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As Pluvos rests and the echo of his cry leaves the sky, a radiance shines from above. Intrigued, Pluvos rises from his seas, and turns to face the light. A powerful, yet kind voice seemingly issues from the stars above, proclaiming itself as the Empyrean, and Pluvos scans the sky, searching for the voice's source. After a moment, Pluvos gives up his search, and accepts the light as the speaker.

"You are the creator of this place, this wonderful world? That is quite the claim you make. And yet, I sense that there is truth in your words." Pluvos relaxes, and the tension leaves his voice and body. "If you are Creator of all that I see before me, then surely you created me, as well. Why? Surely you, with the power to shape this place, could manage the seas and the rivers yourself? Why bring me into existence? Are there others such as I? Are there others such as you? I have so many questions, Creator, and so few answers that satisfy them!" Pluvos continues to look to the sky, anxiously awaiting a response.
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...the divine egg, washed up on the sands at the verge of Pluvos' domain, breaks open. The fluid, imbued with the Empyean's own quintessence, spills out upon the earth causing the sands to roil with a profusion of new life, plant and animal, that spreads across its surface. As the new dragon flies off to pay homage to the Empyrean and build a nest for its clutch of eggs a single drop of yolk, nearly pure quintessence and all that remains uneaten by the dragon, spills into this profusion of life and is drunk down by a single tree.

The tree becomes a new thing born of matter and quintessence which grows to massive size sending branches reaching into the skies to feed upon the divine radiations that bathe the earth, and sending roots deep into the earth to touch and drink Pluvos' essence. As it grows, intelligence blooms and a god is born: Byrrl, god of living things.


Byrrl, newly born, basks in the light of his father-creator. Soon, however, he realizes his senses extend far beyond his immediate presence and he begins to explore his own essence. His spirit extends strongly throughout the green of plant life and he instinctively feels the form of that life and knows it. Less strongly, his spirit touches those creatures that live and walk on the earth. Those, too, he senses and knows. As his knowledge grows, he settles down into the rhythm of these creatures lives.

But something changes. Byrrl, roused from his Green-Dream, examines the roots and tendrils of his quintessence and discovers that where it moved through a distant forest a tiny part of it has been...extinguished. Puzzled, he sends forth a tendril of his consciousness to investigate and witnesses a being of power, equal to his own if not greater, instructing a group of creatures that ambled around on two legs, furless and stupid. Amazed and baffled Byrrl withdraws to think. "Can these creatures not grow fur to keep themselves warm, like the raccoon? Must they dig at the bones of the earth to form claws for themselves?" Most troubling to Byrll, however, was that these creatures were not part of the Green-Dream and that he had no sense of them, only the effects of their actions.

So he settled down to think about what he should do about these Dreamless and their godling and in so doing slipped again into the Green-Dream. And again Byrrl is wakened from his dream by a change. Growing more proficient in his sensing he quickly discovers another godling. However, unlike the first, this one has taken two of his creatures, changed them to his liking, and set them upon a new path. Acting quickly, Byrrl concentrates his quintessence in a tree near the god causing it to grow and so be able to contain his self.

Speaking to the god, Byrrl says, "Who are you that you can take the badger and mole that I have claimed, change them, and claim them for your own? I am Byrrl, the Oak-Lord, and these things were mine."


First Post
"The same right that allows me to meddle with evolution. It is an intrinsically chaotic process, and thus is subject to my...manipulations. You did not seem to care about my humans, Byrrl". This is delivered by a lich in a black robe that has suddenly appeared behind him.


Nazhkandrias said:
"If you are Creator of all that I see before me, then surely you created me, as well. Why? Surely you, with the power to shape this place, could manage the seas and the rivers yourself? Why bring me into existence? Are there others such as I? Are there others such as you? I have so many questions, Creator, and so few answers that satisfy them!"The Empyrean shines its light down upon the seas of the fledgling world.
"Once I'd created the world upon which you arose, one of many jewels I'd placed in the cosmos, I did brush the clouds enshrouding its surface with my solar wind and did cause a torrent of rain to fall and thus smother the earth's surface with your essence. I did then gaze down upon your seas and see my own reflection shining up at me and thus did you come to be; my reflection, my opposite element.

Gaze upon my glory; my power is indeed great and my will can cause the other elements to slowly shift and coalesce in space, but I dare not approach your world for my presence would boil away your seas and melt the earth once more. You who are of the essence of water and who are able to drift through the world's oceans and seas freely and who can command the rains to fall with a mere thought I entrust with the dominion of the element of water.

You are the first God to announce itself to me, but an unknown Whisper sounded in mine ears earlier and other events now seem to be transpiring across the breadth of Creation for which I do not believe I am directly responsible."
WarlockLord said:
A cowled figure appeared in front of the Empyrean, holding a flickering staff, black as the void yet white as the sun.
The Empyrean's point of focus shifts to the unfamiliar shape which suddenly appears in its proximity in the depths of space. The empyrean has never seen a humanoid shape and does not immediately comprehend what it sees, and yet it recognizes the divine power not entirely dissimilar from its own.
WarlockLord said:
Greetings. I am Hash'Mileak. I have a favor to ask of you. Revered Creator, see my creatures. They do not know to use what I have given them. I ask you to give them ambition, that they might thrive. Even the meanest, and the lowest of the dragons has this, yet my men are doomed to mud, and futile warring. I will owe you a service."
The Empyrean examines the race of men as this new god makes it aware of their existence for the first time. "Greetings Hash'Mileak. I am the Empyrean. I neither recognize you or the minuscule creatures you now show me. You speak of reverence for me, and yet you only now introduce yourself to me at a time when you beg of me a favor. Seeing what it is you deign to show me now, I see that you have already seen fit to create new life, and make of my divine fire a gift onto them; both without having need of my aid. I bear these creatures no ill will, but since they already benefit of my fire to keep them warm as well as the gifts of earth and magic, then I choose to withhold the bestowal of any further gifts onto these beings for the time being."
Kaodi said:
Noctuvos guides his creature towards the nearest star outside the system, and she draws close to unto it. She opens her great maw in a silent roar. From the surface of the star, a fiery pillar erupts, pulled up towards the great dragon, a spinning vortex than reaches up and into the dragons mouth, and down into her stomach. She feats on the substance of the star, with is gradually pulled into her belly, and soon the radiance of it shines through the pale scales covering it. In this fashion, she devours the whole of the burning sun, and her underside becomes to radiant in can be been from her old home.
The Empyrean flares in sympathy as it feels the death throes of one of its countless stellar avatars as its divine fire is siphoned and snuffed out by the great corrupted wyrm Malchygara. "Who has done this? Who has dared to destroy that which I had chosen to create?!?"


WarlockLord said:
"The same right that allows me to meddle with evolution. It is an intrinsically chaotic process, and thus is subject to my...manipulations. You did not seem to care about my humans, Byrrl". This is delivered by a lich in a black robe that has suddenly appeared behind him.

Byrrl turns and ponders the black-robed lich-god who created and instructed the humans. He explores the essence of this god then examines the quintessence of all the living things within his purview: the plants and animals that cover the earth. And he discovers the touch of this god within all living things. Slowly, Byrrl nods. "You speak true concerning your own right; I see you have influenced these things and they will all eventually die. Yet his right is not so clear."

Pondering a moment more, Byrrl continues, "But, what's done is done." Byrrl turns to the first god he addressed. "These things you have made from what was mine are now yours. But remember, the thread of life still twines through them and so I can claim them whenever I will."

Byrrl turns to the second god. "Your humans were created from nothing, unlike these dwarves and gnomes were, and so I did not concern myself with them. However, the thread of life twines through them as well, so, while you touch what is mine, remember that I have the right to touch what is yours.

Now, brothers, what are your names? For you are the first of my kind that I have met."


First Post
Pluvos bowed his head in reverance of the Empyrean. "I understand. It is my duty to see that my waters reach across and nourish this world, just as it is your will that your light shall shine and warm the very same. I will do my best to fulfill this destiny, great as it may be. As long as your light shall grace this world, my waters shall do the same. Thank you, Creator." And, without a further word, Pluvos flared his fins and dove back into his ocean, his mighty tail stirring up vast waves as he submerged. And so it was that Pluvos understood his origins, place, duty, and destiny.

As Pluvos swam among his reefs and currents, surveying and observing the workings of his domain, he felt a slight pang, a tiny thorn in his side. Confused and alarmed at this feeling, he quickly searched for the source of this sensation, this wrongness. Quickly locating it upon one of his shores, he darted towards the source of the disturbance, his serpentine form gliding along the dark floor of his ocean. Borrowing the eyes of one of the crabs that scuttled along the sandy beaches, he saw a sight which disturbed him greatly. Two laughing, hairless figures upon two legs were pulling one of his children, a gentle dolphin, out of the surf inside a woven mesh. They then began to kick at the creature, plunging shining objects into its side. Hearing his child's final cry of pain, seeing his creation die needlessly at the hands of these beasts, Pluvos immediately became enraged at the two creatures.

The head of the serpent rose from the waves, anger and hate flaring from his eyes at these two creatures, now cowering in sight of his awesome fury. The nearby seas tossed and roiled, and the skies above darkened with lighting and thunder. "Who are you, to end the lives of one of my children, so needlessly, so thoughtlessly?!? You hunger not, you thirst not, and yet you torture and kill my creation for your own amusement!" The two creatures immediately turned and ran from the shore, but not fast enough to escape Pluvos' righteous fury. A great wave crashed down upon them, dragging them out to sea. "You have already forgotten my sacrifices, and scoffed at my generosity! You shall be punished, and you shall suffer, just as my child has suffered at your cruel hands!" As they screamed in terror and panic, Pluvos coldly called another one of his children, a great shark with wicked teeth and mighty tail, to the two flailing creatures. In a matter of moments, the fish devoured the two beings, the water running bright red.

Turning to the land, Pluvos roared out his decree. "Do not enrage me, for I control the seas and the storms themselves! Should any forget my gifts, should any take from me without need, then they shall feel my fury, just as these two pathetic, damned wretches have!" His mind still troubled and angry, Pluvos turned back towards his sea, plunging back to its depths to brood on his latest experience. He now knew of cruelty and rage, two things he would never forget.

To forever commemorate that day, he channeled his rage and fury into the shark that had consumed the two creatures, causing it to grow to colossal proportions. Its teeth grew even more jagged and sharp, and its skin flashed to shades of black and crimson, becoming spiked and cruel. Its great fin created maelstroms in its wake, and its jaws brought death to all who angered its master. Pluvos looked into the fierce eyes of his creation, and he spoke to the beast. "Should the events that transpired on this fateful day ever dare to repeat themselves, I shall call upon you, my child. You shall be the vessel for my rage, the executor of my will and fury. Go now, Leviathan, and hope that I may never require your services again." And so, the Leviathan quietly swam to the deepest depths of the ocean, awaiting its call to service.


Through the filter of his chosen, Noctuvos begins to understand the words of Empyrean and the many new gods that came of the creator. He is rather amused by his counterpart's anger.

Do not fear, Malchygara, he whispers to his young dragon. No harm will come of his wrath, I will always intervene on your behalf.

The Emptiness has no words for the creator god, he is curious as to what will come of Empyrean's anger. There is no rush to introduce himself to other god, though he rather looks forward to their first exchange.


First Post
GlassEye said:
Pondering a moment more, Byrrl continues, "But, what's done is done." Byrrl turns to the first god he addressed. "These things you have made from what was mine are now yours. But remember, the thread of life still twines through them and so I can claim them whenever I will."

Byrrl turns to the second god. "Your humans were created from nothing, unlike these dwarves and gnomes were, and so I did not concern myself with them. However, the thread of life twines through them as well, so, while you touch what is mine, remember that I have the right to touch what is yours.

Now, brothers, what are your names? For you are the first of my kind that I have met."

Ilem Nth Sabbatur begins to form a body to properly address these two other godlings. Rock and earth rises from the ground to form a body that looks like the earth it came from with pieces of iron ore forming metal plating that covers the entire body. His eyes are a sapphire and ruby, both of perfect quality, that flash with knowing insight beneath a helm that covers his entire face. He bears in his right arm an object that resembles a craftsman's hatchet but one built for a giant with the pounding head adorned with all matter of precious gems and minerals while the axe head being a fusion of adamantium and diamond. In his left hand, he bears a great and heavy tome whose pages that are covered in inumerable, indecipherable writings are as wide as two dwarves laid side by side.

He addresses the oaken one. "I am Ilem Nth Sabbatur, god of battle, conflict, progress, innovation, knowledge of the future and the earth. I claimed those beings as my own because the reside in my domain. I will take note of and remember what you have just said but don't be as presumptuous as to threaten me like that. I am lord of the earth and I sense that many of your creatures and charges derive their sustenance from me. You put up aggression against me and I will return it twofold. I will withdraw my sources of nourishment from your charges and I will make it so that those that even as much as touch a portion of the earth will pay dearly."

He then turns to the black-robed lich. He addresses him in a voice so harsh and grating, that it resembles the sound of rocks clashing against each other. "As for you, lord of entropy, I am most displeased. You step on the demenses of those powers you should not take lightly. I say to thee: KEEP THYSELF IN THY OWN DOMAINS! You have already done several things that are within my domain without my permission. You have taught your creations the basics of weapons and combat, which are my demense. As of the moment, I will let this matter pass as they suit my intentions for the time being. Be warned, however. If you do this again, the consequenses will be great. IF YOU EVER DO SUCH A SLIGHT TO ME AGAIN, I WILL ENACT A PUNISHMENT HUNDREDFOLD THAT OF WHICH I PROMISED THE OAKEN LORD BY MEANS OF THINGS THAT EVEN A BEING SUCH AS YOURSELF WILL BE UNABLE TO CONCEIVE OF EVEN IN HIS WILDEST DREAMS! I WILL ENACT A PUNISHMENT UNTO YOU THAT WILL,... AEONS FROM NOW, MAKE GODS TREMBLE IN FEAR! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?

He then turns back to the Oak Lord. "I sense the same type of essence between us. Are we perhaps siblings? I have also noticed that I recieve the same impression from that great blazing orb in the sky. Perhaps it is our creator? Shall we call it then."

Ilem Nth Sabbatur then rises his voice unto the sky. "Great blazing orb in the sky, I summon thee. I, born of you and like you, summon thee! I am with here with another that shares the same essesnce as you and I. Would you come and entertain us with your presence?"

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