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Black Sails Over Freeport Part 2 - Intrigue Inn (aka the Haunted Place)

Karl Green

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Villard starts moving towards the fist fight by the stairs (they are a ways off though)

He notices that one of the men with the angry noble pulls out a pistol now and shouts "OK enough of this govner, we be heading upstairs to find this here sir's woman and we an't taking no more guff!"

The guards seem a bit shocked by this turn of events, and step back as the other thugs also start pulling out pistols. They are also looking around at the patrons, to make sure no one is going to interfere...
Villard's Hide check to avoid their gaze 15 +11 =26, the four thugs looking around, Spot checks (+5 due to not a lot of places to hide, except behind other patrons) = 10, 25, 19, and 24
... and while two look almost directly at him, they do not see him as a threat or notice him edging towards them.

They are starting up the stairs, and most of the patrons are frozen in place or ignoring the scuffle

[occ] Torren, the thugs and the guards are all mixed together right long as it the noble Bartolomew and the owner of the Inn, Bobbin [/occ]

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Torren Blackquill Human Wizard AC 13 HP 28

Pulling a quick look of disgust, Torren places a pinch of something between his cheek and gum. A moment later, wispy filaments of web shoot from his hands, blocking the stairs above the press of people.

"Let's just calm down shall we?" he says loudly but with a smile. "The management would hate to have to call the city guard, I'd hate to muss my new suit, and you'd hate to be turned into toads."

[OOC: Bluff +6, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +2 (no ranks). Not sure which this would be. :) ]
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Initially frustrated by Torren action, Villard stay hidden (or try to blend among the crowd looking like an innofensive commoner) hopping the commotion will allow him to learn more. He stays ready to help the wizard would things turn bad for him. Villard wishes his faithfull bow could be on his side at this moment, confronting those large strong man face to face would probably not be the best thing to do.


Black Jack Elf Rogue/Fighter

I wish I had my bow, I don't relish taking on musketeers with a sword. Jack thinks not realizing how close he is in thought to Villiard at this time..

Karl Green

First Post
Bartholomew, the angry noble, looks back at Torrin and says "This is a personal matter of honor... "sir", I kindly ask you to mind your own business. I have friends on the Captain's Council, so do not interfere if you know what it best for you... that goes for you and your guards Mr. Brandydale. Your establishment could suffer greatly if you interfere in matter best left to your betters. NOW we are going up!"

The thugs smile evilly while eyeing Torrin, all of them with nasty looking flintlock pistols out and locked... ready to fire. They don't seem to notice Black Jack or Villard yet, or they don't see them as threats.

Bradydale's guards are nervous and seem not sure what to do... they might very well be ready to fight, even against armed thugs but they are looking at the Halfling for guidance, and he is looking between Bartholomew and Torrin, and seems to be struck with indecision

Villard is about 20 ft away from the nearest thug, while Black Jack and Torrin are about 40 ft.
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Villard waits to see what the halfling will decide. He keeps his focus on the halfling and will try to anticipate his descision. If Bartholomew and his man goes up he will follow them

OOC Sense motive +6, hide +11

Karl Green

First Post
Villard sense motive 15 +6 =21. He can tell that the Halfling is more then likely do nothing... he does not want to cause to much of a scene. He may or may not summon the guards as soon as the noble and the thugs are gone (upstairs) but he does not want the patrons to see anything "exciting"...


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Torren shrugs, his hands clasped behind his back as he assumes a lecturing tone. "You may have friends on the council, my lord, but I have friends in this room, and I don't want any of them accidentally perforated by your hooligans." He gestures languidly at the hobbit. "I'm certain Mr. Brandydale will be able to accomodate you without all these histrionics." He turns to Brandydale. "Isn't that right, sir?"

Karl Green

First Post
Kitsch follows the fellow outside...
Hide from the fellow as he is looking around 8 +16 =24, vs. a Spot roll total of 15
...easily following him out. He starts walking down the street as if nothing was bothering him, but Kitsch can tell his is stiff and watching his back. Less then half a block he ducks down a side street. Approaching with caution and peering around a corner, Kitsch sees the fellow hiding in a side door about 20ft down in an darkened, shadowy place, but with his dark vision can make him out… along with four other men dressed in dark cloaks with the hoods pulled down low over their faces.
Listen check for Kitsch 19+3 =22!

one of the voices "…yes, yes he is there…"

a second one "Excellent. Then tonight we make are move. Gaffer, take Role and Peter and check into the Inn, at the room Males targeted. I will have the rest of the men assembled as our alpha and beta sights. At 2 bells (2a.m.), secure the guards, and we will strike… soon my brothers… soon 'He Whose' Name May Not Be Spoken' we eat… and we will be rewarded"

the first voice again "Excellent my master… glory to 'Him'"

other voices in unison "Yes glory to 'Him' and death to the world, so that we might live"

Ducking back quickly, Kitsch notices four of the men are moving this way…
Hide 14 +16 =30. Spot rolls for the men… 13, 23, 17, and 12
…fairly sure that they did not see him.

They are coming this way and this is not the best place to hide. Action?

Voidrunner's Codex

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