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Best RPG buys of 2010?


A huge SW Saga edition lot on ebay that was incredibly priced. I was looking at it, but felt guilty spending the money. My wife (who's not a gamer or a Star Wars fan) created a separate ebay and paypal account, bought it out from under me with 'buy it now' (which was still about a third of its value), and gave it to me for a birthday present:

Complete set of SW Saga edition books, 800+ minis (including an AT-AT, 2 AT-STs, 25 starship minis, and a couple dozen custom mods), 20+ maps, and about 150 tiles.

She's the best!

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Liquid Awesome
I made some really excellent purchases in 2010:

Got myself a leather bound copy of Deadlands: Reloaded. In fact it may have been the last copy available for purchase from the company. We had a really good time with that over the summer and another guy in our game group is talking about running it again in the future.

Also for Savage Worlds I picked up the new Space: 1889 book, a setting that I absolutely love. I think that Savage Worlds is the perfect ruleset for it and I loved running it at GenCon.

I failed to pick up a copy of Fiasco at GenCon. Had it in my hand, passed on buying it, and immediately began to regret that decision. I purchased the PDF in October and man that game is FUN. Great gateway drug for creative non-gamers in your life.

I also added Old School Hack to my gaming library this year. Best of all, IT'S FREE! It was also my great pleasure to get in on some of the development of that game. I absolutely love it and it will be a mainstay of my convention/game day GMing for years to come.


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I rarely buy RPG Stuff I must admit because I'm rather new to the hobby and don't haver many people to game with, but on a plus note I discovered the Cult favourite Call of Cthulhu and I love the book.


First Post
I got a copy of Promethean, which has some neat ideas in it, even if I find the mechanical template WoD expansions are written to disturbingly rigid sometimes.

I also bought the full colour Anniversary edition of Shadowrun 4e, which is nice, but I'm having trouble getting into it because noone else in my gaming circle seems to want to play.

I picked up Burning Wheel, as I thought it would be right up my alley, but something about it... well, it's just failing to grab me. Good deal for the books though!

Honestly, while I've picked up some great books this year, I just haven't been able to put them to any use aside from reading.

My best RPG buy of 2010 was a set of polyhedral dice.
Now, this isn't to say I didn't have any. I'm pretty much the only person in my group that brings dice to the games. I bring the dice to our games.
I've a hard plastic tacklebox that I keep an ample pile of them in, and I bring it for the group to share every time.
They're used so communally, they don't really feel like they're mine anymore.

What I didn't have, were dice for me. Dice just for me.
I must have been feeling particularly selfish this one day though, because while I was browsing one of the game shops downtown I saw a set of translucent green plastic dice that were a mix of platonic solids and crystal-shaped ones, from Crystal-Caste. Part of the appeal was the novelty of finally having a D3. I... couldn't resist.
Initially I'd thought they would make a nice gift for someone else in the group, but... again, I must have been feeling selfish. They were so perfect for the necromancer I was playing at the time...

Anyhow, there's something special about having your own dice...
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Desolation - Its the fantasy game I always wanted (more or less), its been out for a couple years but I just found it.

I can't really think of anything else I was super impressed with this year as I spent most of my $$$ filling holes in my collection.


These are my favorite products that I bought this year:

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First Post
My RPG best buys for 2010 (so far) have been:

  • Deathwatch - I love the Warhammer 40k Universe.
  • Dark Sun Campaign Books for D&D 4E - Very well done.
  • Gamma World for 4E - able to play a Hive Mind spread out among a pack of miniature yetis!!
  • Legend of the Five Rings RPG 4th Ed - another setting that I love.

I am sure there have been more rpg purchases that I thought were great. And the year is not over yet so there is a chance for more :D

Mark Hope

For me it has to be Slumbering Tsar, the subscription mega-adventure from Frog God Games. We're six parts into it, with another eight to come, and already it has blown me away. A huge, sprawling, site-based campaign based around the ruined city of Tsar, overrun by followers of Orcus in years past. Adventure hooks just dripping off the pages, some really terrifying locations and foes, and fantastically well-written to top it all off. Eagerly awaiting the next installment - and the huge hardback compilation at the end of it all :)


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Ruins & Ronin- this little S&W:WB based game REALLY fired up my imagination. Castle Greywho? Blackwhat? Hell no! The haunted castle of the mad shugenga Katsushiro is where I'd rather delve :D

That's a sweet little game. I was just thinking up some appropriate house rules for it.

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