D&D 5E Boon Ideas for a God of Maintaining Cultural Norms and Resistance to Change

So yeah, as the title says- there is a chance a pc in my game will receive a boon from a deity whose portfolio involves maintaining cultural norms and resistance to change. I have some ideas, but they aren't that closely tied to the portfolio. For context, a rough equivalent from a god of archery would be their choice of:

  1. The pc gains a longbow +3 that increases their Dex and maximum Dex by 6. This bow can't be wielded by any other creature and creates an arrow on the string when drawn. The pc can also summon it from any distance or even from another plane with a bonus action. The bow can't be damaged or destroyed by anything less than an artifact or god; OR
  2. When the pc camps outdoors, they can use an action to create a full camp for themselves and up to 20 other creatures of its choice, including food and drink. This camp will never be disturbed by random encounters, and the pc and its chosen companions gain 200' darkvision while so camping. They complete a short rest in only 10 minutes and a long rest in only 4 hours, and regain all lost hit points and Hit Dice, as well as all levels of exhaustion, after such a long rest. They are also cured of all curses, poisons, and diseases when finishing such a long rest.
So with that sort of power level in mind, what do you guys think?
So, the boon seems to need to be group oriented, and Modron like. The conformist impulse is to "squeeze" as tight possible. So maybe the boon is an all or nothing success.

What about something like?

A Mass Command spell, where each target gets a save against the single-word verbal command, and if any of the targets make the save, every target becomes free from the effect. So, the spell tempts the player to be as greedy as possible and to try command as many targets as possible, gambling that none will make their save.

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So, the boon seems to need to be group oriented, and Modron like. The conformist impulse is to "squeeze" as tight possible. So maybe the boon is an all or nothing success.

What about something like?

A Mass Command spell, where each target gets a save against the single-word verbal command, and if any of the targets make the save, every target becomes free from the effect. So, the spell tempts the player to be as greedy as possible and to try command as many targets as possible, gambling that none will make their save.
Alternatively, perhaps a non-selective command that covers a huge area and applies to everyone within, friend and foe alike. So the trick is to find a command that will hinder your enemies without seriously impeding your allies.

Anyway the point of the Tower of Babel excursion is to get a sense of the archetype of conformity.

• Everyone must agree
• Everyone must participate
• Everyone must do the same thing − while fitting within the ones place in the project

I guess this is what the D&D Modrons are about?
That is on type of culture.

But you might have a chaotic gnome culture that encourages self expression and constant development on new devices. The more outlandish the better.

Trying to make a central device register, fitting devices into categories, and mass producing a standard size would be changes to that culture.

I would aim for a boon that could also impede the user. Make it a bit strong, but also make it prevent buffs from allies using the same concept, or have consequences if those buffs get through.
Yea, I would definitely go along these lines.

Transmutation still seems the obvious choice as that is litterally the magic of changing, but just to toss out a few more ideas...

Resistance to all damage, and all healing.

You never have advantage or disadvantage. You can negate advantage or disadvantages with in 30'.

You can revert everything, except you, back to when you ended your last long rest. You retain any injuries and expended resources. No one else has memories of what would of happened.
Once you use this ability you can not use it again for a month.

Embracing tradition and avoiding change sounds Lawful and resistant to outside influences.

All allies within 60 feet of you (including yourself) and worship your god, are immune to charm and fear effects, have "Immutable Form" (they are immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form), and may choose to take 10 on any d20 Test rather than roll.

+1 to ability checks for every two party members who share the same race, background or class*.
*Single-class characters only.

-1 to ability checks for every two multiclassed characters in the party, and for every pair of characters whose alignment differs by more than one step.

Might be worth looking into the old wu-jen taboos for inspiration. A conformity escalation mechanic might be good - the more conformity, the more benefits, but the tiers get increasingly ridiculous and hard to keep up with.

A cloud follows the PC at all times. The powers of the cloud are trigged by yelling old man phrases at it while shaking a fist in the air. For example, "kids these days" or "back in my day!"

First I would reward them by changing their race to match mine. Then I would grant them a longer lifespan and bless them with great fertility. This way the PC could teach the traditions over a long time to slow change and by being blessed with many children, he could continue the cultural norms.

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