Pathfinder 1E Best third party publisher Pathfinder products?


Butte Hole Surfer
4 Winds Fantasy Gaming
4 Winds books "Luven Lightfinger’s Gear & Treasure Shop" and "Strategists & Tacticians: The Definitive Guide to Clever Warriors" have been top sellers and its clear why, they're friggin sweet :) Oddly enough (and unrelated) we just added more stuff from the Luven Lightfingers book to the site today.

Many, many thanks for the plug! We appreciate it!

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First Post
Four stars or higher for:

Zombie Sky Press for Incantation in Theory and Practice
4th Dimension Games for Skill Encounters Non-Combat Challenges
and Adamant Entertainment for all three Fell Beasts PDFs

quite frankly these three are presenting great new material that deserve to be on everyone's must have lists.

Thanks for mentioning Zombie Sky Press! We're always happy to hear that gamers are enjoying our work. Watch for our release of The Faerie Ring in December and more exciting things after that.


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Super Genius Games]

Seconded. thirded. and fourthed!

Fifthed, I guess ;)

Super Genius has a bunch of really cool stuff, all tightly focused (so you know what you are getting, and don't have to buy 32 pages of content for the 5 pages of stuff you actually want), all excellent quality and well-balanced (I've never had to disallow any Genius Guide at my Pathfinder table), and all really cheap.

Right now in fact it's really, really cheap! Like, 52% off off cheap!

I think the Time Thief is one of their best, along with the Godling books, all the Loot 4 Less books, and Feats of Subterfuge (which brought two players back to my game, which is amazingly cool!)


First Post

What would y'all recommend (by Paizo or others), for someone who's rather familiar with a lot of 3pp stuff for 3e, still has quite a bit of it (particularly in PDF format), and isn't looking to load up with tons more - just the best of the best? What you might consider essential, basically. --(etc.)--

edit: I'll start a new thread instead - ignore this, as I don't want to (further) clutter up this one. Also, not sure what the heck happened with your XP, DM. Er... :uhoh:
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Dark Mistress

First Post
I don't know Aus it really depends on what appeals to you.

Exalted Domains might, Clerics give up their two domains to get just one more powerful domain.

Monster books might be what you like, or feat books, spell books.

the APG by Paizo i think is very good. it has a bit of everything in it.

Archetypes are pretty cool SGG and Paizo has made some. Basically they replace part of a existing classes power with other things. Like a ranger giving up spells for more archery based abilities etc.


First Post
Exalted Domains might, Clerics give up their two domains to get just one more powerful domain.

those are cool books, and very balanced, but I don't consider them essential.

the APG by Paizo i think is very good. it has a bit of everything in it.

I don't think of the APG as 3pp, since it's by Paizo, but DM is right, it very much the rocks!

Archetypes are pretty cool SGG and Paizo has made some. Basically they replace part of a existing classes power with other things. Like a ranger giving up spells for more archery based abilities etc.

Yeah, SGG has 2 Archetype books, and they are amazing. They allow you to gets lots and lots of cool, neat characters without adding whole new base classes.

That said, I consider two of SGG's base classes essential; the archon and the magus. Both allow some great concepts (warrior/arcanist and divine/arcanist) that don't work well without them. Also, Feats of Subterfuge allows some awesome non-combat trickery (though it also has neat ways for deception-based characters to do well in a fight).


There are some serious kick-ass 3PP products available for Pathfinder. I'm fond of the following:

Rite Publishing: Secrets of Martial Mastery - gold star expansed combat manuevers. Highly recommended.

Tripod Machine: A Fist Full of Denarii - FINALLY! A set of class expansions focusing on warrior-types. Not a spellcaster among the bunch. Balanced, innovative, & filling niches not easily done with the core classes (although the need for some are weakened by the APG's archetypes). Personal faves: Beastmaster, Corbie, Corsair, Hunter, Scholar.

Super Genius Games: Their class expansions are very good, by and large. I also like their feat expansions and I'm usually NOT one looking for new feats for my game.

Adamant Entertainment: Tome of Secrets have some neat additions to the game. Warpath is a great mass combat supplement.


Tripod Machine: A Fist Full of Denarii - FINALLY! A set of class expansions focusing on warrior-types. Not a spellcaster among the bunch. Balanced, innovative, & filling niches not easily done with the core classes (although the need for some are weakened by the APG's archetypes). Personal faves: Beastmaster, Corbie, Corsair, Hunter, Scholar.

Thank you for the kind words. I am happy to say the APG does make Fistful of Denarii less necessary, but I think the book still has a lot to offer. If you like the archetypes in the APG, I think you could find a worse way to spend $2.39.


First Post
I'm curious to see how Torn Asunder: Critical Hits has changed, now that it's PFRPG-friendly, expanded, and all that. The original (which I have a copy of) is excellent, and I can't really imagine the revision/expansion being any worse.

I think you will be very happy with it. We've expanded it considerably from its original 96 pages to 140+ pages. It's only been in stores for a short time, but the preliminary feedback that I've been hearing is positive. :)

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