I think most of Paizo's customers are there for the APs - I know I am - and will convert. If not immediately, then after a while. I did not find PF1 overly bloated, but seeing and actually playing PF2, I am exited about it. Its a move in the direction of WHFRP - a gritter, less spectacular game where the heroism of climbing a wall will stay with you beyond just the lowest levels. Yes, there are things in the playtest that are not great, and some of those things will survive the real launch... but as a framework I really like PF2 and am looking forward to abusing it in 3rd party supplements.
What PF2 loses compared to PF1 is mainly a sense of wonder - no longer can a druid frolic with dolphins or birds all day long. The buffs from PF1 are also mostly gone, casters now either buff IN combat, or they do their own thing. The best magic now seems to be debuffs/control, but its too early to really say that. Some of the difference in vulnerability between classes is also gone - monks, wizards, and sorcerers are still goblin-bait, but all the other classes are about as good at defending themselves. And attacks of opportunity are now rare - only fighters have them intrinsically, a few monsters have them, other fighting classes can get them at a price. This should make combat much more mobile, which I like.
Sorry, this is becoming an PF2 apologist post. I'll just sum up by saying I'm enthused about it, and I think a large part of the customer base will too. Yes, there are some 4E-isms, a bit too many even, but its far from being 4E. Or 5E for that manner, even if I know a lot less about 5E as I never went on that bandwagon.
What PF2 loses compared to PF1 is mainly a sense of wonder - no longer can a druid frolic with dolphins or birds all day long. The buffs from PF1 are also mostly gone, casters now either buff IN combat, or they do their own thing. The best magic now seems to be debuffs/control, but its too early to really say that. Some of the difference in vulnerability between classes is also gone - monks, wizards, and sorcerers are still goblin-bait, but all the other classes are about as good at defending themselves. And attacks of opportunity are now rare - only fighters have them intrinsically, a few monsters have them, other fighting classes can get them at a price. This should make combat much more mobile, which I like.
Sorry, this is becoming an PF2 apologist post. I'll just sum up by saying I'm enthused about it, and I think a large part of the customer base will too. Yes, there are some 4E-isms, a bit too many even, but its far from being 4E. Or 5E for that manner, even if I know a lot less about 5E as I never went on that bandwagon.