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Black Sails Over Freeport Part 2 - Intrigue Inn (aka the Haunted Place)

Karl Green

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Torrin continues to speak with Roderigo Vega about minor things and what he might have for sale, when he says "Aye my prices are a bit high I know. Now I know this may cost me a bit of business, but I wonder if ye have heard of the Indecipherable Scroll? It's an Inn in the Cluster, and the owner, one Professor Wilmina Gertz. She be a professor at the Freeport Institute, but runs that shop on the side. I do some small amount of business with her, and she often has some small potions and occasionally a scroll or two for sale. Now she does not advertise these items but she will sell them to those she knows. I can introduce ye to her if you would like and you might be able to get a few extra items from her."

Torren knows a little of the shop, but had always heard that it is just a bit of a quirky inn where students from the Institute and other intellectuals go to listen to poetry readings, bardic performances of epic tales, and the like.

A short time later, Black Jack notices that Captain Thomas Horngold comes down from upstairs and takes a table not far from where the party is sitting… there are a few whispers among the patrons around the party's tables, it seems that the Captain has something of a 'rogues' reputation and some are commenting on who will be his conquest while he is in port this time.

Also at about this time, a finely dressed man and five, not so finely dressed large rough looking men enter the lobby from the Verandah and starts shouting for Bobbin and where his wife is!

"Bobbin Brandydale! Where in the Abyss are ye hiding little man! My wife is here and I demand that you tell me where she is this instant!"

Bobbin and some of the hotels guards appear and start trying to calm the man, who is red-faced with rage. Most people sitting in the dinning area and the lobby are staring at this commotion. Kitsch notices that the man who was 'casing' out one of the dinners gets up and leaves the lobby, heading outside.

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Villard keeps an eye on the 6 rude men that just entered the Inn ready to intervene if thing degenerates to violence. He will also try to identify if the men are wearing/hidding weapons. OOC spot +10

He will also carefully observes the two groups, listening to their conversation and trying to detect who's lying, and what could be their motives OOC sense motive +6
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Karl Green said:
Torrin continues to speak with Roderigo Vega about minor things and what he might have for sale, when he says "Aye my prices are a bit high I know. Now I know this may cost me a bit of business, but I wonder if ye have heard of the Indecipherable Scroll? It's an Inn in the Cluster, and the owner, one Professor Wilmina Gertz. She be a professor at the Freeport Institute, but runs that shop on the side. I do some small amount of business with her, and she often has some small potions and occasionally a scroll or two for sale. Now she does not advertise these items but she will sell them to those she knows. I can introduce ye to her if you would like and you might be able to get a few extra items from her."

Torren knows a little of the shop, but had always heard that it is just a bit of a quirky inn where students from the Institute and other intellectuals go to listen to poetry readings, bardic performances of epic tales, and the like.
"Well, I'm always interested in meeting new people," Torren responds. "But that doesn't mean I've taken leave of my senses. Surely we can talk about these prices a bit."

[OOC: If I can talk him down to a 25% surcharge, I'll be making some purchases, as well as hopefully making contact with Professor Gertz. Torren is interested in doing business, but at least as much he'd love to get an in with the Institute. Trying NOT to take notice of all the boneheaded behavior going on around us. I've got business to attend to. :)]


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Zoraster Surefoot

Zoraster will plop back in his chair and take another drink, happy that this place is starting to get more lively.


Kitsch will scamper around a bit, acting surprised by the new intrusion and perhaps a bit inebriated (guess that fits in with earlier), hopefully not losing sight of the man in the lobby he'll attempt to follow him as subtlely as possible.


Black Jack Elf Rogue/Fighter

Jack lossens the tie on his sword underneath his cloak, as he watches the newcomers. "What rude behavior" he says to the table at large.


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Villard, trying to stay concentrated on the group, acknowledge subtely Black Jack comment. He then whispers back "If it gets ugly, I'll go"

OOC Can I assume that "wearing" the rapier and dagger would fit with my expensive cloth as clothing "accessories" or It would be prohibited to wear weapon in this room.
If they are allowed Villard won't do anything more knowing that his weapon are easily accessible.

If not he will have hidden his dagger in his back. He putted the sheated dagger in his pant and covered it with his brand new jacket.

Karl Green

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[occ] Generally daggers are about the only weapons worn openly by people in the lobby. Some of the more roguish types (ship masters, etc) might wear a short sword or rapier… but anything more will get you asked to take it back to your room (including firearms). So you rapier will get a few looks but is ok[/occ]

Glancing over at the rude men, Villard…
Spot 16 +10 =26
…and notices that the finely dress man is wearing a rapier, while the ruffians have only daggers; but a closer look suggests that they have larger then normal bulges under their coats… pistols perhaps?

The finely dressed man yells "Where is she? I demand to know, let me see your books now!" to which Brandydale protests wishes to maintain discretion.
Villard sense motive 7 +6 =13; it seems the man sure believes his wife is here and Brandydale is very concerned about protecting any secrets that of those staying at the Inn

A number of Inn guards have shown up by now and the two groups of 'muscle' are eyeing each other, while their bosses argue over what to do.

Finally, the yelling man (who the group has heard called 'that poor Bartolomew Haddon') turns to his men and says "Come one, we will go door to door if we have to and find that cursed woman!" to which they start moving towards the stairs, with Brandydale pleading them to use restraint.

Kitsch and Black Jack notice that a dwarf has joined Captain Horngold at his table. He is dressed very well, and Kitsch recognizes the man as one Elijah Quelch, a well to do dealer in antiquities here in Freeport. Kitsch knows that Quelch has a reputation for not being too scrupulous about where and how his wares are acquired.

Ignoring this as best they can, Torren and Vega continue to barter prices…
Diplomacy 18 +2 =20
…and after much haggling, Vega agrees to a base 125% cost increase for potions and oils that Torren might want to purchase

A fight has started over at the stairs (it is a fist fight right now) between the Inn's guards and Bartolomew's ruffians…


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Villard will look at Black Jack and make a sign with his hand indicating to take it easy and he will try to subtely climbs the stairs hiding as much as he can from the two groups. He will try to follow Bartolomew while staying hidden.

OOC Hide +11


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Torren Blackquill, Human Wizard HP 28, AC 13, Attitude annoyed

"I'm glad we could come to an accomodation, Rodrigo," Torren says. "I'll be in touch with you in the morning so we can finalize things. I look forward to meeting Professor Gertz." He sighs heavily while looking toward the stairs. "For now, it would appear that some idiots are intent on ruining the atmosphere. Pardon me while I go see if they might be quieted."

He rises from the table, pausing for a moment to finish his excellent wine, then saunters over toward the stairs.

[OOC: I have no intention of interfering if it looks like the guards have things under control. If it looks like the troublemakers are going to get past the guards or if weapons are drawn, I'll try to Web the ruffians in place without getting too many of the guards.]

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