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Blood of The Werewolf [Erekose 13 Judging][Concluded]


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"Don't do anything foolish, Boog. People don't like to have their minds messed with. Best to remember that, my friend. And save your power for the enemy."

Rowan swings off his horse next to a house where some movement was detected. He knocks politely on the door. "Hello! We are werewolf hunters. Have we any business here?"

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No one inside the house acknowledges your call, but the city guard seems to have taken notice. There are four men in chainmail heading toward you from down the street. They have swords at their hips, but have not drawn them yet.


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Eusebius looks with some concern at the guards approaching, then decides to leave it to Rowan to handle. He seems to be doing a good job so far!


You notice that the city guards have some sort of stylized animal as a design on their tabbards. The design consists of a black and white striped creature on a dark green background. You don't recognize the symbol, it may be strictly local.

"Ho, there, strangers. What business do you have in Steadwell?"


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A town of 20 homes probably has no more than 100 citizens. Even if the watch were hostile, Rowan is confident his group is more than match for anything this town has to offer. After all, if the militia were capable, they wouldn't have been summoned here.

"Greetings." says Rowan. He leans his guisarme against the house and opens his hands to demonstrate his peaceful intentions. "I am Rowan McTavish. We heard you had a problem with lycanthropes. We have some experience in these matters. We are willing to rid you of this problem, and ask for no reward. We would only ask for food, lodging, and if you do have a smithy, we would like to improve our weapons."


"Unfortunately, we have strict rules on dealings with strangers here in Steadwell. None of our people can have dealings with you unless you first meet with the Lord of this town. Shall we escort you to see him?"


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Rowan doesn't much care for such strict centralized authority. But it matters little. A lycanthrope threatens all the people, and he's given his word that he would help here.

"Lead on." says Rowan, who remounts and follows.


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"Who is your lord?" asks Father Eusebius, smiling and walking his mule alongside the guard who spoke previously. "Is this his insignia, or is it the symbol of the town? What sort of animal does it depict? I've not seen its like before."

"Are you born and bred in Steadwell? It seems a pretty place, if a little ... tense. The countryside is certainly beautiful. I grew up on a farm myself - loved to wander the countryside. There was a copse of woods not far from my home; and the deer there were magnificent - some of the most beautiful animals I have ever seen. So what sort of animal did you say your insignia represents?"


edit: Boddyknock posted as I was typing this. Adding a bit at the begining.

"The symbol of Steadwell is the cat, Sir." He says, a bit evasively. "Please, we are not supposed to speak to you until you have been sanctioned by our lord."

You are lead to the largest house in Steadwell, which shows signs of significant wealth. One of the guards walks up to the door, hesitates for a moment, and then knocks upon it. A command to enter is heard from within.

The guards pull open the doors. A small cloakroom is just inside the door, and just beyond that a larger room. In the larger room, firelight glints off a variety of golden objects all about the place, and much of the floor is covered with silken pillows died in rich colors. A scantilly clad serving girl holding a jug of wine stands buy a figure clad in fabrics matching the decor.

"Ah! Visitors I see!" the lounging nobleman calls out.

"Yes, Lord. We brought them directly to you, Lord. None in the village disobeyed your orders, Lord."

"Well, show them in.... and you may introduce me."

The guard turns expectantly toward you, and gestures that you should enter.

Voidrunner's Codex

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