-The man that is Mac, moves to the boards scanning over al the bits and pieces, a sigh coming from his ips at the bounty offer, he turns and walks away, emerging once again a short while after tackin up a small note of his own. The note written in a well trained hand.-
Sir Vendree
No matter how rude this man is to the ladies there will always be people like him, there wil always be somone out to love all the women and kill and the man, eliminating all compition so his can have his easy pickings, or so he thinks.
I can be sure there are others out there who are with you in wanting this man dead, but honestly my good sir, people need more the just the name Harlock! More details are needed then what has been given, such a small mistake could cost the ife of a good innocent person, nothing like the one you're after. Hire a painter to paint a portrait.. Give a sirname perhaps. I know who you are after personally, I've seen him in action so to speak, but I will not do your dirty work.
Give more and more will be given in return.
-The note is signed with an elegant signaature.-
Den'Mac Coban.