Best Version of Call of Cthulhu

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Having played and run CoC d20 quite often (with yesterday being the most recent session as a player), I heartily recommened it for heroic and non-heroic Cthulhu alike. :)


Front Range Warlock
I haven't given Arkham Horror a try yet, but can you expand on why you think it's a better fit than any of the RPGs?

I can't speak for jensun but, for me, Arkham Horror is pretty much nothing but a collection of mechanics focused squarely on recreating tales and tenets of Lovecraftian intrigue and Cosmic Horror in actual play. That said, it's almost impossible to tell a story that isn't about investigating the Mythos and facing the subsequent madness using Arkham Horror.

Conversely, the only CoC mechanic that actually tries to emulate Lovecraftian stories is the Insanity Point system. Drop that and you have a generic task resolution system with names cribbed from Lovecraft. CoC is more open, allowing you to use it for pretty much any kind of horror gaming as-written, with very little tying it to Lovecraft mechanically.


First Post
I can't speak for jensun but, for me, Arkham Horror is pretty much nothing but a collection of mechanics focused squarely on recreating tales and tenets of Lovecraftian intrigue and Cosmic Horror in actual play. That said, it's almost impossible to tell a story that isn't about investigating the Mythos and facing the subsequent madness using Arkham Horror.
Do you feel that you actually end up telling a story using Arkham Horror?


Staff member
I'm interested in possibly trying out Call of Cthulhu, but I'd like to play the best edition of the rules. I know that the most recent version is 6th, but what is the best, in your opinion, and why?

tHe livE home vERsioN Is qUite eXceLlent. onl¥ one BoOk- tHough it is in ARabic aNd i† has a Very limited print run...



tHe livE home vERsioN Is qUite eXceLlent. onl¥ one BoOk- tHough it is in ARabic aNd i† has a Very limited print run...


Uh oh. Looks like its time to open up the ol' Green Box, call in the Crew, and pay a vist to Old Man Aclatraz's Place. Locals had been reporting weird lights anyhow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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