levels, it's about half the size of Abomination Vaults. It's very new so there are only 2 reviews so far on Paizo's site - but both were 5 star (out of 5).

You can run these in sequence:

Beg Box
Troubles in Otari
Abomination Vaults

Or as standalones starting each with it's own cast of level 1s.

If run in sequence you would need to adjust difficulties as the players will be above level for the second two. But story wise they work in sequence.
I was planning to run Troubles in Otari after the Beginner Box, but it felt like it was just going to be filler content before moving on to Abomination Vaults so I ended up deciding against that. I'll likely run the Beginner Box/Troubles in Otari for another group of friends later.

While looking over the beginning of Abomination Vaults, I went with this for how to modify the adventure since the group is level 2 going into it:

I moved the graveyard scene that you're supposed to run before moving on to the 2nd level to the beginning, using it as a transition between the Beginner Box and AV to get the group interested in the lighthouse. Once they reached Gauntlight, I had the mitflits in the first level all avoid fighting the group and just hinted at their presence to both establish they're a threat and make the place seem even more eerie. The mitflits all retreated back to the room where Boss Skrawng is located, so when the group opened that door at the end of the session they're in for a much tougher fight to start next week's session.

Worth mentioning I'm running a table of 6 players, so I'll have to adjust the entire thing to account for the larger group. The game's tight math makes it really easy to make those adjustments.


Half-breed, still living despite WotC racism
I was planning to run Troubles in Otari after the Beginner Box, but it felt like it was just going to be filler content before moving on to Abomination Vaults so I ended up deciding against that. I'll likely run the Beginner Box/Troubles in Otari for another group of friends later.

While looking over the beginning of Abomination Vaults, I went with this for how to modify the adventure since the group is level 2 going into it:

I moved the graveyard scene that you're supposed to run before moving on to the 2nd level to the beginning, using it as a transition between the Beginner Box and AV to get the group interested in the lighthouse. Once they reached Gauntlight, I had the mitflits in the first level all avoid fighting the group and just hinted at their presence to both establish they're a threat and make the place seem even more eerie. The mitflits all retreated back to the room where Boss Skrawng is located, so when the group opened that door at the end of the session they're in for a much tougher fight to start next week's session.

Worth mentioning I'm running a table of 6 players, so I'll have to adjust the entire thing to account for the larger group. The game's tight math makes it really easy to make those adjustments.
Troubles in Otari is a 68 page PDF module.

Pages 55+ deal with how to move from the beginner box into wider content.

The module proper has 3 chapters. My guess is you would get 3 game sessions out of it, if the beginner box took you one to 2 sessions.

It was sold for full module price, though I got it in a humble bundle back in February.

The module has 9 encounter maps in it. The 9ths one is a small dungeon with 8 areas.
- So that implies a full adventure.

I think the biggest perk for it though is lore. If you like the beginner box and abomination vaults then Troubles in Otari gives your player yet more time and lore in that area and it's people. It shares town NPCs with the others so players will get to know that cast of NPCs over the course of these three.

Voidrunner's Codex

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