D&D 5E Boon Ideas for a God of Maintaining Cultural Norms and Resistance to Change

the Jester

So yeah, as the title says- there is a chance a pc in my game will receive a boon from a deity whose portfolio involves maintaining cultural norms and resistance to change. I have some ideas, but they aren't that closely tied to the portfolio. For context, a rough equivalent from a god of archery would be their choice of:

  1. The pc gains a longbow +3 that increases their Dex and maximum Dex by 6. This bow can't be wielded by any other creature and creates an arrow on the string when drawn. The pc can also summon it from any distance or even from another plane with a bonus action. The bow can't be damaged or destroyed by anything less than an artifact or god; OR
  2. When the pc camps outdoors, they can use an action to create a full camp for themselves and up to 20 other creatures of its choice, including food and drink. This camp will never be disturbed by random encounters, and the pc and its chosen companions gain 200' darkvision while so camping. They complete a short rest in only 10 minutes and a long rest in only 4 hours, and regain all lost hit points and Hit Dice, as well as all levels of exhaustion, after such a long rest. They are also cured of all curses, poisons, and diseases when finishing such a long rest.
So with that sort of power level in mind, what do you guys think?

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Morkus from Orkus
So yeah, as the title says- there is a chance a pc in my game will receive a boon from a deity whose portfolio involves maintaining cultural norms and resistance to change. I have some ideas, but they aren't that closely tied to the portfolio. For context, a rough equivalent from a god of archery would be their choice of:

  1. The pc gains a longbow +3 that increases their Dex and maximum Dex by 6. This bow can't be wielded by any other creature and creates an arrow on the string when drawn. The pc can also summon it from any distance or even from another plane with a bonus action. The bow can't be damaged or destroyed by anything less than an artifact or god; OR
  2. When the pc camps outdoors, they can use an action to create a full camp for themselves and up to 20 other creatures of its choice, including food and drink. This camp will never be disturbed by random encounters, and the pc and its chosen companions gain 200' darkvision while so camping. They complete a short rest in only 10 minutes and a long rest in only 4 hours, and regain all lost hit points and Hit Dice, as well as all levels of exhaustion, after such a long rest. They are also cured of all curses, poisons, and diseases when finishing such a long rest.
So with that sort of power level in mind, what do you guys think?
The target gains complete immunity to mind affecting and physical altering spells and abilities. He further gains an at-will ability to force a single target to repeat exactly what he just did in the following round. So if the target moved 30 feet straight forward and attacked with his sword, he would move 30 feet proving any possible OAs in the same direction and then attack with his sword, even if there is no target there.


When I think of "conformity", I think of the story of the Tower of Babel.

Everyone spoke the same language and said the same things. Pure conformity. Zero diversity.

God hated conformity so much, the presence of God Godself entered the world to miraculously destroy conformity.


So yeah, as the title says- there is a chance a pc in my game will receive a boon from a deity whose portfolio involves maintaining cultural norms and resistance to change. I have some ideas, but they aren't that closely tied to the portfolio. For context, a rough equivalent from a god of archery would be their choice of:

  1. The pc gains a longbow +3 that increases their Dex and maximum Dex by 6. This bow can't be wielded by any other creature and creates an arrow on the string when drawn. The pc can also summon it from any distance or even from another plane with a bonus action. The bow can't be damaged or destroyed by anything less than an artifact or god; OR
  2. When the pc camps outdoors, they can use an action to create a full camp for themselves and up to 20 other creatures of its choice, including food and drink. This camp will never be disturbed by random encounters, and the pc and its chosen companions gain 200' darkvision while so camping. They complete a short rest in only 10 minutes and a long rest in only 4 hours, and regain all lost hit points and Hit Dice, as well as all levels of exhaustion, after such a long rest. They are also cured of all curses, poisons, and diseases when finishing such a long rest.
So with that sort of power level in mind, what do you guys think?
1. +3 to save vs any unwanted form changing effect. If a creature has been polymorphed, shapechanged etc they can Touch that creature and reverse the effect. For something like Shapechange it would simply revert wizard to thier normal form and they'd be able to keep using the spell. (possibly undo things like petrification etc. ), and once per day, per person, they can reverse any ability Damage, and blindness, Deafness by Touch, and the affected person taking a long rest.

2. When fighting any enemy of society, (thieves, bandits, outlaws, rebels,or anyone else trying to gain from breaking the laws), they become immune to fear, charms, and compulsions. Furthermore they gain advantage on all attacks on such people as long as thier actions are protecting society from such people. Character radiates Fear to those that are trying to change or remove cultural norms in a 60 foot radius as per fear spell when in combat with such enemies. When not in combat the character radiates a 60' radius of shame/honor and all gain a -3/+3 to all d20 rolls depending on whether they are dishonorable(hurting culture) or Honorable (supporting the culture).

3. Any evocation, conjuration (summoning), or creation spell that is cast on the character has a 50% chance of failing. The character can dispel magically summoned or created creatures or items by touch as a full attack action. (I'd say physical walls, (not force), any item or creature summoned from another plane, basically anything physical or alive, that is not part of reality as created by the gods. )


Boon or Unchanging:
Immune to ALL transmutation effects.
When you hit something, or use an action to touch it, you end any transmutation effect on the target.

I too am along the lines of charm/immunity to charms. Zone of Truth, Detect Lie, and divination type abilities (detect chaotic, predict weather, etc)

For combat, I would see things along the lines of paralyzing attacks or weapon abilities. This would be something like a +3 weapon that paralyzes on hit Con save DC18, duration 10 minutes no ongoing saves. Or a wand with a cone of paralyzation, 3/day, effect as the weapon.

Could also do something like hypnotic pattern but more powerful with a longer lasting effect.

Voidrunner's Codex

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