Bounty Hunters Wanted!




Are you bored in the chat room, looking for something fun? I have the job for you. I'm looking for Bounty Hunters! The ISRP Area now has created a new way to do the bounties so that patrons can participate more.

If you are interested, write me a note by clicking here and send me the following information:

  1. Character Name on site:
  2. Times you are on site (please show day and time as shown on site [use /time on site to show how it reflects your online time])
  3. Email address you can be contacted at: (Must be valid)

  1. I will construct a list of those wanting to be Bounty Hunters and then I will write you with instructions on what needs to be done as bounty hunters. Bear in mind the following:

    • Bounty Hunters must agree to ask the "villian" for permission to attempt to take them in
    • All attempts at collecting the bounties must be within the CoC.

    • If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


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