WotBS Bill T's Second War of the Burning Sky: Shelter from the Storm [more spoilers than you can shake a stick adorned with ribbons and kerchiefs at!]


My players just returned to the tomb in adventure eleven. The warlock has the 5e invocation Devil's Sight, so when the tripped the lava trap and ran away, she saw through the magical darkness as the lava filled up. . . and a minute later vanished.

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In retrospect, that was a total misreading of the intimate skill.
Well, the intimate skill sounds like an even bigger misreading of intimidate. 💋👩‍❤️‍👩 :)

What prompted the player turnover?

Also, at least with bards, my recollection was that you spend an action to start singing, and then you can continue without needing to spend more actions, like the way 5e does concentration spells. You just can't have more than one thing active at once.

Bill T.

It's the same group of players, it's just that some of them weren't happy with their characters. Jesús was a monk/spontaneous cleric and the player, being very new to the game, was a having a hard time figuring out how to play the cleric side. We swapped spells around a time or three and he still wasn't having much luck. We went with the rogue because he was having a lot of fun beating things up and talking to people (not, generally, at the same time). Gusle wasn't quite in the same boat -- plenty of experience there -- but didn't want to compete with Jesús's character for the Face role and didn't find the Gusle character particularly compelling anyhow. She stuck with the seela mostly to get Indomitability's boon but also because I've convinced her the Song of Forms is important.

Bardic music in 3.5 is hit or miss. The SRD says, "Some bardic music abilities require concentration, which means the bard must take a standard action each round to maintain the ability," amen, and the description of the Song of Forms says, "maintaining the song requires concentration." But, point taken -- maybe I should change that. Nothing like being stuck singing in the big battle with Madness, and Madness is much more likely to direct her attacks at the singer than the stupid shadows were.

Voidrunner's Codex

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