Pathfinder 2E biggest issue with PF2 playtest


...aaand the website's dead again. (Got the Paizo Goblin-server-on-fire graphic just now).

I don't want to be pessimistic, but at this rate THIS is becoming my "biggest issue with the Paizo Playtest." :( I'm certain it's not making the Paizo staff any happier... )

...aaand it's back up...
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They internally playtested for two years and are just refining it. I feel like they are just going to tweak little by little but as a whole its done. In not so many words paizo is going to do what paizo is going to do.


First Post
Back ten years ago with the original PF playtest there were a lot of experimental rules that didn’t make it into the final game. I don’t think claims that what’s in the playtest is set in stone have any validity given historical evidence.


Back ten years ago with the original PF playtest there were a lot of experimental rules that didn’t make it into the final game. I don’t think claims that what’s in the playtest is set in stone have any validity given historical evidence.

Did they announce a hard date when the final product would be printed then, too? That's the biggest reason (for me, anyway) for the pessimism about any major changes being done.


Did they announce a hard date when the final product would be printed then, too? That's the biggest reason (for me, anyway) for the pessimism about any major changes being done.

But they already said that if the changes needed for the final product are very profound they will move the release date.

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