Boycott Kickstarter

I would support you, OP, if Kickstarter decides to do WotC's dirty work by kicking all projects off the platform that purport to continue using OGL 1.0(a) or that WotC asserts are infringing on their copyright.

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We will hopefully have some clarity on this soon. If Kickstarter prohibits 1.0 OGL projects or takes down other non-OGL Kickstarters at WOTC's request that would have been OGL in the past, I hope more people are amenable to this idea.

As a corporate partner, Kickstarter being aware of this now might put some pressure on WOTC to rethink their next move.

This is stupid, boycott the very people who allowed Sands of Doom, Dobbers and Code Warriors to reach a goal? Yeah why don't you boycott a local coffee shop who isn't Starbucks and tell me you made things better. No you didn't, Kickstarter never had any legal way to save the OGL, but they did try to help their people.

Utterly ridiculous, in fact it is Disgraceful, disgusting and despicable. Would you boycott a toy and game seller who had the mind of keeping things the right way, no bull crap literally has the word Unrevocable in bold on any contract that gave a 50/50 terms and will let you use their systems without much more than a fair and square deal?

If you would please never buy from DTC. You'll know what those initials mean soon enough.

I'm with everybody else. This is going much too far afield. Boycotting Hasbro, sure, I'm on board. I could also see boycotting their licensed tie-ins; but targeting entire companies just for having made a deal with Hasbro is excessive. I'll skip the D&D movie, but I'm not going to swear off Paramount.

If Kickstarter begins actively cooperating with Wizards in this "de-authorization" nonsense, that would be different.

Does DTC have an editor?
Yeah me,
It's the abbreviation of the toy and independent comic company I plan to build, it may seem unprofessional but I will do it through Patreon and YouTube. I am basically doing a modern A.C. Gilbert, the inventor of the Erector set and the Man Who Saved Christmas " look up that movie staring Jason Alexander any time of year it is ok to watch as it focuses more on standing up for your principles and treating your demographic with respect!

"It's a sad man who doesn't take care of those who made him a success."

Which Hasbro and Mattel threw away a long time ago.

We will hopefully have some clarity on this soon. If Kickstarter prohibits 1.0 OGL projects or takes down other non-OGL Kickstarters at WOTC's request that would have been OGL in the past, I hope more people are amenable to this idea.

As a corporate partner, Kickstarter being aware of this now might put some pressure on WOTC to rethink their next move.
Well 1, I don't think that kickstarter is a big enough entity to put a lot of pressure on WOTC one way or the other. 2, boycotting KS also hurts all the other non-ogl impacted creators negatively. If you cut KS out then that limits the avenue that small creators have of funding their projects. 3, WOTC would likely take the loss of KS created content as beneficial since there's less competition.

I don't relish KS deciding to take a pro-wotc stance and prohibiting 1.0 OGL projects (if they even do), but the call to boycott them seems exceedingly premature.

Well 1, I don't think that kickstarter is a big enough entity to put a lot of pressure on WOTC one way or the other. 2, boycotting KS also hurts all the other non-ogl impacted creators negatively. If you cut KS out then that limits the avenue that small creators have of funding their projects. 3, WOTC would likely take the loss of KS created content as beneficial since there's less competition.

I don't relish KS deciding to take a pro-wotc stance and prohibiting 1.0 OGL projects (if they even do), but the call to boycott them seems exceedingly premature.
A great example, Nerdburger Games. They just released a game that was crowd funded Code Warriors, they use their own system not 5E, D20 or 3.5. And this game is one I am particularly interested in as it has a under used setting "Cyberspace" like Tron or ReBoot.

I fully plan to use it to make a ReBoot campaign setting though it will be FTA, since A it is not my Game System but more of the TT version of a rom hack and two I am not connected to whoever owns and messed up ReBoot with "The Guardian Code". But without Kickstarter it wouldn't exist, and neither would the TOME RPG or Shantae.

Boycotting Kickstarter is hurting the good, not the bad. Remember it is a platform, just as is Etsy, Patreon, and YouTube. The only other platform even remotely similar is Fivr and that is far smaller is scope, more like a Commission Flea Market.

Get it right Hasbro is to be Boycotted on any DnD stuff, Star Wars, and the Exclusive Crowd funding junk like Jaba's Sail barge. I sadly can't say I fully boycott them, I am a Power Rangers and Transformers collector. Though I tend to go third party with Super 7 on the Power Rangers stuff.

But anything they make at a ridiculous price (a 6 in action figure better be made of Gold for 20 bucks) is slag and yes I do use it in speech, it is Webster's Dictionary "waste resulting from the refining of metal" so don't tell me it is a foul word.

Why would I, as a consumer, boycott Kickstarter? If creators want to do so, that's up to them. There are other options.

Why would I, as a consumer, boycott Kickstarter? If creators want to do so, that's up to them. There are other options.
As human beings, we are sometimes, right or wrong, discontent with things. Sometimes, we take a deep breath and step back for a moment to analyse the situation. The benefit of this approach is that has a much higher chance of leading to a helpful (definition left deliberately vague) avenue to express that discontent. Sometimes, though, we act before fully understanding the why and the what of the source of our upset. We act on the initial guttural and emotional impact the upset has on us. The result of not considering the nuances of what we are upset about, whether we are right or wrong to be upset, and/or failing to consider the consequences, can result in unfortunate circumstances for us or others.

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