D&D 5E Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants

The book that is up next.

For comparsion sake Fizban's lore chapter was broken up into groups of 3, Metallic Dragons (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Brass, Copper), Chromatic (Red, Blue, Black, Green, White), Gem (Emerald, Amyethyst, Topaz, Sapphire, Crystal), and Miscellenous (Dragon Turtles, Deep Dragons, Moonstone Dragons, Fairy Dragons).

Giants do not have nearly as many big families as Dragons, you really only have the one big one (Storm, Cloud, Stone, Fire, Frost, and Hill giants), Giantkin (Trolls, Orgers, Furbolgs, Ettins, Fomorians Cyclops, Verbreegs), and really out there stuff (Eldritch Giants, Death Giants, Doomwake Giants from Theros, Hundred Handed Ones, etc...), plus Empyreans while not giants might get a mention.

As you can see there is a big gap betweem major dragon types and major giant types.

Could they introduce new major Giant families based on a different theme?

Could Theros, Ravnica, and other out there settings get their Giants explored more to fill the gap?

I predict a Titan version of Great Wyrms for Giants.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Well, based on some of the UA stuff, I think Wyatt is going to bring some of his Primordial lore from the Dawn War forward into 5E here.

You list 13 major Giant and minor Giant types there (Igres and such), those plus a few new options is probably plenty to fill out a chapter, particularly since Giants are more communal than Dragons. Wyatt might put in example settlements (AKA Dungeons) ad he did with Dragon Lairs.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I have an Eldritch Giant lurking in the background of my campaign -- the players haven't interacted with him for years now, but he's still out there, paying attention -- and hope to see them back.

What I'd really like though, is many, many more stat blocks for existing giant types. Give me giants of all sorts of level ranges and all sorts of combat and campaign roles.

I know other people like weirdo monsters, but what I really need, most of the time, are a boss of the primary type, a ranged attacker, a spellcaster, a tough sub-boss, and some weaker-than-typical mooks.


Book-Friend, he/him
I have an Eldritch Giant lurking in the background of my campaign -- the players haven't interacted with him for years now, but he's still out there, paying attention -- and hope to see them back.

What I'd really like though, is many, many more stat blocks for existing giant types. Give me giants of all sorts of level ranges and all sorts of combat and campaign roles.

I know other people like weirdo monsters, but what I really need, most of the time, are a boss of the primary type, a ranged attacker, a spellcaster, a tough sub-boss, and some weaker-than-typical mooks.
Based on Fizban's, we'll get a pretty thorough representation of Giants from throughout D&D as stat blocks at least. The question is, which ones other Tham the Big Six will get a detailed treatment like gem Dragons or Dragon Furtles did in Fizban?

Voidrunner's Codex

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