BrOp's Age of Worms Adventure Path (OOC)

Sounds good, though a PC call might be good, I think having someone take him over is better than replacing.

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Bront said:
Sounds good, though a PC call might be good, I think having someone take him over is better than replacing.
The only problem with that is that I've encountered that most people would rather play their own character rather than taking over someone else's. For story cohesion, it's better if they're taken over, of course.

Well, you can always ask. One game I'm in the player took over a character with the intent of later replacing him, and grew to like the character too much. Besides, it's a 1st level character, so if need be, you can probably let him alter the character a little without much problem.

Branding Opportunity said:
P.S.: I've also decided to start NPCing lotuseater's character, if that's okay with everyone. If that doesn't work out, we can always send a call out to another player wanting to play a divine spellcaster of some flavor.
Since it seems lotuseater won't return, that's fine by me.

Branding Opportunity said:
Well, you can also brace the rope yourself and help everyone up (with a DC 5 Climb check).

The living ones, at least. Warforged are quite heavy, but I´d think that several ofus shouldn´t have any problem with them.

I assume we all can make a DC 5 climb check taking 10, so we can eexplore the corridor.

Ah sorry dont know how I missed that one. Its a chain shirt and thats a -2 acp. though it is actually taken into account on all the applicable skills.

Well, I´m out of ideas. This last corridor is obviously also a trap, and that leaves us nowhere to go, unless the crushinator isn´t a trap but a real elevator. But I have no idea of how to make it work, then. Unless you have to "call" it with the lamp extinguished, light the lamp and then move into. I think it´s the only thing we´ve left to try.

Someone said:
Well, I´m out of ideas. This last corridor is obviously also a trap, and that leaves us nowhere to go, unless the crushinator isn´t a trap but a real elevator. But I have no idea of how to make it work, then. Unless you have to "call" it with the lamp extinguished, light the lamp and then move into. I think it´s the only thing we´ve left to try.
Does it possibly being a trap preclude it from also being a door? Hmmmm ... ;)

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