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Black Spine, Red Blood Characters

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[B]Name:[/B] Grykee 'Thought Dancer'
[B]Class:[/B] Psion (Telepath)
[B]Race:[/B] Athasian Elf
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Alignment:[/B] Chaotic Neutral (Evil)
[B]Deity:[/B] Cute answer:  Herself.  Real answer:  None.

[B]Str:[/B] 08 -1 (00p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 12       [B]XP:[/B] 
[B]Dex:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +6         [B]HP:[/B] 46
[B]Con:[/B] 10 +0 (04p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +6     [B]Dmg Red:[/B]0/0
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 40'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] 0
[B]Wis:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +0        [B]Spell Save:[/B] +0
[B]Cha:[/B] 22 +6 (20p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -0         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] 0%

	[B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10    +2    +0    +0    +0    +0    +0    12
[B]Touch:[/B] 10              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 12
[B]Notes:[/B]  Lesser Nat Arm (+1 natural), Combat Precog (+1 insight)

	[B]Base	Mod	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]	4	+0	+0	+4
[B]Ref:[/B]	4	+0	+0	+4
[B]Will:[/B]	8	+2	+0	+10

[B]Psionic Combat:[/B]
Resting Mode:  Psychic Subdual +0
Mode Check: +8

[B]Weapon		 Attack	Damage	Critical[/B]
Longbow		+6/+1	1d8	20x3
Elven Longblade	+6/+1	1d8	18x2
Inflict Pain	DC+13	3d6+* 	Cost: 3 +  *Scaling

[B]Languages:[/B]Common, Elven, Dwarven, Pterran, Thrikreen, Halfling, 
Giant, Gith, Scrab, Slig, Tari, Jozhal, Nibenay, Gulg and Urik.

[B]Literacy:[/B] Common.

[B]Abilities:[/B] Elven Running, Lowlight Vision, Base Speed: 40', 
Weapon Familiarity (Elven Longblade), Proficient with all bows, 
Resistent to heat and cold, Schism [2] (Incarnated)

[B]Feats:[/B]  Talented (free), Psionic Body (Psicrystal Switch), 
Linguist(1st), Psionic Focus (Telepathy)(2nd), Greater Psionic Focus
(Telepathy)(Psion 12), Hide Power [2] (Auditory)(9),
Hide Power [2] (Mental) (6),Hide Power [2] (Material)(Psion 4), Master Dorje
[2] (Psion 8), Psychoanalyst(Psion 1),Extend power[2](12th),

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 90       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 15/7
[B]Skills		Ranks	Mod	Misc	Total[/B]
Bluff		15    	+6	+2	+23
Concentration	10	+0		+10
Diplomacy	15	+6	+6	+27
Gather Info	15	+6		+21
Intimidate	 0	+6	+4	+10
Know (Psionics)	 2	+2		+4
Psicraft	 2	+2		+4
Sense Motive	15	+2		+17
Survival	 3(6)	+2		+5
Languages	10

[B]Powers[/B]  Points: 111
Talents  18 per day/cost 1
Clasen  DC+2  Detect Psionics, Inkling
Psymet  DC+0  Lesser Natural Armor
Psyport  DC+0  Burst
Telep  DC+11  Daze, Distract, Friendly, Missive, Telempathic Projection

1st  cost 1
Clasen  DC+3  Combat Precognition, Identify
Telep  DC+12  Attraction, Conceal Thoughts

2nd  cost 3
Clasen  DC+4  See Invisibility
Telep  DC+13  Aversion, Detect Thoughts, Inflict Pain

3rd  cost 5
Telep  DC+14  Charm Monster, Fate link, Schism

4th  cost 7
Clasen  DC+6  Aura Sight
Telep  DC+15  Mindwipe, Tailor Memory

5th  cost 9
Telep  DC+16  Greater Domination, Mind Probe

6th  cost 11
Telep  DC+17  Aura Alteration

[B]Displays[/B] vary but follow a common theme:
Auditory: The sounds of wind and shifting sand.  Alternately a sandstorm for
damaging powers.
Mental:  Voices in arguement whisper at the edges of thought.
Olfactory:  The scent of distant places, a hint of spice or perfume.
Visual:  Heat waves radiate from her or the target.  Alternately a dim aura of
light surrounds her.

[B]Common Manefestations[/B]
Combat Precognition (Extended) 3, just before sleep
Conceal Thoughts (Extended) 3, just before sleep

[B]Equipment:	Cost(cp)	Weight[/B]
Elven longblade-100	3
Longbow-	100	3
--arrows  20-	5	3
Leather armor-	10	15
Obsidian Dagger 2-2	2

Bag-		2	2
-Canvas 3 yrd sq-3	3
-Waterskin 4-	4	16
-Trail Rat(10)-	1	10

Psionatrix of Telepathy  2,000
Crystal Blue Dorje of Skill Knowledge (2nd)  4,500
Onyx Dorje of Lesser Body Adjustment (1st)  750
Crystal Pink Dorje of Invisibility (2nd)  4,500
Crystal White of Empathic Transfer (1st)  750
Turquise Dorje of Sustenance (2nd)  4,500

(other monetary expenditures)
Given for party Raise Dead  900
Psionic Tattoo of Body Adjustment  (given to the Half-Giant)  300
Incarnated Power:  Schism   11,500

[B]Total Weight:[/B]  26 (55) lb [B]Money:[/B] 00gp  7sp  53cp 00 cb  00lb

	[B]	Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	26	53	80	80	400

Age: 22
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 100lb
Eyes: Dark, running from dark emerald to black
Hair: Black
Skin: Dark nut brown

Appearance: Small and stringy for an elf, she looks like one strong wind would knock her down. It probably would. She dresses in illfitting armor, not the wrong size, but she is obviously not at home wearing it. There are scrips and scraps of cloth, bits of carapace sewn on here or there, a few badges of office, woven strips of hair, a claw, colored feathers, odd coins, broken bits of jewelry, even a scalp (all stolen prizes).

Background: Grykee is lazy and dishonest by Elven standards. She was kicked out of her tribe, and told to wander until she learned proper tribal respect (which means pretty much never). Her only real friend made in the following years is the half-giant Uden. She met him wandering in the desert shortly after being expelled from her tribe. She charmed him (Charm Monster), and had him break her shackles. Grykee decided to keep him as a guardian. However after a few weeks her feelings changed. She kept using her mental dominion, not only to keep a protector, but to keep a friend. After months of travel together they fell prey to slavers, she was captured, he was left for dead. Many months perhaps even a year later Grykee was amazed when Uden broke through the caravan and recued her. She had no idea how he found her, or really even why. She hadn't realized he was a true friend until that moment. Her shame at treating him so poorly (practically slavelike) knew no bounds. In the years since she has endeavored to become more loyal and giving with those who are friends (and not mindbend them). However she is still lazy and dishonest.

Her best friend had insisted on travelling with these other guys, so she consented. Over the years they've seemed an okay bunch, but she is still undetermined about them.

Personality: Lazy and dishonest. Getting Grykee to tell the whole truth is like pulling teeth. From a mekillot. An angry one. Getting her to do manual labor... well lets just say someone else will end up doing it. She firmly believes that hard work is what happens to other people.

Now getting her to socialize, hunt down rumors, lavish herself with adoring attention, or party. Just try to stop her.

Following her incarcerations, she's become uncomfortable if confined to long. Too small a room, to close fitting bracelets, anything. She barely tolerates her piecemeal armor.

Quotes: "Hard work? Gah don't get it on me!" "Ooo, I am so thinking bad thoughts at you!"
"Yeah! Party!" "You are absolutely my new special friend. (Followed by Greater Dominate)"

[Thoughts on the Others
Uden: She tries very hard to protect him from his innate desire to help others without care for the cost. She sees herself as his 'wrangler', best friend, and 'older sister'. Quote: "He's a good kid, but if he heard there were a starving Halfling tribe, he'd want to go 'save' them."

Arriha: Grykee likes her, but she is one of those 'selfless-goody-goodies'. But yet she knows how too cut lose and ride the winds so joyfully. Almost like running. Still trying to figure her out though. Quote: "Arriha? She's okay, works too hard though. Needs to learn to relax more often."

Lifeheart Ristu: What a Lizard is doing this far from home doesn't concern Grykee a bit. As long as Ristu isn't preaching about saving the 'Holy Mother', at those points Grykee goes to sleep. Quote: "I don't know why Uden is so hung up on that Lizard and its pet. Gah, another save the desert plants and animals mekillot hugger."

Garak: She both likes and dislikes Garak. His 'preserve the land' stance is annoying, but he isn't a 'save the innocents' preacher. He also seems to understand the need to sometimes smite. This 'finding his inner self' stuff sounds, well crazy. But then she holds inner monologues with her own mind, so she can relate. Quote: "The dust and sandstone preacher is okay, he atleast seems relaxed about that whole 'save the desert' thingy. Now when he gets mad, -sigh-, he's a cutey."

Ursus: He is too quiet for her tastes. Get him alone amongst just the companions, sure he opens up, but in a crowd, he is wound tighter than bow cable. Just can't trust people like that. They are always watchin ya. Quote: "The Mul creeps me out, that guy is way to quiet, and spooky violent sometimes. I've seen 'im twist a HalfGiant's head off. Scary. And he's like so damn tall and powerful (delicous shudder), and bronzed (plays with her hair) and like... Wait that was starting to sound sexy. I am sticking with spooky and creepy."
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Wynter Wolf

First Post
Character Name: Ursus
Character Race: Mul
Character Class: Gladiator/Rogue/Reaping Mauler
Alignment: Cg

Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 6' 7"
Weight: 225#
Eyes: Grey

Character Level: 4/2/5

Language: Common, Dwarven, Gith

Str: 24 (+7) [13 points=17 + 4 Race + 3 Lvl]
Dex: 14 (+2) [6 points=14]
Con: 16 (+3) [6 points=14 + 2 Race]
Int: 14 (+2) [6 points=14]
Wis: 9 (-1) [1 point=9]
Cha: 10 (+0) [4 points=12 - 2 race]

AC: 19 [ +7 Studded leather +4, +2 Dex] Flat-footed: 17; Touch: 12
HP: 116 [6+4+36+37+33]

Fort: +11 (+8 base, +3 con)
Ref: +9 (+7 base, +2 dex)
Will: +1 (+2 base, -1 wis)

Init: +6
BAB: +10, +5

Steel Scimitar +18, +13 (1-H, 1d6+7, 18/x2, Slashing, 4#)
Composite Shortbow (+7) +12, +7 (2-H, 1d6+7, x3 Rng 60' Piercing, 2#)
Grappling +24, +19 ( 1d3+7+1d6(armor spikes)

17 Escape artist (10 ranks +2 dex +5 armor)
18 Tumble (14 Ranks +2 dex, +2 Jump synergy)
5(7 combat) Bluff (5 ranks +2 arena guile)
11 climb (4 ranks +7 str)
16 intimidate (14 ranks +2 synergy Bluff 5 ranks)
8(10 combat) Sense motive (9 ranks -1 wis +2 arena guile)
7 Knowledge Local (5 ranks +2 int)
19 Jump (10 ranks +7 str +2 synergy tumble)
7 move silent (5 ranks +2 dex)
7 Hide (5 ranks +2 Dex)
4 spot (5 ranks -1 wis)

Talented (Lesser Deflection)
Improved Init
WF Grapple
Exotic weapon Prof (Net)
Clever Wrestling CW
Earths Embrace CW
Close Quarters Fighting CW
Improved Unarmed strike
Improved Feint
WF Scimitar
Improved Grapple

Racial Features:
+4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Chr
medium size
base speed 30’
Dark vision 30'
Dwarven Blood
Extended Activity
DR 1/- Subdual

Class Features:
Sneak Attack 1d6
Trap Finding
Prof All martial and light/Medium armor
Always armed (Improved Unarmed strike)
Exotic Weapon Proficience (Net)
Arena Guile
Improved Feint
Master of weapons(WF Scimitar)
Improved Grapple
Adept Wrestler +2
Counter Grapple
Sleeper Lock DC14
Devastating Grapple DC14

Equipment & Gear (cost, weight, location):
Iron Scimitar (1,500 cp, 4#, Belt)
+4 Slick Studded Leather w/Armor Spikes (18,975 cp, 30#, worn)
Composite Shortbow (+7) (600 cp, 2#, back)
25 +1 Arrows in Quiver (1175 cp, 3#, back)
Backpack (2 cp, 2#, worn)
Waterskinx6 (6 cp, 24#, backpack)
Belt Pouch (1 cp, .5#, belt)
Rations 10 days (5 cp, 10#, backpack)
Potion Fruits:
4 x Bulls Str
4 x Cure Moderate Wounds
4 x Shield of faith +2
2 x Shield of faith +4
4 x Cure serious wounds

4 x Magic weapon oil

6 gp; 10 sp; 36 cp (736 cp, 0.1#, backpack)

Total: 30,000 cp, 80#

Light Load: 233#
Medium Load: 466#
Heavy Load: 700#

Base Speed: 30’
Normal Speed: 30’
Maximum Dex Bonus: +5
Armor Check Penalty: -1

Character background:
Ursus grew up in Nibenay an errand boy for a merchant of some renown, life for a Mul Slave is never easy, but as time went on The young Mul learned his way in the streets frequently getting into fights and trouble, others called him a sissy because he preferred to grapple than punch. Time went on and Ursus grew into a man and found errand life leaving him and gladiator life encroaching on his fun. Thrust into the arena for the first time, Ursus realized he had no idea how to use the axe in his hand or the shield on his arm. Tossing aside the axe and shield to the boos of the crowd Ursus rushed his opponent, taking a hit from his opponents weapon in the process as he bore his opponent to the ground, after a struggle Ursus bent his opponent back until an audible snapping of the spine was heard throughout the arena. Ursus's first opponent lay dead on the ground twisted in unatural ways. Many years later and many victories later Ursus was being transferred to another city for some great arena contest when the caravan he was with was attacked by Gith, the carnage was complete, and all were left for dead. Ursus alone survived that day only through the intervention of others. He has stayed with the others since and almost feels he can call them friends

Looks: Ursus is tall with a coppery skin color, quite bald with a bear paw tattoo over his Left eye, and whip scars on his back. Ursus stands proud and quiet among those he does not know.
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I aim to misbehave
Female Aarakocra Cleric of Air 1 / Psion Nomad 9

Alignment: ‘Neutral Good’
Experience: 64,640 xps
Height: 6' 10''
Weight: 68 lbs
Hair: Pale Blue
Plumage: Pale Blue to White
Eyes: Blue-Black
Age: 27

Str: 12 (+1) [6 points, -2 racial]
Dex: 26 (+8) [10 points, +4 racial, +2 level +4 enhancement]
Con: 12 (+1) [6 point, -2 racial]
Int: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Wis: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Cha: 12 (+1) [4 points]

Class and Racial Abilities:
-2 Str, +4 Dex, -2 Con, Low-light vision, Natural Armor +1, Bite (1d2 - secondary), Claw (1d3 - primary), Flight 90’ Base, +6 Spot, -2 Morale on all rolls indoors, Turn Undead, Domains (Blossom of the Sky, Clarity of Light), Light Armor, Medium Armor (Clarity Domain), Simple weapons, Ranged Martial Weapons (Blossom Domain), War hammer (Clarity Domain) .

Hit Dice: 8 + 9d4 + 10
HP: 46
AC: 23 (10 Base +4 Inertial Armor +8 Dex, +1 Natural)
Init: +8 (+8 Dex)
Speed: 20’ ground, 90’ Flight

Fortitude +8 [+5 base, +1 Con, +2 from cloak]
Reflex +13 [+3 base, +8 Dex, +2 from cloak]
Will +12 [+8 base, +2 Wis, +2 from cloak]

Save Conditionals: Automatically succeed at Fortitude saves due to weather (Blossom Domain).

BAB: +4
Claws: +5 (1d3 +1 (20 x2))
Bite: +0 (1d2 +1 (20 x2)) [-5 as not primary attack]
Mighty +1 Composite Longbow +1: +14 (1d8 + 1d6 cold + 1 (20 x3).

Concentration +5 [4 ranks, +1 Con]
Craft Bowyer +3 [2 ranks, +1 Int]
Climb +8 [2 ranks +7 Str, -1 ap]
Diplomacy +5 [4 ranks, +1 Cha]
Heal +6 [4 ranks, +2 Wis]
- Arcana +2 [+1 ranks, +1 Int]
- History +4 [+3 ranks, +1 Int]
- Nature +4 [+3 ranks, +1 Int]
- Planes +3 [+2 ranks, +1 Int]
- Psionics +13 [+12 ranks, +1 Int]
- Religion +4 [+3 ranks, +1 Int]
Psicraft +13 [12 ranks, +1 Int]
Search +11 [0 ranks, +1 Int, +10 Circumstance]
Sense Motive +6 [4 ranks, +2 Wis]
Spot +22 [4 ranks, +2 Wis, +6 Racial, +10 Circumstance]

Wild Talent [Free],
Inertial Armor [no display] [Psion 1st],
Hover [Character 1st ],
Point Blank Shot [Character 3rd]
Psionic Shot, [Psion 5th]
Rapid Shot, [Character 6th]
Precise Shot, [Character 9th]
Craft Universal Item [Psicrystal trade-out],

Languages: Common, Aarakocra, Draconic

Powers Known
Save DC +6
0th - Bolt, Burst, Catfall, Comfort [DS], Detect Psionics, Float, Inkling, Missive.
1st - Call Item, Call Weaponry, Deflect Attack, Empathic Transfer, Lesser Body Adjustment.
2nd - Alter Features [DS], Animal Affinity, Combat Prescience, Temporal Blur[Mind’s Eye].
3rd - Acceleration [DS], Metaphysical Weapon, Time Hop.
4th - Fate of One, Freedom of Movement.
5th - .

Power Points [Uses] Available
Total Power Points: 65 per day
Note: Torc reduces cost of powers by 1

Psionic Combat:
Resting Mode: Reflex Catechesis +2
Mode Check: +6 [+6 Base]

Auditory (Au): A rustle of leaves, barely audible
Material (Ma): Excited molecules of water steam from item, looking like a dish fresh from the oven.
Mental (Me): A feeling of deja vu in those around him
Olfactory (Ol): The smell of a spring breeze
Visual (Vi): Feathers and clothes rustle as though from a strong breeze.

Spells Per Day, Divine [DC 12 + Level]:
0th: 3 / 1st: 2+1

0th: Detect Magic, Light, Purify Food and Drink
1st: Domain: Detect Secret Doors; Cooling Canopy [DS], Shield of Faith

Wearing or carrying
Circlet of Psionic Might (Crafted 5,000cps, 400xps - as the torc)
Third Eye Aware (Crafted 2,000 cps, 160 xps)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (Crafted 2,000cps, 160xps)
Mighty +1 Composite Longbow of Ice (8,200cps)
Quivers - 60 Arrows (2cps)
Belt of Dexterity +4 (Crafted 8000cps, 640 xps)
Dorje of Psychic Tracking [DS] (Purchased 750cps)
Tattoo of Darkvision (x2) (600cps)
Tattoo of Displacement (x2) (1,500cps)
Tattoo of Know Location, Steadfast gaze (100cps)
Stone of See Invisibility (x2) (300cps)
Stone of Darkvision (150cps)
Stone of Clairvoyance/clairaudience (x2) (300cps)

Aarakocra Backpack 2cp
-Bedroll 5cb
-Acid (5 flasks) 50cp
-Alchemist's fire (3 flasks) 60cp
-Wine (3 bottles) 30cp
-50 ft. silk rope 10cp
-Paper (10 sheets) 4cp
-Ink (two vials) 16cp
-Ink pen 1cp
-Trail rations (8 days worth) 4cp
-Cold weather outfit 8cp
-Quivers - 90 Arrows(3cps) [/size]

Total Spent thus far: 29,940 cps

60cp, 5cb

Permanent Spells: None.

Appearance: Arriha was actually somehow short for her clutch, growing to only 6’10”. Her brothers and sister towered over her. Her hair and plumage way different also from her siblings, being a white to pale blue in color. The grey beak and talons give Arriha the appearance of a pale shadow. In a white clouded sky, she is very difficult to make out – though that happens rarely on Athas. Arriha carries her trusted bow as her only weapon and wears colors that complement her plumage.

Personality: Arriha has a sweet, melodic voice (part of the reason she was names Arriha – a derivation of the human word Aria) though she learned early in life she actually had no talent in that direction.

Her parents thought her coloration and natural talent in the air meant she was destined to be a cleric of air. Although Arriha tried to do as her parents wished, again her talents seemed to lean in other directions.

Finally as a psion and an archer, Arriha found her true calling. Her affinity for air seemed to guide her powers as she developed them, the very air helping her along her path. She is quite comfortable in the air and often shifts into another race when required to be within enclosed spaces for any length of time.

Arriha is friendly, helpful and concerned for the general welfare of others. She has no illusions about the evil on Athas and her ability to affect change, but tries to work subtly and in small ways. Arriha has a tendency for be somewhat flighty in personality, but when driven can be relentless as the storm winds. Arriha prefers that people (including her friends) not touch her or invade her space. If they do, she becomes first uncomfortable, then irritable, and finally quite angry.

Background: After several failed attempts and various vocations, Arriha discovered her calling as a nomad and archer. She has stayed close to her family’s home in the mountains until recent years, when she had been venturing out more and more on her own. It was during one of these solo flights that she spotted an unusual group on the ground: a pterran, a half-giant, a mul, a human, and an erdlu. Figuring there had to be some story there, she greeted them and began to actually enjoy their company. Her ability as an aerial scout and missile support proved invaluable on many of their adventures.
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Garak, Male Human Brute 1/Earth Cleric 11
Age: 29
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190lb
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Dark blonde

Str 14 (6)
Dex 12 (4)
Con 14 (6)
Int 12 (4)
Wis 22 (13 + 3 level based increases + 2 enhancement)
Cha 11 (3)

Alignment: N
Init: +1
Move: 30ft (40ft base)
AC: 18 (flatfooted 17, touch 11, -2 when raging)
Hit points = 1d12+2 + 11d8+22 (102 hp +24 when raging)

Full attack: +11/+6 melee heavy flail 1d10+3 (19-20/x2) or +12/+7 melee lance 1d8+2 (x3) or +10/+5 ranged shortbow 1d6+2
Full attack when raging: +13/+8 melee heavy flail 1d10+6 (19-20/x2) or +14/+9 melee lance 1d8+4 (x3)

Special abilities: Turn Undead, Control Vermin, Rage 1/day

Bab/Grapple: +9/+11 (+9/+13 when raging)

Saves: Fort +11 (+13 when raging), Reflex +4, Will +13

Feats - Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Extend Spell (3 uses/day spontaneous), Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack, Spirited Charge, Talented (lesser object reading), Weapon Proficiency (all simple and martial), Armour Proficiency (light, medium, heavy, shields), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (net, lasso)(domain weapons)

Languages - Common, Terran

Skills (24 brute, 44 cleric)
Climb +10 (8 ranks) (no armour penalty due to Mountain's Fury domain power)
Concentration +10 (8 ranks)
Handle Animal +5 (5 ranks)
Heal +8 (2 ranks)
Intimidate +4 (4 ranks)
Knowledge(nature) +7 (4 ranks, +2 survival synergy)
Knowledge(religion) +7 (6 ranks)
Listen +10 (4 ranks)
Profession(farmer) +8 (2 ranks)
Ride +14 (9 ranks, 5 cross-class, +2 handle animal synergy, +2 warbeast Combative Mount bonus)
Spellcraft +8 (7 ranks)
Survival +10 (4 ranks)

Garak is illiterate.

Spells per day: 6/7+1/6+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/2+1
Spell Save DC: 16 + spell level
Domains: Meek of the Earth, Mountain's Fury

Spell Selection:
* = domain spell
(Note that this is a general, all-purpose selection. I tend to change my spell selections around a lot depending on whether the group is in the wilderness, in the city, underground, expecting combat, travelling, etc, etc. I will put a notification in the IC thread when I make any changes)

Level 0: Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, 2x Resistance, Mending, Light
Level 1: Animal Messenger*, Bless, 2x Divine Favour, Shield of Faith, Comprehend Languages, Remove Fear, Command
Level 2: Heat Metal*, Shield Other, Silence, Augury, Hold Person, Status, Lesser Restoration
Level 3: Spike Stones*, Magic Circle Against Evil, Meld Into Stone, Dispel Magic, Stone Shape, Protection from Elements
Level 4: Oil Spray*, Giant Vermin, Divine Power, Greater Magic Weapon, Imbue with Spell Ability
Level 5: Insect Plague*, Summon Monster V, Scrying x2
Level 6: Repel Metal or Stone*, Braxatskin, Heal

Psionic Combat:
Resting Mode: Acumen Screen +2
Mode Check: +2

+2 Fearsome breastplate - 16350 (the Fearsome enchantment is in Defenders of the Faith)
1x Raise Dead material component - 5000 (diamonds, paid for by the group)
Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds - 4500
Periapt of Wisdom +2 - 2000 (crafted by Lifeheart Ristu)
Metal heavy flail - 1500
2x material component for True Seeing - 500
Potion fruit of Heroism - 750
Warbeast inix - 625
3x +1 spell storing arrow - 501 (1 has Dispel Magic stored, 1 has Blindness, the other is not yet prepared)
Masterwork lance - 310
Potion fruit of Darkvision - 300
6x ring focus for Shield Other spell - 300 (I'm assuming that in Dark Sun the focus does not have to be platinum)
Mighty composite shortbow (+2) - 225
7x material component for Augury/Divination spells (incense) - 175
2x material focus for Restoration spells (diamond dust) - 200
Everburning torch - 110
Inix howdah - 100
Studded leather inix barding - 100 (carried stowed in the howdah unless combat is anticipated)
Scrying focus - 100 (presumably a finely polished piece of black marble or obsidian for an earth cleric)
2x alchemical antitoxin - 100
Climbers kit - 80
Potion fruit of cure light wounds - 50
Potion fruit of magic weapon - 50
50ft giant hair rope - 50
Healer's kit - 50
Augury focus - 25
Net - 20
Small macahuitl - 20
Tent - 10
5x waterskin, flint & steel, shovel, spell component pouch, belt pouch, cookpot, blanket - 15
80 arrows - 4
5lb holy earth - 0 (created by spell)

Kejo - Warbeast Inix
Large Animal
Hit Dice: 7d8 + 28 (72hp)
Initiative: +2
Move: 50ft
Armour Class: 17 (touch 11, flat-footed 15) when unarmoured, or 20 (touch 11, flat-footed 18) with studded leather barding
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+15
Attack: Bite +10 melee 2d6+6
Full Attack: Bite +10 melee 2d6+9 or tail slap +10 melee 1d4+9
Space/Reach: 10ft/5ft
Special attacks: Improved Grab, Swallow Whole
Special Qualities: Combative mount, Low-light vision, Improved carrying capacity
Saves: Fort +9, Reflex +7, Will +4
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +9, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Improved Natural Attack (bite)

Improved Carrying Capacity: Kejo can carry twice the normal amount for a creature of his Str.
Swallow Whole: Kejo can swallow any Small or smaller creature with a successful grapple check. Once swallowed, victims suffer 1d8+6 points of crushing damage and 1d9 points of acid damage each round. A swallowed victim can cut his way out by dealing 15 points of damage to Kejo's gullet (AC 15). Once free, muscular action seals the wound, any subsequently swallowed prey must cut their way out again. Kejo's gullet can hold 1 Small creature, 2 Tiny creatures, 4 Diminutive creatures, or 8 Fine creatures.

Appearance: Garak is of medium height and solid yet not conspicuously muscular build. Like almost every Athasian, he has been tanned dark by the relentless sun - a fact emphasised by the contrast between his bronze skin tone and the deep gold of his roughly cut hair. Perhaps he was once a handsome man, but his nose, that was obviously broken and set crookedly some time in the past, gives his prematurely lined face the look of a brawler, and his way of switching abruptly from patient, levelheaded and helpful to cryptic and strange or towering righteous fury tends to put people off. His torso and back bear the tell-tale marks of the lash, and he hides these scars from all but his closest and most trusted friends beneath his ruddy magma drake hide armour.

Background: Garak was born a slave, to a slave mother and no father willing to take responsibility. His mother was a maid in the templar's quarters of a nameless Urikite outpost located deep in the wastes around a paltry spring. As soon as he was old enough to understand orders, Garak was put to work in the fields, breaking the rock-hard earth with agafari tools and carting the human waste that fertilised the struggling crops. He laboured as a field slave until he was 18, growing strong from the brutal labour, growing sullen and resentful under the lash, and learning to defend himself against those other slaves who saw a teenager as fair game and a way to get some easy extra rations. His only real friend was Anida, the daughter of the head templar, who, alone at the outpost, was of a similar age to Garak and who would sometime spend time with him out of loneliness. Garak came to feel deeply for her - a glorious light in his otherwise dark existence, and when she came of age and returned to Urik to look for a suitable marriage, he begged her to take him with her. But she was too caught up in the excitement of her departure and anticipation of life in the city, and she airily waved him off, and all he could get from her was a vague promise to maybe return some day to see him. He watched her leave in a caravan, staring until she was out of sight, heedless of his overseer's demands to return to work. She didn't look back once. He was flogged, again, for stubborness, but that night he jumped the thorny fence and headed out into the wastes, making sure to choose entirely the opposite direction to that which Anida had gone.

Garak was tough - with his one waterskin he travelled two days into the desert before collapsing. Nobody from the outpost was going to look for him, and the whispered chain-gang rumours of a slave village in the wastes had proved to be mere wishful thinking. As he lay face-down on the baking ground, however, his heat-fevered mind seemed to hear a voice. It whispered words of comfort and welcome. It promised it would alway be there, if he would accept it. He did. And he has never regretted it.

With the first whisperings of magic that the earth-spirits gave him, Garak cast a spell to protect himself from the Athasian climate and collapsed in a comatose sleep. As he lay there, he was discovered by a pterran druid called Lifeheart Ristu, who treated his wounds, fed him, and gave him water. With nowhere else to go, and feeling a strong, unfamiliar sense of obligation to the stranger who saved his life for no gain, Garak accompanied Lifeheart on his travels.

Personality: With the example of the druid, and the steadfastness of the earth spirits, Garak has tempered his youthful abrasive resentfulness. He is still slow to trust, but he has grown into a staunch companion and would do absolutely anything to protect his friends. Nonetheless, he is rarely open and relaxed unless among people he trusts absolutely. The group he now travels with are the only real friends he has ever had, and what they have achieved through cooperation is a constant revelation to someone who grew up in the backbiting world of a slave encampment. He doesn't go out of his way to preach or lecture about any of this, preferring to let actions speak louder than words. Garak takes the word of the earth spirits very seriously indeed. He still hears their voices on occasion, and when this happen he drops everything to speak with them - even in the middle of the desert, where nobody else can hear a thing. Mocking this mystical side of Garak's personality is a very good way to get him angry at you, although some of those who know him best suspect that not all Garak's voices come from the spirits of the earth - they suspect that many of Garak's voices exist nowhere outside his head, unless the young magma drake whose hide Garak now wears may somehow be haunting it's slayer from beyond death...

Thoughts on the others:
Lifeheart Ristu: A strange little creature. Garak doesn't understand the druid's aimless wandering, or her naive confidence that most beings are deep-down good at heart, or her heartfelt benevolence to the world at large. The two of them have argued about such things since they first met. Nonetheless, he has incredible respect for her wisdom and judgement, and trusts her implicitly. She is emblematic of the new, better life he has found since escaping slavery, and he never allows himself to forget the debt he owes to his oldest friend.
Ursus: Garak sees in the mul a lot of his previous self - strong, inward-looking, independent-minded, and perhaps a bit too proud. He would like to see Ursus come to the same epiphany he did, but he believes that it's not his place to lecture the gladiator on what he should and shouldn't believe. In the meantime, he is a bit concerned about how well Ursus will work with the group until he decides to commit to it fully.
Arriha: While Garak was suspicious of her motivations when she just dropped out of the sky one day and started tagging along with the rest of the group, he has warmed to her in recent times. While she can be irritatingly flighty, her genuine good nature and, more significantly, her merciless focus when things get hairy, puts her firmly in the category of Good Company as far as Garak is concerned.
Uden: Sure, he's not exactly a sparkling conversationalist, but the generous, loyal half-giant has a heart in proportion to the rest of him. He is easy prey for anyone cunning and unscrupulous, however, and Garak feels beholden to protect him in such situations. And the fact that she feels that same was is a big vote in favour of...
Grykee: Exasperating, spoilt little (even though she is taller than he is!) wilting blossom, who really needs to realise that life is tough and sometimes you need to be willing to do hard things. Without mindbending someone else into doing them for you. Fortunately, she has never yet tried to put the whammy on Garak - he has an ex-slave's hate for compulsion and would react very, very badly to any such attempt. Still, she's very entertaining, good company round the campfire and knows how to enjoy life, even if she does sometimes look at Garak in a way that makes him feel rather uncomfortable...
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Guest 11456

Lifehearth Ristu : Female Pterran Druid 11

Character Name: Lifehearth Ristu
Character Race: Pterran
Character Class: Druid
Alignment: NG

Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 4’ 9”
Weight: 115#
Eyes: Black

Character Level: 11
Experience: 63727

Language: Pterran, Common

Str: 8 (-1) [0 points=8]
Dex: 10 (+0) [4 points=12 – 2 race]
Con: 10 (+0) [2 points=10]
Int: 12 (+1) [4 points=12]
Wis: 29 (+9) [20 points=19 + 2 race + 2 level + 6 item]
Cha: 16 (+3) [6 points=14 + 2 race]

AC: 17; Flat-footed: 17; Touch: 10
HP: 68 (8+10d8)

Fort: +11 (+7 base, +0 con, +1 wastelander feat, +3 item)
Ref: +6 (+3 base, +0 dex, +3 item)
Will: +19 (+7 base, +9 wis, +3 item)

Init: +0
BAB: +8
MAB: +7
RAB: +8

Agafari Scimitar +1 (1-H, 1d6-1, 18/x2, Slashing, 2#)

Leather Armor +2 (+4, +0, 15#)
Large Agafari Shield +1 (+3, +0, 5#)

Craft: armorsmithing +2 (1 rank, +1 int)
Craft: weaponsimithing +2 (1 rank, +1 int)
Handle Animal +18 (15 ranks, +3 cha)
Heal +12 (1 ranks, +9 wis, +2 self-sufficient feat)
Knowledge: nature +7 (2 ranks, +1 int, +2 nature sense, +2 survival synergy)
Listen +13 (6 ranks, +9 wis, -2 race)
Ride +17 (15 ranks, +0 dex, +2 handle animal synergy)
Spellcraft +16 (15 ranks, +1 int)
Spot +13 (4 ranks, +9 wis)
Survival +30 (15 ranks, +9 wis, +2 wastelander feat, +2 self-sufficient feat, +2 nature sense)

Talented (beacon)
Craft Magic Arms and Armor
Craft Wondrous Item

Spells/day: 6/8/6/6/5/4/2
Spell DC: 19+spell level
Prepared Spells:
0: Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Defiler Scent, Detect Poison, Nurturing Seeds, Purify Food and Drink
1: Cooling Canopy, Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements, Entangle, Magic Stone, Pass without Trace, Plant Renewal, Sting of the Gold Scorpion
2: Altruism, Barkskin, Clear Water, Echo of the Lirr, Flaming Sphere, Resist Energy
3: Boneclaw’s Cut, Cure Moderate Wounds, Eye of the Storm, Protection from Energy, Searing Light, Surface Walk
4: Cure Serious Wounds, Elemental Strike, Klar’s Heart, Nondetection, Thorns of Binding
5: Braxatskin, Coat of Mists, Cure Critical Wounds, Righteous Might
6: Allegiance of the Land, Mass Cure Light Wounds

Racial Features:
+2 wis, +2 cha, -2 dex
medium size
base speed 30’
-2 Listen
natural weaponry (2 claws +7 melee (1d3-1) and bite +2 melee (1d4-1))
wild telepathy (missive)
weapon familiarity (thanak)
automatic languages: pterran
bonus languages: common, dwarven, elven, Halfling, giant, gith, ssurran, thri-kreen, yuan-ti
life path (path of the druid)
favored class: druid

Class Features:
Animal Companion (Erdlu)
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy +22 (+11 level, +9 wisdom, +2 handle animal synergy)
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Nature’s Speech
Wild Shape (4/day; tiny, small, medium, large)
Venom Immunity

Equipment & Gear (cost, weight, location):
Agafari Scimitar +1 (Crafted, 1177.5 cp, 95 xp, 2#, scabbard/worn)
Leather Armor +2 (Crafted, 2080 cp, 167 xp, 15#, worn)
Large Agafari Shield +1 (Crafted, 628.5 cp, 51 xp, 5#, carried)
Bone Ring of Sustenance (Purchased, 2500 cp, 0#, worn)
Periapt of Wisdom +6 (Crafted, 18000 cp, 1440 xp, 0.1#, worn)
Cloak of Resistance +3 (Crafted, 4500 cp, 360 xp, 1#, worn)
Ring (Gift from Garak, 0#, worn)
Belt Pouch (Purchased, 1 cp, 0.5#, worn)
1 gp; 1 sp; 3 cp (113 cp, 0.1#, belt pouch)

Periapt of Wisdom +2 for Garak (Crafted, 160 xp)
Donation to Raise Dead fund to Garak (1000 cp)

Total: 30,000 cp, 2273 xp, 23.7#

Light Load: 26#
Medium Load: 53#
Heavy Load: 80#

Base Speed: 30’
Normal Speed: 30’
Maximum Dex Bonus: +6
Armor Check Penalty: +0

Animal Companion: Gree-lok
Erdlu, Medium-Size Animal
Hit Dice: 56 (8d6+8)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 40’
AC: 21 (+3 dex, +8 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+8
Attack: Claw +8 melee (1d6+2)
Full Attack: 2 claws +8 melee (1d6+2) and bite +6 melee (1d6+1)
Face/Reach: 5’/5’
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 3
Skills: Jump +15, Listen +6, Spot +7
Feats: Alertness, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack (claw)
Special: Link, Share Spells, Evasion, Devotion, Multiattack
Tricks: Attack, Come, Defend, Down, Fetch, Guard, Heel, Seek, Stay, Track

Character background:
After choosing her life path, Ristu chose to leave her home of Lost Scale so that she could better serve the Earth Mother. As she began traveling in the Tablelands she called her animal companion, Gree-lok, an erdlu. Together they traveled and she learned of the many cultures in the Tablelands. She was amazed at the number of different races. Her lone existence had become a pair. Then there were two.

When traveling one day she came upon a human near death. In fact she had thought the man dead until Gree-lok called her attention to her mistake. She was amazed that the man yet survived. With Ristu’s extraordinary survival skills she helped revive that man who called himself Garak. The three decided that there was safety in numbers and Garak seemed genuinely interested in repaying the help. So they chose to travel together. Garak seemed to want to leave the area as quickly as possible so they moved on. Although Ristu hoped that Garak would follow the path of the druid, it was quickly obvious that his destiny was in a different direction. Then there were three.

One day they were attacked by a large beast. Things were not going well until a large half-giant came from out of nowhere and interposed himself between them and the beast. The large man fought ferociously and felled the beast, but not without taking quite a beating himself. As the beast fell, so the giant man did as well. When he awoke he found an erdlu, a pterran, and a human looking him over. The giant man called himself Uden Askaar. Garak and Ristu had healed his wounds. While Uden was indeed a fearsome fighter, he realized that he was still vulnerable. He agreed that traveling with such healers would be beneficial to him. Garak and Ristu seemed to think that a half-giant companion was very good for their health as well. Then there were four.

As they were traveling one particularly hot day, Ristu spotted what appeared to be the sight of a great battle. Uden wanted to move on, but Garak and Ristu explained that as healers they had to see if anyone had survived. Picking through the bodies only one was found to be alive. The lone survivor of the battle was a Mul. While Uden and Gree-lok kept watch, Garak and Ristu gave aid. After they healed his wounds and he was revived, the Mul revealed his story and his name, Ursus. Then there were five.

While traveling through unknown territory Ristu spotted something approaching from the sky above. Sure that it must be an enemy Uden, Ursus, and Gree-lok prepared for battle while Garak and Ristu prepared to use their divine powers. But as the creature landed nearby it was clear that she was no threat. The Aarakocra called herself Arriha. Over the next several days the group found it quite beneficial to have air support. So they all decided that the Aarakocra would be an excellent addition. Then there were six.

One night Uden announced that he had something to do and would be back in the morning. When the dawn arrived Uden had returned like he had said. However he had failed to mention that he was bringing an elven maiden back with him. The elf called herself Grykee. Uden seemed quite fond of her so it was decided that yet another would join their band. Then there were seven.
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Uden Askaar
Half-Giant Brute 9, Good

STR 26 (+8) (10 points, +8 racial, +2 levels)
DEX 12 (+1) (6 points, -2 racial)
CON 18 (+4) (8 points, +4 racial)
INT 8 (-1) (4 points, -4 racial)
WIS 8 (-1) (4 points, -4 racial)
CHA 8 (-1) (4 points, -4 racial)

Combat Stats:
Base Attack Bonus: +10/+5
Melee: +17/+12 [+10/+5 BAB, +8 STR, -1 Size]
Ranged: +10/+5 [+10/+5 BAB, +1 DEX, -1 Size]
Hit Points: 139 [8 (starting d8) + 6 (1d8) + 81 (9d12, levels) + 44 (CON)]
Armor Class: 19 [10 + 1 (DEX) + 2 (Natural) - 1 (Size) + 7 (+4 Studded Leather Armor)]
Initiative: +1 [+1 DEX]
Movement Rate: 50 feet [40 feet base + 10 Fast Movement]

Attacks per round:
Masterwork Large Swatter (+18/+13 to hit, 3d8+12 damage, Crit 20/x4)
Masterwork Large Mighty (+8) Composite Longbow (+10/+5 to hit, 2d6+8 damage, Rng 110 ft, Crit x3)
Large Club (+17/+12 to hit, 1d8+8 dmg, Crit 20/x2, Rng 10 ft)
Large Unarmed Strike (+17/+12 to hit, 1d4+8 dmg, Crit 20/x2)

+4 Studded Leather Armor (+7 AC)

Saving Throws:
Fort: +13 [+9 base, +4 CON]
Ref: +4 [+3 base, +1 DEX]
Will: +2 [+3 base, -1 WIS]

Wild Talent (Burst, Wild Leap) (bonus feat)
Improved Unarmed Strike (1st level feat)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Swatter) (3rd level feat)
Power Attack (6th level feat)
Cleave (9th level feat)

Climb +15 (7 ranks, +8 STR)
Jump +15 (7 ranks, +8 STR)
Intimidate +8 (9 ranks, -1 CHA)
Survival +8 (9 ranks, -1 WIS)


Special Abilities:
2d8 racial hit dice (giving +1 BAB, Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0, 5 skill points).
Large Size.
Darkvision, 60' range.
+2 Natural Armour.
Favored Class: Brute.
Level Adjustment +1.
Fast Movement.
Rage 3/day.
Uncanny Dodge.
Trap Sense +3.
Improved Uncanny Dodge.
Damage Reduction 1/-.

Large Backpack: (2 cp, 8lb)
- 4 vials of antitoxin (200 cp)
- Bedroll (large) (1 bit, 20 lb)
- 200' giant hair rope (200 cp, 40 lb)
- Grappling hook (1 cp, 4 lb)
- 2 sacks (large) (2 bits, 4 lb)
- Tent (large) (10 cp, 80 lb)
- 10 day's trail rations (large) (5 cp, 40 lb)
- 4 waterskins (large, full) (4 cp, 64 lb)
- Elemental Gem (air) (2,250 cp)
- Elixir of Fire Breath (1,100 cp)
- 2 Feather Tokens (tree) (800 cp)
- Feather Token (whip) (500 cp)
- Potion of Bull's Strength (300 cp)
- Potion of Cat's Grace (300 cp)
- Potion of Invisibility (300 cp)
- 4 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds (3,000 cp)
- Potion of Fly (750 cp)
- 2 Unguents of Timelessness (300 cp)
Large Belt Pouch: (1 cp, 2 lb)
- 4 Liquid light splash-globes (200 cp)
- 10 Tindertwigs (10 cp)
- 286 cp, 18 bits, 10 bd. (Plus 900 cp put towards the group's raise dead fund.)
Wearing / Carrying:
- Explorer's outfit (large)
- +4 Studded Leather Armor (16,300 cp, 40 lb)
- Masterwork Large Swatter (550 cp, 70 lb)
- Masterwork Large Mighty (+8) Composite Longbow (1,350 gp, 6 lb)
- 60 Large arrows (6 cp, 18 lb)
- Large club (6 lb)
- Large iron dagger (400 cp, 2 lb)

Total Weight Carried: 404 lb
Load: Light

Current XP:
Current: 66,000
Next Level: 78,000


Age: 31
Height: 10' 10"
Weight: 1,470 lb
Eyes: Light blue
Hair: Dark brown, currently bound back in a long tail. However, Uden sells his hair to rope makers at regular intervals, so its length varies.
Skin: Light tanned brown.

Appearance: While not the tallest of his race, Uden is certainly solidly built. He's quite fair-skinned for an Athasian, but tans rather than burns under the sun. He's always clad in what seems to be his only set of clothes, a rough leather vest studded with bone and stone rivets and a loose-fitting pair of blue trousers. It tends not to be his clothes that draw peoples attention to him, with the large club strapped across his back making a far more imposing statement than any outfit could...

Background: Uden had been wondering from city to city, taking employment where ever he could find it. However, given his kind nature (at least by Athasian standards) Uden almost always left each post a few weeks after obtaining it, his employers having a tendency to want him to hurt people he didn't think deserved it. This changed when he met Grykee. Uden took a liking to this small elf as soon as he saw her, and she quickly became his friend and traveling companion. Then the slavers came, and knocked him out. On waking, he found Grykee gone, and a trail leading off to the north. For weeks he followed the trail, hot anger at the evil people who would steal his friend brewing with each step. He caught up with the slaver's caravan one evening, and the damn holding back his rage burst. By the time he calmed down again, half the caravan had been reduced to splinters by his swatter, and the few surviving slavers had fled from the apparently insane half-giant. Grykee must have been really pleased to be rescued, because she started treating him better than any of his other friends ever had. Uden travels with her still, protecting her from any other evils that would try to hurt his friend.

Recently, Uden has meet with a band of travelers who seem to want to help others, like himself. Grykee seems rather grumpy about his new friends, but he has reassured her that her still likes her best. And now maybe they can do something really useful!

Personality: Uden is a simple soul. He expects the best from those he meets, and tends not to realize the repercussions of any orders he's given until after he's carried them out. Still, for all these flaws, he's loyal to a fault to those he considers his friends. And even the expanse of the Silt Sea will not stop Uden from evening the score with anyone who hurts a friend of his.
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Garak's summoned Earth creatures.

This is the result of replacing the fiendish/celestial templates from Terrors of Athas's Summon Monster list with the Earth Element template from Manual of the Planes. I'll be progressively updating this entry, as I get around to templating more and more of the summonable critters...

Summon Monster V

Earthen Feylaar
Large Elemental (earth)
Hit Dice: 7d8+7 (38 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), burrow 20 ft.
Armor Class: 16 (?1 size, +1 Dex, +6 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+23
Attack: Slam +10 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 4 slams +10 melee (1d6+4) and bite +8 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Constrict 1d6+4, death field, psionics, improved grab, earth mastery
Special Qualities: Tremorsense, elemental qualities, darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +5
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 9
Skills: Climb +17, Jump +8, Psicraft +6, Spot +5, Survival +5
Feats: Ability Focus (death field), Improved Initiative, Multiattack
Challenge Rating: 6

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a feylaar must hit with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Constrict (Ex): If a feylaar successfully grapples an opponent, it inflicts an automatic 1d6+4 damage in addition to the regular slam damage caused by the grapple.

Death Field (Sp): This innate psionic power may be used up to 3 times per day. When activated, the feylaar sacrifices a number of hit points up to its current total. All creatures within 20 ft must make a successful Fort save (DC 16) or take damage equal to the number of hit points sacrificed by the feylaar. A successful save negates the damage.

Psionics (Sp): 3/day: body adjustment, chameleon, conceal thoughts, dimension door, displacement, domination, false sensory input, inflict pain, invisibility, mindlink, psychic vampire, shadow body. Attack/Defense modes (Sp): ego whip, id insinuation, intellect fortress, mental barrier, mind thrust, tower of iron will. Manifester level 7th.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earthen creature gains a +1 on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the earth element creature suffers a -4 on attack and damage rolls.

Skills: A feylaar has a racial +8 bonus to all Climb and grapple checks.

Earthen Monstrous Scorpion, Large
Large Elemental (Earth)
5d8+10 (32 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), burrow 20 ft.
Armor Class: 18 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +10 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 19
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+12
Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +7 melee (1d6+5) and sting +2 melee (1d6+2 plus poison)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Constrict 1d6+5, improved grab, poison, earth mastery
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft., elemental traits
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +1
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 8, Con 14, Int ?, Wis 10, Cha 2
Skills: Climb +9, Hide -1, Spot +4
Challenge Rating: 4

Constrict (Ex): A monstrous scorpion deals automatic claw damage on a successful grapple check.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a monstrous scorpion must hit with a claw attack. A monstrous scorpion can use either its Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for grapple checks, whichever is better.

Poison (Ex): A monstrous scorpion has a poisonous sting. Fort Save DC 14, initial and secondary damage 1d4 Con.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earthen creature gains a +1 on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the earth element creature suffers a -4 on attack and damage rolls.

NOTE: There's a bit of ambiguity here - the scorpion is no longer a Vermin, but the template doesn't change it's Int - it is still mindless. I'm not sure if this means it retains the vermin traits - immunity to mind-affecting effects, etc.

Earthen Dire Ape
Large Elemental (earth)
Hit Dice: 5d8+13 (35 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 15 ft., burrow 20 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+7)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+7) and bite +4 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Rend 2d6+10, earth mastery
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent, tremorsense, elemental qualities, darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 7
Skills: Climb +15, Listen +5, Move Silently +3, Spot +6
Feats: Alertness, Toughness
Challenge Rating: 4

Rend (Ex): A dire ape that hits with both claw attacks latches onto the opponent?s body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an extra 2d6+10 points of damage.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earthen creature gains a +1 on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the earth element creature suffers a -4 on attack and damage rolls.

Skills: Dire apes have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.

Earthen Brown Bear
Large Elemental (earth)
Hit Dice: 6d8+24 (51 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), burrow 20 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (-1 size, +8 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+17
Attack: Claw +12 melee (1d8+9)
Full Attack: 2 claws +12 melee (1d8+9) and bite +7 melee (2d6+4)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, earth mastery
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent, darkvision 60 ft, tremorsense, elemental qualities
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +3
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 11, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +7, Swim +13
Feats: Endurance, Run, Track
Challenge Rating: 5

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a brown bear must hit with a claw attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Skills: A brown bear has a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earthen creature gains a +1 on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the earth element creature suffers a -4 on attack and damage rolls.

Summon Monster IV

Earthen Lirr
Medium Elemental (earth)
Hit Dice: 5d8+10 (32 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), burrow 20 ft.
Armor Class: 17 (+6 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+5
Attack: Claw +5 melee (1d4+2)
Full Attack: 2 claws +5 melee (1d4+2) and bite +0 melee (1d10+1)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, earth mastery, stun, rake (1d4+2)
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft, tremorsense, elemental qualities
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 11
Skills: Hide +4, Jump +5, Spot +7
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes
Challenge Rating: 4

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a lirr must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can rake.

Skills: A lirr has a +4 racial bonus on Jump checks.

Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +5 melee, damage 1d4+2

Stun (Ex): The lirr can emit a powerful roar that stuns any creature within a 40 ft cone. The stun effect lasts 1d4 rounds. A Fort save (DC 14) negates.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earthen creature gains a +1 on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the earth element creature suffers a -4 on attack and damage rolls.

Earthen Lion
Large Elemental (earth)
Hit Dice: 5d8+10 (32 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), burrow 20 ft.
Armor Class: 15 (?1 size, +2 Dex, +6 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+13
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d4+6)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d4+6) and bite +3 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pounce, improved grab, rake 1d4+3, earth mastery
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent, tremorsense, elemental qualities, darkvision 60 ft.
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Skills: Balance +6, Hide +2*, Listen +5, Move Silently +10, Spot +5
Feats: Alertness, Run
Challenge Rating: 4

Pounce (Ex): If a lion charges a foe, it can make a full attack, including two rake attacks.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a lion must hit with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can rake.

Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +7 melee, damage 1d4+3.

Skills: Lions have a +4 racial bonus on Balance, Hide, and Move Silently checks. *In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +12.

Earth Mastery (Ex): An earthen creature gains a +1 on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe touch the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the earth element creature suffers a -4 on attack and damage rolls.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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