D&D General Bruce Heard wraps up the World of Calidar

The voyage of the Star Phoenix comes to an end as TSR alum calls it a day.


After ten years of work, famed TSR alumni Bruce Heard has announced there will be no future releases for his World of Calidar D&D-compatible setting.

The World of Calidar was inspired by Heard's series of articles in Dragon Magazine, Voyage of the Princess Ark in the 1990s, which also expanded on the world of Mystara. Under his label Calidar Pubishing, over two dozen titles were released between 2017 and 2023. The setting tells the story of the skyship Star Phoenix and describes the world itself.

Given the limited sales of the last series, I can't find the energy to launch another. These books represent a major amount of work, and I'm not getting any younger. It's a heartbreaking decision, but in the face of the apparent lack of activity after the latest Kickstarter and little or no ensuing feedback, I'm not comfortable pursuing the Calidar project.

Calidar's latest Kickstarter was in 2021 and raised $22,000.

It's a great shame, but it appears he was unable to build a reasonable audience for the setting. Bruce's heart has always been with Mystara, so I'm now hoping WOTC will open up the DMs Guild to Mystara content at some point.

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M.T. Black

M.T. Black


After ten years of work, famed TSR alumni Bruce Heard has announced there will be no future releases for his World of Calidar D&D-compatible setting. (source)

It's a great shame, but it appears he was unable to build a reasonable audience for the setting. Bruce's heart has always been with Mystara, so I'm now hoping WOTC will open up the DMs Guild to Mystara content at some point.
Wonder why norton flags your link as a "known" dangerous website.


Front Range Warlock
False positive are generally less annoying than false negatives.

It really depends on the frequency and needs of the operating environment. Norton would often "break" instances of other essential software by quarantining or auto-deleting files needed for everyday functionality. My employers eventually hired software engineers to deploy a customized instance of Norton that did not come with the many issues of off-the-shelf Norton.


Front Range Warlock
I bought a lot of the early Calidar stuff, but sadly didn't keep up with it (nobody I knew had any interest in the setting, so it was never going to see play at my table). :(
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He asked WOT

Sadly when he approaches WOTC at the start of the guild to make new Mystara books they were apparently less than diplomatic with their reply.
Yeah, I'd heard about that. It was a real shame because he wrote some great stuff back in the day. Mystara continues to be one of my favourite DnD settings.

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